Download a transcript of this episode here.
Link to the article Jim talked about in show:
Check out the Bootcamp In A Box program that was discussed on this episode. It was developed by Jim Laird, Molly Galbraith, Mike Robertson, Robb Wolf, and Joel Jamieson. It teaches you step by step how to successfully program and run a bootcamp training program. You can find out more here: Use the discount code “WOLF” (all caps) for $100 off (only valid for one week).
Man, Jim Laird. Good stuff. Thank you for this discussion. Very inspiring for myself and others to scale back from “too much” exercise and tune in other areas of life.
Everyone can use some more “working in” thanks for listening.
Jim talked about an HRV app but didn’t give the specific app name out. Can you tell which one he was referring to?
Lars (great name BTW)
Thanks for listening. Joel Jamieson’s bio force app.
Excellent! Thanks for the compliment and the quick response. Loved the podcast. Been working on best results on little work for a few months now. Def all about the diet. Wish you were in the Chicago area. Keep kickin ass fellas.
Btw, looks like Dave Asprey just released his own HRV app. Might be worth a look.
The audio from the guests from this and the previous episode have been significantly louder than Robb’s, for what it’s worth.
Jim’s just really loud. 🙂
Truth lol
Same! I would REALLY like the name of that HRV app.
Bio force Grey, Thanks for listening.
Jim and Robb, Preaching to the choir, but still a great discussion about what it’s like to run a gym in the age of CrossFit. Offering a month of free training if they use the HRV is something I may have to try.
Here is some of the video about the Polish Weightlifting team if anyone is interested:
The HRV that I know about is here:
Thanks for another great podcast!
thanks Saul!!
I believe the video you were talking about with the ripped guy to all the hopping and hurdles was Ricky Bruch
I was just reading up on the Boot Camp in a Box program, it sounds very thorough and I will likely end up purchasing it, but what really caught my eye was how rapidly you have expanded your facility. As someone just getting into the industry, I’ve long thought that if you get fantastic results for clients your need to market will be lessened; have you found this to be true? Or was as much thought put into your marketing strategy as your programming? Thank you for doing the podcast, I love hearing passionate people talk about their views and what shaped them.
From my own experience: successful clients are the best, an likely only marketing you’ll ever see.
I agree 100% with Robb long term results and being different are the best form of marketing. Everything we do at J&M is based on what I do with my small group clients and sports teams I have worked with. Just on a bigger scale, if you do something like group on for advertising the key is to show how your different. Bootcamp in a box maps out our entire training philosophy, and brings together some of the brightest in the industry with one common theme minimum effective dose.
This was one of my favorite podcasts. Just plain awesome. I have been trying to find my limit with crossfit. After doing it for a year plus, I’ve gone from 6 to 5 to only 4 days a week. I just have found it to be the magic number for staying in shape and staying safe. I loved hearing Jim put the “work in to work out” philosophy in such a digestible context. That was an ah-ha moment for me. I’m still young (23 y/o) but smart enough to know I should still take care of my body.
I cannot wait to buy the HRV app/kit and I love the fact that there is a 3 month trial period with refund.
Thanks for the feedback and thank you for listening. I’m glad I could help. Make sure 60-70% of you programming is strength based. Do skill work when your fresh and always leave 1/4 in the tank.
You will love the HRV and you will learn so much about you body by using it.
Great podcast guys! Awesome to see you hitting up interviews Robb! Jim was great today, lots of info
All the best guys,
Ty Fyter (aka Tyrone Lock)
Thank you for listening
Not gonna lie – I had low expectations for this show. “Another jacked guy telling guys how to get jacked” was what I figure it would be.
But it was fantastic! So much of what Jim says will be repeated to my largely postpartum clientele. Really great, commonsense stuff here and I thank you for sharing it.
Also, I loved the bit about sport-specificity and the child athlete. I am going to be thrilled to have a credible source and a link to cite to folks.
Every once in awhile even the lug-nutz have something to offer!
Bacon …. I have plenty of Local Bacon
Thanks for the feedback. I have confused many over the years! I have also learned some hard lessons, I am very grateful for the opportunity to share some of my views on such an amazing platform.
Keep on fighting the good fight, Jim!
Great to hear such a common sense take on the insanity that passes for training these days. It’s kind of weird that people who’ve never been in the gym tend to gravitate toward the wackier cross fit regimes. Having been in the gym to some degree for the last twenty years or so, minor strains and injuries are things we live with. But now, I know people who’ve never worked out before that are in the hospital having surgery for hernias and other things that I’ve never heard of happening to people who’ve lived in the gym. And it begins to creep into non-crossfit places and you just look around at people staring in amazement at what a couple of pencil necks are getting up to at the squat rack. You just want to say, “Are you trying to injure yourself?!” I think they are trying to outdo each other on injury severity. They act like it’s a badge of honor to have had surgery before 30.
Thank you for the feedback !!
Loved the part about people doing things they think will get them results vs. all that they really need to do: eat real food, walk, lift, sleep.
Thanks Jay !!
For the vast majority of people it really is that simple.
Truly great podcast. I made my wife listen to it. She lasted through the bio part at the beginning and I think she truly got that working harder and leaving yourself in a pile of your own piss and vomit at the end of a workout may not be the best thing for your goals.
We need some better motivational images. I can imagine one with a really hot chick that says, “actually I slept in this morning and went for a walk instead of to the gym. And tomorrow’s my rest day.”
I agree 100%. Mike !!!! Being smart about things is not deemed as “sexy” as smashing yourself into the ground. Sad but true. Hopefully we can change that !!
This about sums it up:
“Train smarter, not harder”
This was one of my favourite podcasts and probably one that I needed to hear the most… Currently working as a strength coach at a university in Canada and for a couple months I tried to keep up my 6 days/week lifting and rowing or biking… being in a high performance training facility was like a kid being in a candy store for me… I haven’t run in years due to injury, but I couldn’t resist a long, high intensity sled push/run pyramid… I love the high intensity metcons.. but finally realize that my body can definitely not handle the demands of being a strength coach plus the demands of my own personal training… I have cut back, but it is easier said than done and I am yet to have a pain-free day (low back)
But just like you Jim, I constantly tell my athletes that the deload weeks are necessary for them to get maximal gains, but am having trouble listening to my own advice… Hearing the message from you and Rob was a good reminder for me… Thanks!
Thank you for the kind words 🙂 I know all about the situation your in ! Even all I have been through I still have to remind myself to take care of myself at time.
Just finished listening (late I know). Enjoyed this episode so much!
Jim, I liked all the different client examples & stories you shared…from elite athletes to the housewife moms ready for a rockin’ bod. True life experiences & testinmonials “hits home” for me.
Also, thanks for the reminder to eat more. I think I fall into the catergory of wrecking my body with CF and not feuling enough. And while I feel awesome & strong, the “leaning out” part hasn’t occured to it’s full potentional yet. Will eat more, back off the CF and continue my daily walks & see where it takes me.
Thank you Robin, I am so happy I could help.
Just so you all know, the app says more purchases ($200?) are required to use it. Your bluetooth compatible geart rate monitor will probably ot work with it. The website does not have a price on it and clicking “purchase” is just hanging. Fortunately, the app is not $10 anymore so I can explore a bit and learn more without getting unpleasantly surprised.
There are many other varibility in heart rate apps. Anyone tried these? iAthlete? HRV from Adaptive Sports?
More apps: also Stress Check by Azumio on Android or iOS looks good and works with the phones’ flash to detect the pulse.
BTW, I really enjoyed this podcast. These interviews are very interesting.
Just caught upto date with this podcast. Loved it! Jim talks a lot of sense and I could listen to him all day long.
Hope you have him back on again.
Keep up the good work. 🙂
Thanks Jimmy !!!