Apologies to the folks who attended the DC wing-ding. My flights were cancelled out of Chico and I was pretty much stuck. We are looking into a possible 2 day gig in the near future and I will drive to that even if I have to! Thank you to Greg Everett for Pinch hitting for me at the event.
Tell the truth Robb! You decided not to go because I couldn’t make it.
You are on to me amigo! Anytime we have an event east of the Rockie we will expect you there!
You were missed.
Hope to catch you next time around.
Thanks Jay! I’m glad you could make it out there. I know you almost went to the San Diego event so it’s awesome you could get out to this one.
My apologies for everyone who had to tolerate my nutrition work – I just can’t geek out nearly as hard as Robb Wolf Himself and don’t do the subject justice. Look for some All-Robb All-The-Time events coming soon on both sides of the Rockies!
Thanks for covering for me G!
I think I’ve been banned anywhere outside of Butt county however…We may need an alias for me to get the nutrition gigs off the ground.
Laurie really wanted to meet the person who came up with the whole idea of having the fund raiser to begin with. It sucks that you couldn’t make it! We all look forward to you making it out to DC soon!
I’m just glad we could help the little that we did. I’ll make it out there sometime soon and you guys can take me to Rock Bottom Brewery…I hear they have a gluten free beer there!
Robb, I seemed to have lost you for a while, but I sure like your blog.
You didn’t loose me, I’ve been right here!
I hope you are doing well. Your sloshing pipe of doom has been the bane of many a NorCal’er.
Robb, get your ass to DC we need your help! Ok, I need your help!
HA!! You are always rocking the party, you need me not! But I will do my best to get out there for a wing-ding!
Take care Jen!