Ido Portal sent me the following email and link: My friend, Yuval Ayalon has just released his demo clip for 2007. He is a generalist in a modern circus act by Franco Dragone (from Cirque du Soleil) called ‘Le Reve’, and he has a strong interest in the ‘Equilibre’ dicipline. (handbalancing) The man is an… Continue Reading
Blood Lipid Improvements With Intermittent Fasting+Paleo Diet.
Sarena sent in some interesting numbers from some old and current blood work… They beautifully illustrate what happens when we control insulin levels and emulate our ancestral diet. Here is what Sarena sent me: This was from about a month before starting Intermittent Fasting. Just thought this may be of use to you! Oct 27,… Continue Reading
Roy Dean Brazilian Jiu-jitsu DVD
Hey Everyone! I just wanted to let folks know about Roy Dean’s latest BJJ DVD. Roy is a fantastic instructor with a sharp eye for details. If you love Jits, you will LOVE this DVD. If you ever get to train with Roy in person I can not recommend him enough. Continue Reading
Well…Nicki and I could waffle no more! This whole “gett’n married” thing has been a moving target for almost 3 years! It’s not that we have commitment avoidance…we are just clueless on the whole “planning” thing. Our cat stays alive mainly because he reminds us to feed him if that helps describe our organizational style.… Continue Reading
Sleep+Intermittent Fasting
Well…today is the first day back in the gym training folks in almost 2 weeks. We took the past 11 days off due to the holidays and upwards of 50% of my time off was spent sleeping! Left to my own devices I will sleep for 9hrs per night and I think that creeps up… Continue Reading
Ginger Chard Scramble
I mentioned in the previous post that things have been busy around NorCal S&C and that has affected not only my posting but also my food prep. Things as mundane as chopping veggies or prepping meat just feel like they take too long and I really lack the will sometimes to do much in the… Continue Reading
Intermittent Fasting-Update
Apologies for the spotty posting the past month. The gym has been very busy which is great but it has really cut into my writing time. Add some CrossFit related travel, the holidays and some other fun and things have thoroughly ground to a halt! I want to thank Shaf and Brad for sending some… Continue Reading
Get Cooking!
Here is a link to our forthcoming DVD. This DVD covers the BASICS of shopping, cooking and eating in a time efficient, paleo friendly manner. At the end of the DVD we included a short Q&A section. We routinely receive questions about HOW to shop and cook once one removes the bread, rice, pasts etc.… Continue Reading
Gary Taubes Video
You may have seen this over at Dr. Eades site, if so apologies for doubling up on the material but I want to help get the word out. Gary Taubes, the author of Good Calories, Bad Calories , talks about the role of excess carbohydrate consumption and insulin as the causitive factors in obesity and… Continue Reading
Three Wise Men?
Name the three bald Dudes in this little Off-broadway number and you will win…well, actually, nothing but it’s kind funny in a really creepy way. Thanks to Grady who obviously has too much time on his hands. Continue Reading