Testimonial written by: Tezza
I just thought I would drop you a line explaining my Paleo experience. I am 66 years of age, had been on 2 insulin injections 3 times daily.. would go from low of 2.5 to high of 25 all in 24 hours.. absolutely diabolical. I really wanted to end it all as my life was a roller coaster of daze.
2 years ago my partner’s daughter, who was diagnosed with ms and told to expect the worst, told me I had an auto immune disease and should treat it as such. She had lost 40 kilos and the markings on her brain had stopped. I did not know her, she looked stunning, I thought a Greek goddess had joined us..so I decided to try Paleo. So in the first year I went from 106 to 78, and have settled at 80 kilos (might vary 2 kilos each way). This is the end of my second year, so I have been able to keep the weight off. I am so happy. Back to quacks.. firstly my former GP got up and walked out of the room when I told him what I was doing, left me sitting there.. so I chased him and informed him he was not the first idiot to mistake arrogance for intelligence.
To my feet.. some time back I was told I was going to lose both my feet. The tingling in both would drive me mad. But guess what, this has nothing to do with diabetes at all. I have stenosis of the spine, and the surgeon informs me this is a classic symptom which will be fixed with surgery. Just imagine if I let them remove my feet only to discover they had made a mistake..
My diet is really simple but still enjoyable. Breakfast consists of a shake of almond milk and coconut milk blended with 2 pieces of fruit, lunch (my main meal) is usually 10 veggies and meat or fish all cooked in coconut oil, for tea i might have leftovers if hungry. I try not not to eat between if I can.
I have printed 2 signs that hang on my fridge “Tezza are you going to look great and feel terrific or are you going to eat that rubbish”
If I don’t put that crap into my mouth it cant go on my gut or arse.
So my experience has been life changing and saving..my quality of life has improved dramatically and i know after surgery will be even better.
Hi Tezza – your post has given me the motivation to go back on Paleo. I have tingling in my feet in the morning when I first get up. I was thinking it was the diabetes that was the culprit. Then after reading your post, it reminded me that I had been diagnosed with spinal stenosis about 5 years ago. I had completely forgotten about it as I was having no symptoms (not thinking for a moment that it was the cause of my tingling feet) Paleo can cure a whole bunch of symptoms. I am just about to turn 65 and plan on having lots of life ahead of me. I had great results when on Paleo a few years ago, but somehow gave up. So here’s to Paleo and thank you Tezza and Robb Wolf.!!