On this episode of the podcast we have guest Dr. Bryan Walsh. Dr. Walsh is a licensed, board-certified Naturopathic Doctor, an expert in biochemistry and human physiology, and currently delivers courses in biochemistry, physiology, and pathophysiology as an Instructor at Maryland University of Integrated Health. Listen in as we talk all about the myths and truths of “adrenal fatigue”, the causes of low cortisol, interaction with the immune system, testing, and more. This was a super interesting episode, and I even learned a good bit on the topic myself. Definitely give this one a listen!
Download a transcript of this episode here (PDF)
Guest: Dr. Bryan Walsh
Website: http://www.drwalsh.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drbryanwalsh
30 Day Guide to the Paleo Diet
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Very interesting for me–I have RA and take a TNF blocker and this episode really helped explain some things I have observed for a long time but didn’t really understand.
GREAT! Podcast. I have been listening for over a year, and this episode is chock full of intense information, half of which I don’t fully understand. I would love for this episode to be transcribed (unless it is), so I can read at my own personal “comprehension pace”
A transcription should be coming very soon. Sometimes it takes a few days after release for them to be fully transcribed and to get it posted.
Fascinating discussion. In the case of slow clearance of steroid hormones (particularly cortisol), what supplements do you recommend to support phase II detoxification? I have this issue as well as poor T4->T3 conversion, so I am currently taking synthetic T3 (hypothyroidism is another cause of slow cortisol clearance and high cortisol inhibits T4->T3 conversion, which creates an unfortunate feedback loop).
Looking forward to getting Dr. Walsh back on the podcast.
Fascinating discussion. What supplements do you recommend to support phase II detoxification and address slow steroid (particularly cortisol) metabolism? I have this issue along with impaired T4->T3 conversion, so I am currrently taking synthetic T3 to see if that helps (hypothyroidism is another cause of slow cortisol clearance and high cortisol levels inhibit T4->T3 conversion; a vicious cycle)
Looking forward to hearing Dr. Walsh back on the podcast.
Iam in that topic since a while, there is plenty of good paths here! Thx for it!
This podcast was mind blowing. I am currently in Chiropractic school and we quite literally just finished learning about Hans Selye and Neuro-immuno modulation. In fact, I gave a lay lecture on it. On top of that, we are thoroughly tested on the HPA axis and the standard model of cortisol circulation. My drive to school is long so podcasts are often my go to. There were so much gold in this episode, every 5 minutes I was saying. “OK Google, search for this new thing”. After perusing Dr. Walsh’s website, there is some great information on there though I was hoping to find links to the articles he mentioned disproving the Selye model and the new information regarding cortisol circulation. Any chance those can be posted?
When are you going to have him back on the show?
I too would very much like to see the articles regarding Selye’s theory…any chance of getting some links even at this late date? It seems crucial to this argument.
Wow, this episode is really informative. What he said regarding the general public having a viral infection… I immediately thought of Epstein-Bar Virus, which can lay dormant in the body for years. Most of the info in the episode I’ll admit went way over my head, but this is the connection I made.