Day 11
Challenge: Try a new protein or cut of meat. If you always eat beef and chicken – try something from the sea. If you’ve never had lamb, bison or halibut – give it shot.
Amy’s Two-Second Takeaway: Fat isn’t bad – the devil is in the dose. Too much of this good stuff is NOT going to get you lean. Fat is an ingredient or a condiment – not an entrée. There is absolutely no reason for most of us to be making ‘fat bombs’ to snack on or to be drinking cans of coconut milk. Sorry.
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Nancy says
“Fat isn’t bad – the devil is in the dose. Too much of this good stuff is NOT going to get
you lean. Fat is an ingredient or a condiment – not an entrée. There is absolutely no
reason for most of us to be making ‘fat bombs’ to snack on or to be drinking cans of
coconut milk. Sorry. –
Disagree with you on this point. While Paleo is neighter low carb or high fat and thus
not a Paleo “rule”, it is irresponsible to indicate that this is true for everyone. Some
people are far to carb sensitive to follow a Paleo way of eating and need to follow a
ketogenic way of eating. In that case there must be a high enough healthy fat intake
to burn ketones and stay keto-adapted. In most cases it is helpful to use fat bombs to
stay keto adpated. I personally don’t recommend canned anything to my clients. I also
do not recommend drinking canned coconut milk as healthy or to use to get enough fat
intake. Coconut oil on the other hand can be used as much as desired.
So have to call B.S. on this one. Sorry.
Nancy Michelli – Nutritional Consultant