Testimonial written by: Laura Scaviola
Born into an Italian-American family, it was inevitable that I fall in love with food. Fresh mozzarella, homemade pasta, and a crusty piece of Italian bread were components of an average meal. But my passion for food was not limited to Italian cuisine. I used to pride myself on my pie eating and twinkie eating contests. Then there was that one week I ate nachos for dinner seven days straight. And I could drink craft beer like a disturbingly large German man.
I thought I had an iron stomach. That was, until March 2013.
One Saturday evening I decided I needed to go to the ER for dehydration and some other alarmingly unattractive digestive symptoms. A grueling week later and a few tests a 25 year old should never have to endure, I finally had a colonoscopy and my gastroenterologist diagnosed me with severe Ulcerative Colitis (pancolitis).
As soon as I woke up from anesthesia my doctor informed me I had a lifelong autoimmune disease. My colon was basically attacking itself, creating ulcers, and making it impossible for me to function properly. After giving me a diagnosis I asked my doctor a question that would change my life.
“Is there anything I should be eating or avoid eating to help aid this disease?”
His response was that there is no scientific proof that link the two but, and I quote, “I’ve had a patient of mine go into remission on the paleo diet”.
Hospital bracelet still on my wrist and groggy from the anesthesia, my amazingly supportive mother drove me to the grocery store. We bought Paleo food and removed all grains, dairy, gluten, legumes, and sugar from my apartment.
My gastroenterologist now has two patients who have gone into remission on the Paleo Diet.
I’ve also recently started Crossfit to take my health to a whole new level. Paleo gives me the energy and drive to get through a workout. Results appear FAST when you eat clean.
My skin developed a glow. It also cleared up my Granuloma Annulare (an autoimmune skin condition) that I have had on my arm for 14 years.
My everlasting lower belly fat disappeared.
My nails rarely break and are very strong.
My hair got shiner and grew longer.
A friend also commented on how white and bright my eyes looked.
I can think clearly and my mood is almost always positive.
Paleo also gave me more energy which has brought me to join CrossFit.
Most importantly, my Ulcerative Colitis symptoms were tamed. My flare up got into remission with the help of medication, but stayed in remission because of my paleo lifestyle. Paleo keeps my Ulcerative Colitis from restricting my life. My restart button is no longer to run straight to the doctor; it’s to cook some bone broth and troubleshoot my digestion with nutrients and paleo food.
Once I figured this out I was able to really change my lifestyle to a more comfortable one. I hope to inspire others with gastrointestinal issues or Crohn’s and Colitis that the paleo diet can help them too. I even recently started a blog mangiapaleo.com to help spread awareness of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and eating clean.
I just forwarded this to a friend who is in his second month of Paleo eating, has lost 14 pounds, and says he will never go back to grains. He’s trying to convince his sister, just diagnosed with IBS, to try Paleo… I’ll bet this will help!! Thanks.
Great inspirational post! You look so much younger after switching to paleo. I will change myself, I did a lot of research and your post was the best to convince me in it. Thank you!
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Reading this has gave us hope. My son who is 12 will be going on this diet with me. He has Chrons Disease and Id give anything for him to not have to sit for 2 hours every six weeks Getting his IV infusion. I cant wait going shoping today.
Keep us posted.
Please correct the misleading statement above.
At the end of this otherwise decent article, Laura is quoted as saying that she started a blog to “help spread awareness of Irritable Bowel Diseases and eating clean.” Irritable Bowel SYNDROME (IBS) is different and distinct from Inflammatory Bowel DISEASE (IBD), though people with IBD often also have IBS and both can benefit from clean eating.
IBD describes both Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis. These are diseases with clearly identifiable anatomic changes (changes to the lining of the colon, in the case of UC).
IBS is a syndrome. A syndrome is defined as a collection of signs and symptoms known to frequently appear together but without a known cause.
A disease is a morbid entity characterized usually by at least two of these criteria:
1. Recognized etiologic agent (cause)
2. Identifiable group of signs and symptoms
3. Consistent anatomic alterations
IBS is a bunch of (often unpleasant) symptoms that appear together. Not minimizing the suffering of people who have it, but it’s not IBD. Crohn’s and UC are autoimmune diseases that often affect the entire body. IBD is characterized but structural intestinal abnormality. In other words, you can be tested and diagnosed with IBD. You cannot be diagnosed with IBS on the basis of anything other than having a group of symptoms.
Nothing more frustrating for someone with IBD to have it mixed up with IBS, e.g.
“I have iBD.”
“Oh yeah, my cousin/sister/friend had that. It only happens when they’re stressed. Maybe you should meditate.”
*face palm*
Well said Jess. I hate when folks confuse IBS with IBD. I have UC and after several years of remission UC decided to come back. I’m trying to figure out if I have a new food in my diet that may be causing a come back. Hard to say until I can get it to quiet down.
Just wanted to know what medication you used that helped you get in to remission?
Thanks, hope all is still well.