Testimonial written by: Kimmi G.
Thank you Robb!
I am already 20 days into my new way of looking at food and I feel tremendous. My workouts and my sleep have improved significantly.
Coming from a family with a few celiac’s and a handful of extreme gluten and/or dairy intolerance issues, I have spent many years with the delusion that I somehow escaped those genes. Then mid 40’s came out of nowhere, I started to notice stomach issues, aches and pains and bloating along with an extra 10 pounds that wouldn’t go away no matter how hard I worked out. After reading your book I skeptically decided to try a new way of looking at the food I ate. I jumped in with both feet, threw away all the bad/nonfood, restocked my refrigerator and even ordered ¼ side of grass feed beef. The first week was rough, but I stayed with it, I feel amazing! I don’t remember the last time I have felt this good. I have lost 7 lbs, 5% body fat and dropped a size (this was not a goal, but it is pretty freakin’ fantastic seeing bathing suit time is here). The most important thing is that the bloating and stomach problems I have been experiencing over the last few years are completely gone.
I will admit there are a few things that I miss…. Gouda with my wine and peanuts with my beer… Truth be told, I don’t miss them that much, it is nothing compared to the healthy feeling I have now. I am looking forward to the email series, so that I am better informed to help others. Thank you again!
Just wanting to improve my health loose weight