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Featuring guests: Chris Martenson and Adam Taggart
Free guide with detailed steps to take:
Book: Prosper!
30 Day Guide to the Paleo Diet
Want some extra help? Have you been trying Paleo for a while but have questions or aren’t sure what the right exercise program is for you? Or maybe you just want a 30-day meal plan and shopping list to make things easier? We’ve created a getting started guide to help you through your first 30 days.
Good episode. I can see why an earlier podcast with one of these guests is one of the most downloaded.
IMO, a good skill to acquire is mastery of a musical instrument. That’s a social icebreaker and a door-opener in many situations. And if there should be a complete social collapse, my guess is that someone who can play an instrument (and also repair/maintain it) is unlikely to go without dinner.
One of the guests mentioned “Lord of the Flies” – and compared it to “Mad Max” and “loners”. In point of fact, I think there was something else going on there. I think the novel is not about isolation but actually about social dynamics. IIRC, Golding was offended by what he saw the shallow Victorian optimism of R. M. Ballantyne’s children’s book “The Coral Island”.
Golding was suggesting that if a group of boys really were marooned on a coral island they would turn on the weakest boy. He may well be right. (And many of those with unhappy schooldays to remember will probably agree.) Moreover, I think Golding was drawing on a pretty deep tradition in our culture – one that goes back at least to St. Augustine and the notion of “original sin”. I actually think that Augustine, while a genius – his thoughts on time, for example, are still of interest to philosophers today – was a tortured and strange personality and probably has been – and continues to be – an on the whole bad influence on the West. (He’s actually regarded with some suspicion by the Eastern Churches – those in Greece and so on.)
So I think there is a kind of point to “Lord of the Flies”. There really is an ugly side to life. Having said that, I’m all in favour of positive messages and if I had kids i think I’d think to myself “screw Golding” and give them “The Coral Island” to read.
Great podcast! Reading the book now.
I will certainly be ordering the book. This is the kind of content I love to listen to while driving to work. It keeps me cool and centered.
I am a fan of both camps and currently reading Prosper. I will be adding this episode to my Twitter page @KenPledger.