Testimonial written by: Kipper H.
I took your Paleo challenge beginning in April when a client of mine recommended your book. Your book seemed more than just a “diet fad” book, focusing on diet, exercise, sleep and reduced stress. As a marriage and family therapist, such a systemic perspective resonates soundly with me and so I decided to put your advice to the test.
Two and a half months later I am down 20 pounds (yes, I realize the poundage is not as significant as the waist line), have dropped more than an inch from around my midsection (which honestly was starting to look like a fat-bottom section), am up to five miles consistently running and 12 pullups with more on the way, and am averaging 8-9 hours sleep nightly. Moreover, despite having been diagnosed with IBS when I was younger, and struggling with a rather craptacular case of diarrhetic responses to food in general, I am thrilled to report that my poo has never looked better (yeah, I said that).
Most notably, my stress level has decreased significantly, due to deliberate efforts as well as natural consequences of this ongoing lifestyle change. Admittedly, I still become a little agitated by my friends who marvel at my change, inquire as to my masterful strategy (I do give credit where credit is due, sir), and still manage to dismiss the process as a grandiose conspiracy theory bent on defaming the American Medical Association for its promotion of daily intake of grains and legumes. But I am also learning to dismiss their dismissal as their issue rather than mine.
I would like to thank you for directing me to restoration of my health. Having completed 42 solar revolutions it seems as if my life is just getting started and I am looking forward to the variety of adventures ahead of me due to a simple and relatively painless change in lifestyle.
“…a grandiose conspiracy theory bent on defaming the American Medical Association for its promotion of daily intake of grains and legumes.”
By far the best description of paleo I have ever read.