Get your earbuds ready!! Your podcast queue is about to be 🔥 Here are some of The Healthy Rebellion members’ recent podcast recommendations… they run the gamut of topics so you can find something no matter your taste or mood. What’s your favorite podcast or genre? Listen here: “Ancestral Health and the brain. This… Continue Reading
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Recent Critical F*cking Thinking Posts
The Healthy Rebellion Manifesto
“The only way to deal with an unhealthy world is to become so absolutely healthy that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” —The Healthy Rebellion (adapted from Albert Camus) The Healthy Rebellion is a new community. A new network of like-minded people. I created The Healthy Rebellion (THR) to bring together the people… Continue Reading
The Industrial Food System
In the early 1970’s US president Richard Nixon enacted two changes that would have striking impact on future generations: Removed the US from the gold standard. This would herald the end of sound, long term economic development, and shift the whole world into a debt based system of fiat currency. Enacted an aggressive program of… Continue Reading
The Sick Care System
Sick Care System /sik ker ˈsistəm/ noun The standard westernized healthcare system. A proposed system of health care maintenance that was better informed in terms of information, yet produced remarkably poor results. The 20th century saw perhaps the greatest improvements in human health in all of history (with some notable caveats). This was due in… Continue Reading
The Information Monopolies
Google, don’t be Evil. Please. The internet era created arguably the greatest access to information and ideas that humanity has ever experienced. However, this ability to share information, tinker, and experiment, has loosened the hold that governments, corporations, and academia have on the populace at large. Recently, this freedom has become a precarious thing… The… Continue Reading
For Keto what’s more important, protein or fat?
Hey folks, Nicki and I did a video tackling one of the thorniest topics in low carb nutrition: is your protein or fat intake the most important feature of a ketogenic diet? You would not believe the vitriol and gnashing of teeth that pops up on this topic. As always, #context is a critical feature… Continue Reading
Why Won’t We Tell Diabetics the Truth?
I’m appalled constantly at the misinformation we nutrition experts are telling folks with diabetes. It’s all over the place. The “everything in moderation” mantra, and how we need to eat less meat, less fat, and more whole grains, is a pervasive theme drilled into young dietitians, and spread to the public through our dietary… Continue Reading
How Much Protein/Meat Are We Actually Eating?
In my previous post, I illustrated that the optimal intake of protein for a healthy person on a 2,000 diet is about 100 grams or so, which is nearly double the RDA. Keeping with the theme of “Are We Really Eating Too Much Meat?” I’m going to look now at how protein Americans are eating,… Continue Reading
How Much Protein Do We Really Need?
Every time I watch a documentary on global warming, the idea of cutting down on energy consumption seems to get completely glossed over and the take away is: EAT LESS MEAT. I also hear this from the health community. When I was in school to become a dietitian, the constant message was that people are EATING WAY… Continue Reading
10 Charts to Show You Why You Probably Do Have the Time and Money to Eat Real Food
Sometimes, Robb likes to remind me that I can come off as, well… not the most warm and nurturing person in the world. I admit that my passion (and sensitivity) can sometimes come off as unsympathetic, but it’s only because I actually really give a shit about things. Maybe being a nutritionist was the wrong… Continue Reading