Testimonial written by: Jesse Abbruzzese I started the paleo diet after reading an article by a crossfit guy that was titled “How Grains are Killing You”. The title caught my attention. Before I knew it, I had an understanding of lectins. With every article, I dove into new topics. Robb Wolf’s site was instrumental in… Continue Reading
Posts Categorized Under
Recent Digestion (UC, IBS, GERD, Celiac) Posts
Testimonial: I Feel Tremendous
Testimonial written by: Kimmi G. Thank you Robb! I am already 20 days into my new way of looking at food and I feel tremendous. My workouts and my sleep have improved significantly. Coming from a family with a few celiac’s and a handful of extreme gluten and/or dairy intolerance issues, I have spent… Continue Reading
Testimonial: What sold me?
Testimonial written by: Kim Hi Robb – I found you via reading Go Wild, and now I’m following your posts after reading the The Paleo Solution. Thank you. no, THANK YOU! Today’s follow-up to the on-going “Paleo is too expensive” has me itching to share that as a self-supporting single mom with three school… Continue Reading
Testimonial – IBS: Mystery Solved
Testimonial written by: Andrew In my mid 20s I suffered unexplained bouts of gut problems after a night on the town or just my home cooking. I blamed this on hangovers and my uni student grade of cooking packet pasta. Over the years these episodes became more pronounced and frequent. By the time I… Continue Reading
Testimonial: Wrestling Ulcerative Colitis Into Submission
Testimonial written by: Kate Lawrence I spent twenty-three years trying to wrestle my autoimmune disease into submission. The paleo diet finally helped me to conquer it. When I was seven years old I was admitted into the hospital for a week with crippling stomach pains and other symptoms that I luckily have very little memory… Continue Reading
Testimonial – A Happy Gut For The First Time
Testimonial written by: Ellen S. I am a 65 year-old woman. Since the age of seven, I have suffered with what the doctors at that time diagnosed “spastic colon” but which today I think would probably be called “Irritable Bowel Syndrome” or IBS. You know the story: chronic gas, bloating, diarrhea. Because of this,… Continue Reading
Testimonial: PCOS, Celiac, and Just Plain Fat!
Testimonial written by: Amy At 5 feet 1 inch tall, I’m lucky to have been born with the ability to hide my weight well. In high school I was on the varsity gymnastics team for 2 years which required 2 weeks of hard conditioning prior to the season starting, and then 2 hours a… Continue Reading
Testimonial: More Than Just A “Diet Fad”
Testimonial written by: Kipper H. Robb, I took your Paleo challenge beginning in April when a client of mine recommended your book. Your book seemed more than just a “diet fad” book, focusing on diet, exercise, sleep and reduced stress. As a marriage and family therapist, such a systemic perspective resonates soundly with me… Continue Reading
Testimonial: Ulcerative Colitis In Remission With A Paleo Diet
Testimonial written by: Laura Scaviola Born into an Italian-American family, it was inevitable that I fall in love with food. Fresh mozzarella, homemade pasta, and a crusty piece of Italian bread were components of an average meal. But my passion for food was not limited to Italian cuisine. I used to pride myself on my… Continue Reading
Thank You For Helping Me Become Healthy Again
Testimonial written by: Eva Dear Robb, In the summer of 2012 I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. My health had been declining for years and I had been trying all sorts of things to get healthier again, but nothing seemed to work. After my diagnosis I bought a copy of your book The Paleo Solution… Continue Reading
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