Hey folks!
I wanted to let y’all know about a new iTunes app we have launched that I think a number of folks will find helpful, possibly even interesting. What we’ve done is taken my final Paleo Solution Seminar which we recorded in Boston, and put both the video and slide into an easy to use app based format. The seminar typically ran around 8 hours, but we edited down the video so we have nearly 7 hours of material. Here are the categories covered:
Basic Science: Basic nomenclature of protein, carbohydrate, and fats. Actions of cortisol, insulin, and glucagon, as well as the big players in the hormonal regulation of appetite. Genotype vs phenotype. Inflammation from the perspective of the immune systems players.
Neolithic Foods: How did we get here? I look at both the anthropology and Epidemiology as it related to a paleo diet approach.
Darwinian Medicine: Gut permeability, and autoimmunity. I take a Darwinian Medicine approach to understanding the causes of modern disease.
Metabolic Derangement, Insulin/Leptin Resistance: Using the foundations learned in the gut permeability/autoimmunity section, we now explore the mechanisms of systemic inflammation, and leptin and insulin resistance.
Exercise, Cortisol and Lifestyle: In this final section I add in the concepts of evolutionarily appropriate exercise, sleep, and related factors in balancing Performance, Health, and Longevity.
Each section concludes with a Q&A with the audience, which is all included in the app.
Who is this app appropriate for?
Anyone who seeks a deeper understanding of both the Paleo Diet and a “Big Picture” view of health from an evolutionary medicine perspective. Folks who do not have a strong science background will get a lot from this, but it is NOT easy material. I cover an enormous amount of ground in the nearly 7 hours of lecture and Q&A. If you have a strong biological science background you will still likely find the material challenging, but clearly it will be easier to follow than if you are coming into this with only a lay-understanding of biology and medicine. If you are contemplating taking the upcoming Evolutionary Health certification, this is an outstanding preparatory course to get you up to speed on a variety of topics. If you run a gym or coach people, this app could be very helpful for your clients, especially if they have specific questions which may be outside your knowledge base.
Looking back at the material, if I could change one thing, I’d make my treatment of the potential opioid activity of gluten and similar prolamines much more speculative. It’s a very interesting idea, but I’d make it more clear that this is a proposed mechanism that needs much more scrutiny.
The cost for the app is $19.95, and includes nearly 7 hrs of video (including lecture and Q&A), as well as the slides associated with the talk.
Check it out on iTunes Here
Is this also available in other formats or in DVD? I do not own any apple devices…
No DVD’s but you can download via itunes on a PC. Other formats 9android etc) coming in a month or so.
Will there be an android app?
Yes, BUT you can download via itunes on a pc.
When I had iTunes the iPod classic was called an iPod.
Will be handy for those long trips and will hopefully prime the pumps so I’ll be ready for a cert class.
Hmmm…seems only the iphone and ipad apps are on itunes…not seeing anything for PC
hmmmm…let me check on that.
yes, same here, no PC option 🙁
How would this stack up for medical professionals?
You’ve mentioned some programs you are involved in for certifying/educating doctors, nutritionists, etc on the podcast any word on those?
I’m having trouble getting any sound on the app on my iPhone. Any technical issues reported?
Turn on your ringer! I had mine “off” and some other apps are fine with that, but this one needs the ringer/volume switch to “on”. Let me know if that solves it.
I am so looking forward to downloading this!!! It’s like getting an amazing deal on a full seminar! Thanks Robb!
This is just brilliant!
Really enjoying it as it goes into much more “geek depth”.
Nice! Is this one also available in Europe? Do you have any more languages than English available? Let me know if I should promote in Germany with my blog http://www.paleo360.de.
All the best!
If you have iTunes there, i;d guess so! English only.
Any apps I’ve ever gotten for Iphone or Ipod or Ipad only work on those devices and they typically don’t work on a MacBook or a PC and they won’t just run in Itunes. 🙁
So, if an android app comes out soon, that would be very cool.
In the meantime, I might just borrow someone generous person’s Ipad to watch the whole thing. I’ve been waiting for this!
Thanks for putting this out there Robb, at a pretty durn reasonable price!
Thanks so much for doing this – I’ve always wanted to attend one of your seminars … best $20 I’ve spent in a long time!
Will an e-mail go out when this app is available for Androids? I only have an iPod Classic.
Thanks so much. Can’t wait!!
YES! i just talked to a developer today about the alternate platforms.
You can download this onto a PC but it will not RUN on a PC. You have to plug in an ipad or ipod touch (NOT ipod classic) in order to run it. I tried this last week on my PC and it would not run on my PC or download to my ipod classic. iTunes allowed me to return it but warned me they wouldn’t give me credit for (my) mistake again.
Lots of us don’t use Apple products. Would love to have this on Kindle, Android or at the very least a DVD. PLEASE ROB??? PLEASE???? OH PLEEEEEEEASE?????
Where can we learn more about the Evolutionary Health Certification?
Coming soon!
Will there be a Robb Wolf seminar in Seattle anytime soon? Any time in 2014?
I son’t know what Permalink means.
Has this app been deleted? I tried to download it on my iPad and iPhone and the link just takes me to a blank page and it is not searchable through iTunes.
HMMM…looks like we have a problem there. Let me look into it.
I cannot find this on the UK store ! Says it does no exist.
Really excited then gutted – just get a blank screen. Any ideas Robb?
Can you give some more details about what you mean?
Squatchy: The app has been deleted from the App Store.
I purchased the app, but cannot download it anymore. This may be what the person is talking about (but probably not).
In any case, the app should be reinstated. Paid apps should not be removed unless they require regular maintenance and are no longer being maintained.
Currently, those who paid $20 for the app no longer have access to it.
I’ll try to check on this.
Same problem here. I cannot find the app on the iTunes store.
Same issue here. Can’t find on iTunes? Would love to know when this is back up can’t wait it download!!! Would love more info on the upcoming certification too!!!
Is this seminar avaible in Canada on iTunes? I am having trouble finding it.
Also, any live events coming up at all?
When I went to iTunes, I was not able to find this! I have PC’s and a droid.
Checked out the seminar app today, iTunes says “not currently available in our Danish store”.
Judging from other comments above, it’s not available in other countries, either.
That’s the danger of relying on 3rd parties for distribution — if they can f’ it up in any way, they will.
A DVD and/or a streaming download, maybe as part of an ebook made with Web Standards (write once, view everywhere!) would have been perfect.
I’m actually working on that and will likely make the material free.
Sounds great. Looking forward to that — and the upcoming cert!