That’s right folks, Sacred Cow has officially released!
If you don’t already have a copy, go ahead and grab one ASAP. You can find a list of retailers here (though some are already sold out):
If you want to learn more about regenerative agriculture and the case for better meat, we put together a list of the podcasts and articles that Robb and Diana have been featured on for the book (it will be updated as more release):
Robb and Diana
Kelly Levesque – Be Well By Kelly Podcast
Fundamental Health with Paul Saladino, MD
Diana only
The Live Great Lifestyle Podcast
The Natural State with Dr. Anthony Gustin
A Millennial’s Guide to Saving the World
Robb only
ARTICLES/PRESS – links for book press
The Telegraph: Why eating meat is good for your health… and the planet
Lad Bible: Ex-Vegan Argues We Should Be Eating Better Meat And More Offal
Diet Doctor: New book: well-raised meat is good for you, animals, and the planet
I’ve heard Robb on a couple of the podcasts I follow and he and Diana have a very good story to tell.
My question is, beef is only part of the main protein source story. Chicken and pig provide the “lions share” of the protein at least in the US. Can we have a conversation about beef and leave out the others? Eggs are following but first I think a good discussion of chickens and hogs should be up next.