“In Defense of Fat” – A New Documentary on Obesity, Nutrition and the Politics of Health
I am pleased to announce my participation in a new documentary titled “In Defense of Fat: Rethinking the Bad Science Eating at America’s Health.” Created by Kennon Hulett of Falling Whale Films, this documentary will bring together many of the most respected scientists, nutritionists, trainers and authors in the Paleo and Ancestral Health communities to speak about the complex relationship between evolutionary history and the science and politics of nutrition and help.
Today is a big day for “In Defense of Fat.” Kennon is launching a Kickstarter campaign to finance interviews and, maybe even the whole film. Check out the link here.
To learn more about the project and how you can support it, you can visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/indefenseoffat. This documentary is a great way to share information about the Paleo lifestyle, Ancestral Health, and change the way this country talks about obesity. If you were disappointed by HBO’s Weight of the Nation, this is an opportunity to set the story straight.
Maybe the narrator shouldn’t have been so…overweight?
perhaps an opportunity for a behind the scenes transformation?
Yeah….not judging her, but it kind of undermines the project and the message.
Super excited about this project though! Maybe a lot of people will see it and not everyone will give me looks as if I’m an alien when I try to explain that fat isn’t bad but grains (yes, gasp! even whole grains) are. 🙂
why is she obese though?
And what is the public response to the “In Search of the Perfect Human Diet” documentary? I’ve bought it on DVD, watched it, liked it, showed to some of my friends. But I knew all this stuff, the movie was not really for me.
I guess my question is: was the other film noticed by a broader audience? Is there any chance this new one would?
your picture- is that a spliff your holding?
That’s probably very true since people don’t seem to understand the difference between science and drivel and the audience will likely be small but saving one person makes it worthwhile and sooner or later I’d like to believe the truth will set us free.
Robb, When does the documentary come out?
They are just in the funding stage…quite awhile out id suspect.
I think that every time something else like this is produced it is a step in the right direction. While I continue to see more and more evidence of paleo every day I think we are far from a tipping point that will push it main stream. Every little bit helps!
Im very far from being a fat-acceptance movement person, but who gives a crap what the person looks like who’s involved in making the documentary.
One of the leading obesity researchers at my university is also pretty overweight, does that mean we should discredit all of her findings? methinks not.
if shes hanging with Robb Wolf, she wont be fat for long.
unfortunately if your talking abut how to be healthy, or fit, you gotta show that you are. if the narrator is fat, and claims to be following this, many will wonder if the fit people are genetically gifted or fit for some other reason.
her getting thinner and thinner throughout the movie would really drive the point in.
Haha. Ya, I know how to be lean and healthy but I choose to be obese and uncomfortable everyday because its funner! lol
Many of us who are still obese are desperately trying to help our obese friends and family understand that they don’t have to be! We know how hard it is to live as an overweight person (none of us decided to be fat, it was just a consequence of poor decisions). As a result, I’d much rather listen to a fat person who’s having good results in their own life tell me what to do than a skinny person who’s never had to deal with being fat.
Besides, what she’s saying is not wrong.
(Unfortunately, the people who really need to see a video like this will take one look at her being overweight – unless she starts off with how Paleo’s helped her become healthier so far – and probably write it off. But I still support and applaud her efforts!)
Also maybe a lot of people are obese not just from poor decisions but more of lack of education.