Testimonial written by: Kim
Hi Robb –
I found you via reading Go Wild, and now I’m following your posts after reading the The Paleo Solution. Thank you. no, THANK YOU!
Today’s follow-up to the on-going “Paleo is too expensive” has me itching to share that as a self-supporting single mom with three school age kids, I am THRILLED to be heading toward a better life due to shifts made after reading your book.
I agree, folks who complain about this or that obstacle would find excuses for ANYthing. It was EASY to clean out the cupboards and give away to Food Bank. It’s been a delight to cut costs by not buying bread, granola, candy, cereal, rice, beans, etc etc. No, I can’t afford grass fed meats or organic product, but not eating “crap” seems like the bigger picture to focus on and be grateful for.
What sold me? Waking up ONE day after stopping grains/sugar and feeling different. It took a few more days to realize the usual routine of shuffling to the bathroom to put Visine in my red eyes then licking my cracked, dry lips wasn’t happening! No more red eyes, no more dryness. I don’t remember reading about it in your book, but add those to the list of “processed food consumption symptoms.”
What’s more? Prior to eating Paleo I would feel full after a meal with my stomach actually looking “full” – read Bloated. I thought that was Normal! Now, I feel satisfied after eating a meal, and my core remains tight and comfortable, never bloated! Gas? Gone. My kids? There’s a lot more even-tempered attitudes with two meals a day Paleo (they eat school lunches mon-fri). Sold.
Keep spreading the word – with joy,
Very inspiring story. I still have trouble with keeping my diet paleo, but I think it’s going in the good direction. Thanks for this, sometimes people just need to read something like this.
I have celiac and DH rash breakouts, blood disorders, oral liken planus, two knee replacements, two large bulging disc in my neck replaced, fibromyalgia, degenerate ostioarthritus… choking issues dilated throat three times… ( I know I’m moving something out ) so I am looking forward to eating healthy following Paleo autoimmune. I just took some embarrassing pics to use as my “before” pictures.
I appreciate all the info you share.
Can you have the odd Vodka and Soda in the first 1 to 2 months? I really don’t drink much but find it very antisocial
for my husband to lose his Lockdown playmate at the weekends!
Coffee – caf or decaf? Is it inflammatory as it is a bean (or seed, or fruit?!). Doesn’t caffeine effect Cortisol and Insulin levels?
Thank you thank you!
This will kind of depend on where you’re starting from and why you’re doing it.
Autoimmune disease and trying to be very strict to see if you can get some turnaround? Then ditch the alcohol completely.
If just trying to be generally healthy but don’t have overt issues, then a drink on occasion might be okay and can be something to play around and experiment with.
Coffee, caf or decaf, really depends on the person, how they handle caffeine, and what kind of stress they have and sleep they’re getting. Getting decent sleep and not too stressed and having a coffee in the morning? Then caf might be fine if you do well with it. If not, then maybe try decaf and see if that works better for you.