By: CJ Hunt
Producer of the #1 Film, The Perfect Human Diet
If you are in tune with the Paleo, Keto, and Ethical Omnivore camps, you are likely aware that animal foods and their production are under constant attack from films like Forks Over Knives, Cowspiracy and What The Health.
These films falsely claim that the production and consumption of healthy animal foods are destroying our health and our environment. They inaccurately and irresponsibly declare that animal foods are the #1 enemy —painting a doomsday scenario if these foods are not eliminated.
This propaganda-driven “truth” is reinforced by a stream of new anti-animal food films financed by Silicon Valley, crowdfunding, and vegan celebrities who actively engage in promoting these films with an evangelical zeal.
Even though these filmmakers’ claims don’t stand up to scrutiny1, and the inaccuracies are continually exposed, these films continue to win over the hearts and minds of the public, the mainstream media, and government policymakers. These deceptive films inspire an unquestioned faith that veganism and a “plant-based diet” are the only way to save our health and our planet.
This fallacy is rapidly growing into a mainstream belief with no equal push-back to dispel these lies and set the facts straight.
1 For example: ‘What the Health’ review: health claims backed by no solid evidence by Nina Teicholz
BIG HOLLYWOOD Enters the arena
We are used to seeing Leo DiCaprio and Joaquin Phoenix as celebrity names linked to advocacy films like this, but now some celebrity big guns have entered the arena.
Making the rounds at the top International film festivals is the vegan advocacy film The Game Changers from executive producer James Cameron (Avatar and Titanic). It’s directed by Louie Psihoyos, the Oscar winning director of The Cove, featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger.
THE GAME CHANGERS is Vegan Propaganda on Steroids
The Game Changers promotes itself as a shocking exposé of “The world’s most dangerous myth: that meat is necessary for protein, strength and optimal health.”
The big guns don’t stop with this unproven declaration. Similar to other vegan films, this film claims that animal consumption is destroying our health and the planet1, while also adding a new fictitious declaration – that animal foods negatively affect mens sexual performance.
Major media is already buying in. Sports Illustrated says: “It’s a new era for veganism.” Vogue Magazine: “A Shocking New Documentary Will Change the Way You Look at Meat.” Unfortunately, the list of vegan-positive media articles continue to grow.
As you would expect, the believers are cheering wildly about this new Hollywood pro-vegan film and aggressively sharing it online, even though few people have actually seen it. This film is Vegan Propaganda on Steroids.
Don’t let these INACCURATE films GO unchallenged
Our ethical and sustainable-forward communities know that these films are undermining the health of millions. These films are rapidly becoming a real threat to our unencumbered access to healthy animal foods and better quality meat. The lies propagated by these films are effecting government regulations, restrictions, and taxation – to list a few.
When I said that the Hollywood vegans are back to kill animal foods, I wasn’t kidding. They make no secret of their position and they are relentlessly aggressive in promoting it everywhere they can.
There are many more vegan films in the pipeline. Like commercial advertising, these propaganda films will only increase the false belief that meat and animal foods are the enemy.
As Robb Wolf said to me, “We can no longer leave these films unchallenged.”
Its time for – THE PERFECT HUMAN DIET 2: Dispelling The Lies
“There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.” —Denis Waitley
As a journalist and filmmaker, the call to action is clear. Now is the time to set the story straight with our own feature-length film exposing the outrageous deceptions surrounding health, sustainability and the environment. Our community needs to rally behind the production of a major, investigative film in order to dispel the myriad of lies propagated by films such as: What The Health, Cowspiracy and The Game Changers.
“It’s more a story of Politics than Science” – Nina Teicholz
Our film needs to accomplish what only a journalistic investigative documentary can do — unearth the covert political story that is keeping the world from the truth about the positive effect of animal foods on human health, sustainability and the overall health of our planet.
Then the film must be presented to the world on the same playing field as these vegan films — MAJOR MOVIE THEATERS. This is essential because a full week’s run with multiple showings a day in a major movie theater is required before the major film reviewers and mainstream media will see it.
All of us understand that a big project like this doesn’t happen on its own. A film at this level needs enough funding in order to hire a professional crew, cinematographers, and other elements of production and post-production (e.g., editing, sound, music, pick up filming, etc.)
I wrote, produced and hosted the #1 Top-Selling Documentary and #1 Top-Selling Independent Film on iTunes USA and Canada, The Perfect Human Diet. It also hit #1 Documentary on Amazon and broke into the Top-10 of All Movies in iTunes (USA) alongside major Hollywood blockbusters. Returning to the Top-10 Documentary list 7 times in the last 5 years…it is now distributed worldwide and subtitled in 12 languages.
I founded Seize The Day Media Inc. – a new 501(c)3 film and media organization which is dedicated to give back to society as its purpose and mission.
As a 501(c)3 non-profit, all of our annual financial reports filed with the IRS become available to you online.
- Community: 140 + contributors just like you from many countries at all donation levels have contributed for the films production, currently a total of $173,285.
- Clovis has enthusiastically stepped up as a Sustaining Sponsor donating $50,000.
- Google Ad Grants has awarded us a Google Grants Award of $10,000 a month free in-kind advertising*.
- Paleovalley pledged $2,500.
- Experts: There are a number of recognizable names that believe in me and the film. All have contributed at least $1000 (or more). Chris Kresser, Dr. Ann Childers, Robb Wolf, Drs Mike and Mary Dan Eades, Nora Gedgaudes, Amy Berger, Dr. Jeff Gerber, Dr. Daria Schooler, Justin and Charlie Nault, Dr Lane Sebring , CJ Hunt (me) Clovis and Paleovalley.
You can help protect and increase the unencumbered access to healthy animal foods and better-quality meat for everyone. You will help reveal the covert political story that is suppressing the truth about the positive effects of animal foods on human health, sustainability and the planet.
And you can be directly responsible for helping save countless lives!
I’m excited to tell you that thanks to the first phase of contributions by our community, I am in active production and shooting interviews. To date, a bit over half of the minimum needed for the actual hard costs of production and post-production has been contributed, $173,285.
My immediate goal is to raise at least $75,000 by July 15th (6 weeks from now) to assure the completion of primary subject matter experts interviews, and initiate post-production. Given the worldwide reach of our Paleo and Ancestral Health communities…we can accomplish this mission together.
*(May 25) Breaking News – a matching $100,000
As I was writing this article I received a wonderful offer in support of the film. If we raise at least $100,000 (vs $75k) by July 15 (six weeks from now) there is a special distribution deal and $100,000 on the table. This offer is very time sensitive. Post-production has to start by the end of July.
Together we can dispel the lies and show the world the truth about animal food’s positive effects on human health, sustainability and the planet — in our new feature film, The Perfect Human Diet 2: Dispelling The Lies.
“This is the opportunity for us to have an answer to films such as Cowspiracy, What The Health and Forks Over Knives. It is critically important to get both the health and sustainability story set straight”
- Robb Wolf
The Perfect Human Diet 2: Dispelling The Lies
The “official” start date for this fundraiser is Memorial Day (May 28th) — but you can contribute anytime.
If you really want to support the film, but can’t donate money – you can still make a big difference to the success of this fundraiser and the films production. Anything you can do to get the word out about the film and direct people to the crowdfunding page is invaluable. I am sincerely grateful for your help.
CJ Hunt is the writer, producer and host of the break out film hit THE PERFECT HUMAN DIET, #1 independent film, #1 documentary film, top ten movie iTunes USA/Canada and #1 Amazon VOD Jan 2013. Graduating summa cum laude in Broadcasting and Electronic Communication Arts BA Radio /TV from SFSU 2007, CJ has had a career spanning motocross racing and theme park announcer, to over 25 years in broadcasting, voice-overs, TV host, television and movie actor. CJ is also the author of three books on diet and nutrition.
*Seize The Day Media Inc. is a recipient of a Google Grants award. The Google Grants program supports registered nonprofit organizations that share Google’s philosophy of community service to help the world in areas such as science and technology, education, global public health, the environment, youth advocacy and the arts. Google Grants is an in-kind advertising program that awards free online advertising to nonprofits via Google AdWords.
Hello. Will this film take a minor look into the whole concept of celebrities virtue-signalling in general? i.e #MeToo and falsely claiming that a cast is all asian even though the crew isnt
Can you please consider making “The Perfect Human Diet 2 – Dispelling the Lies” a TV show with multiple episodes rather than a film? I honestly don’t think you can make a quality film explaining all the concepts and dispelling the lies, in 2 hrs. I think editing any info. and content you compile during this effort would be a disservice (if the quality of biochem detail in your books was anything to go by). I just watched Joe Rogan’s podcast with Chriss and James Wilks after watching “The Game Changers” and balked when Chriss couldn’t defend (amongst many other false/incorrect arguments by James) why a peanut butter sandwich was equivalent to 3 oz of beef. (There was no talk of anti-nutrients in bread or peanut or the carb. content density in grains and legumes, nor was there a discussion on the nutritional profile superiority in animal meats). I also heard on the podcast that you were invited for comment during the making of the film but were “laughed away” by James’s “expert anthropologists”. All the more reason for a detailed (just like your books or like the detail in Dr. McGuff’s Body by Science) counter in the form of a multi-episode TV show. Thank you!
Coming out of hiatus and see your thoughts. TV would be great but requires very different connections, sponsorships than an independent film…and an outlet that isn’t afraid to take on the content. Just for the record, they never reached out to me for comment. I suspect they wouldn’t have wanted to include my perspective.