Hey folks!
I want to let you know about a fantastic program put together by The Paleo Mom (Sarah Ballantyne) and her team called “the Paleo Family Toolkit.” This is a group collaboration between myself, Mark Sisson, Liz Wolfe, Danielle Walker and number of other people in the Ancestral Health movement. This is a “soup to nuts” offering that can help your whole family eat better while having fun and spending quality time together. Whether you’re a parent, a teen, a college student or anywhere in between, this collection of resources will have something relevant to your life. Experienced paleo parents and newcomers alike will pick up tips from these incredible materials. The Paleo Family Toolkit is quite simply the best resource on the planet for paleo families!
What you get
I’ll just hit a few of the highlights of what you get with the program:
-More than 40 e-books
-12 interviews with experts on how to feed the family paleo
-Tons of free resources + over 50 coupons and discounts on awesome products and services
Also, in addition to the instant download, your toolkit will come with a USB flash drive backup preloaded with the entire toolkit and mailed to your home for no additional charge, so you can keep your resources forever!
This offer is only available through Monday, May 9th, so be sure to check it out now!
Can I eat peanuts and peanut butter and balsamic vinegar on the Paleo Diet?
So long as no peanut allergy, good to go. think about this less as a list of religious rules and more as guidelines to keep you out of trouble.
I was interested in the Paleofamily toolkit but I’m late I just ordered your book off amazon, so I’m late to the party. Will this be available again or something similar. I just need something tangible for guidance. Thanks Will
I am new to paleo and am researching as much as I can before embarking on trying the diet.
I first came across this by finding Dr.Loren Cordain. I am now getting confused by what seem to be a variety of adaptations by different people i.e. the use of butter, chocolate, salt, honey, etc.
I am not sure what I should believe, or should I just stick with Dr JC.
Thanks for reading.
BTW, I am in England.
You bring such a big value to the community.
Thank you and keep it up!