Hey there! Just wanted to share a couple of interviews I’ve done recently. the first was with Dr. Dave Woynarowski, expert in telomere research and the effects of Telomere degradation on aging and disease, and the co-author of The Immortality Edge.
Perhaps 5-6 podcasts back I talked about telomeres and their role in aging. If/when we figure out how to prevent telomere shortening (they get shorter with every replication of a cell) we will have a powerful tool against the effects of aging. Dr. Dave fully embraces a low-ish carb paleo diet, lots of sleep and Evolutionary Fitness style training as the best diet, exercise and lifestyle measures we can enact to slow our rate of aging via telomere degradation. Shocking concept, no? This was a really fun interview as I could stretch my legs a bit on the technical stuff, geeks have to be geeks!
I also had the honor of a quick interview with Australian radio personality, Paul Bevan. Immediately prior to my interview Paul was talking with Prof. Cliff Hawkins who, interestingly enough, was taught in school that grains have anti-predation, chemical defense mechanisms which can make humans and other critters quite sick when they eat them. Wacky idea! too bad more scientists and doctors do not receive a similar education. Thank you to Paul and ABC Newcastle for having me on the show.
You can listen to that show here.
Have a great weekend! I received a call from the producers of The Biggest Looser. Not sure what it’s about but interesting times ahead…
Interesting, Robb. You should do blog posts on oemga 3s and telomeres and protein/phosphate on bone health. Put some myths to rest.
Try and get on the Mexican version:
¿Cuánto quieres perder?
It’s just way cooler sounding.
This is interesting, Robb. I just hope that my telomeres aren’t worn down to nubs before they figure this thing out.
Wonderful interview, I saved that one to my computer for future reference. We’ve heard most of that before, but that interview brought everyone together really well and in a very detailed manner. And every time I hear the information it comes together more and more. Thanks for sharing :).
Well that’s amusing… I asked my wife, who was with the lab that has done the vast majority of telomere research in the U.S. and who had the cover of Cell not once but twice on telomere-related subjects if she’d ever heard of this guy and she said no. So we looked at his website, and after she got done laughing she proclaimed him a shill. So no offense, but I wouldn’t take this guy’s advise if you paid me to.
Ouch! Paul, what specifically does he take issue with? It’s my impression he is NOT a researcher on the topic but well up on the literature and application of strategies in how to limit telomere degradation. What’s her thought on TA-65? I’d love to have her on the blog, even if it’s anonymous.
Biggest Loser! That’s awesome Robb! Keep us updated.
Hopefully the BL producer is calling to invite you to be a trainer on the show and not about Everett bashing Jillian Michaels in the last podcast! BTW, this show prompted a “spirited debate” in my house tonight. I came home fired up and told the family, “No more grains in this house!” Ha! It appears I will continue the Paleo lifestyle on my own for a while longer.
Hi everyone. Whenever new science is released and beginning to be adopted there is always criticism of the early adopters. I’d like to address a couple of things. First, the last time I looked up the word “shill” it referred to swindling people. That is a pretty strong and unfounded or unsubstantiated statement. Saying “no offense” doesn’t remove the inaccuracy of the remark and it remains extremely offensive. My credentials are clearly established and a matter of public record but since most people will not bother to look them up: I graduated from Temple Medical School in 1987. am a Board certified MD in Internal Medicine and anti-aging medicine. I hold a valid license in Pennsylvania and have practiced medicine for 25 years and have saved thousands of lives. I am co-author of the Immortality Edge which is all about telomeres. My co-author Mike Fossel is undisputedly one of the most respected people in the field. I also wrote the doctors manual on the use of TA-65 and have spoken on the topic of telomeres at 2 of the largest anti-aging meetings in the country, the A4M and the AMMG. Among my colleagues and resources I count Mike Fossel, Bill Andrews Mike West and Cal Harley, all giants in the field especially as it applies to human health. I am not a basic researcher- I am a clinician. In other words one who puts the basic research into real live human practice and bears the responsibility for those lives, and I’m an early adopter of promising science when all the indications are that it saves lives. I think the interview that Robb and I did stands by itself and needs no defense to anyone who has actually listened to it. Best of health to you all. Dr Dave
Thanks Doc and whenever you’d like to get together for another podcast, I’m in.
Great to hear you on Aussie radio! Although I recently moved to London, UK I still love home in oz. Anyway, just wanted to say I have turned two work colleagues onto the Paleo diet and have given them each a copy of your book to read. One is battling with crohns disease and the other battles constant migraines. Both are doing the 30 day challenge and i’m really looking forward to seeing the changes.
re: Biggest Loser
ask them to make a trainer VS trainer show for next season:
paleo/low-carb/smart training/good sleep VS dreadmill/calorie-burning