Peas? Potatoes? Green beans? Rice? Organic/Grassfed dairy? Whey protein powder? Quest bars? Butter? Quinoa? …. Folks, it seems everyone is pretty damn confused about what is and isn’t “Paleo”. One app or website tells we’re good to go and the next gives a definitive NOPE. And the ‘Paleo’ recipes out there don’t help with sometimes… Continue Reading
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Recent Critical F*cking Thinking Posts
Should Vegan Parents be Jailed?
A couple of weeks ago, I was on a panel at Polyface Farm with some colleagues. It was part of the Food Freedom Fundraisers, a benefit for the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund. We were discussing our rights to eat the foods that we feel best nourish our family. For the most part, I… Continue Reading
“Ask Amy The RD”: But I Don’t ‘Like’ Vegetables…
Hey folks! I know my posts have been few and far between lately and there are a couple reasons for that: 1. Life – it’s busy sometimes. 2. Work – the 40 hour/week gig really cramps my style. 3. (And this one’s a biggie.) Coming up with a topic that YOU actually want/need to hear… Continue Reading