Hey Folks,
If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know how important sustainability is to me. I’ve even moved my family to a small farm that we’ve named “The Lazy Lobo Ranch” and it’s made a huge difference in the quality of my life and life for my family. That’s why I’m so passionate about the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund.
Whether you consider yourself Paleo, traditional foods, vegetarian, or vegan, we all have one unifying bond that glues all ideologies together. We all want access to the best food available. The discussion about freedom of choice strips away all of the debatable nuances of dietary dogma and gets down to the brass tacks of how to provide opportunity to get healthy food. The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund exists with your support, and means more people gaining access to their own locally sourced food.
This organization is making a difference, and they need your help.
You may know their amazing work from the documentary Farmegeddon or followed their work in the Mark Baker or Vernon Hershberger cases. The FTCLDF, through membership support, provides legal service to farmers who face unfair and arguably unethical harassment from the FDA and USDA. Without the help from the FTCLDF, many small farmers would be forced to either defend themselves with very little money, or shut their doors to their consumers. Food safety laws have grown from good natured guidelines intended to protect consumers from sloppy industrial practices into leverage for the large industrial corporations to control market access of the consumer. Perfect examples of this big food bias are the raids on the Rawesome Food Buying Club in California and Manna Storehouse in Ohio. Turning this ship around will continue to necessitate a grassroots effort on all of our parts. Victories like The Whole Life Buying Club often only happen because FTCLDF is standing behind the people on the ground, pushing for positive change.
Over the course of the last 150 years or so, we as private citizens have unintentionally yet voluntarily surrendered control of our food freedom. We don’t need more regulations, we need more freedom. That’s why it’s important that you, the grower, homesteader and consumer become a member of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund.
How you can help
Join between March 15th – April 15th and receive $150 worth of amazing ebooks and other offers from these amazing sponsors:
- Honest Bison
- Beeyoutiful
- Canal Junction Cheese
- Mark’s Daily Apple
- Vital Proteins
- Pure Indian Foods
- Exo
- Diana Rodgers/Sustainable Dish
- Chris Kresser
- The Domestic Man (Russ Crandall)
- Joe Salama
- Fields of Athenry Farm
- Kombucha Kamp
- The Paleo Mom
There are many ways you can contribute to the drive (beyond just joining?), such as
- Sharing about the drive on social media by sharing this blog post or the landing page here http://www.farmtoconsumer.org/2016-membership
or the gifts page here http://www.farmtoconsumer.org/new-member-gifts/
- Spreading the word about FTCLDF and the member drive among your buying club members, farm supporters, clients, friends and family
- Donate to Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund. Everything helps!
Spreading the word!