Happy turkey Day folks! Just wanted to throw a great resource to you, Crossfit Balboa. They have some kick-ass paleo resources…check it out!
by Robb Wolf | 7 comments
Happy turkey Day folks! Just wanted to throw a great resource to you, Crossfit Balboa. They have some kick-ass paleo resources…check it out!
Robb Wolf, author of The Paleo Solution and Wired to Eat, is a former research biochemist and one of the world’s leading experts in Paleolithic nutrition. Wolf has transformed the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world via his top ranked iTunes podcast and wildly popular seminar series.
Robb Wolf is a former research biochemist and 2X New York Times/Wall Street Journal Best-selling author of The Paleo Solution and Wired To Eat. Along with Diana Rodgers, he co-authored the book, Sacred Cow, which explains why well-raised meat is good for us and good for the planet. Robb has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world via his top-ranked iTunes podcast, books, and seminars. He also co-founded the 1st and 4th CrossFit affiliate gyms in the world, The Healthy Rebellion community platform, and is the co-founder of DrinkLMNT Electrolytes.
Affiliate disclaimer: From time-to-time we may recommend or promote a product or service from another company. In full transparency, please note that we may earn commissions and fees from these referrals
Search Robbwolf.com
Thanks for throwing CFB some publicity. Happy Thanksgiving.
I second the CFB blog.
The big man is not all muscle. he actually has some brains in that big ass head. haha!
Max and John are fully legit. Hurry and get in to work with Max before he shaves the fourth quarter beard.
So I’m sure you’re getting sick of all my questions by now, but…
I stopped trying to stick to zone quantities and just started eating paleo food plus some whole milk, while also trying to stay low carb, ipso facto I’ve been eating very little veggies, even less fruit. (I’ve been using a lot of the lower carb recipes from the PMenu cooking sections, and so far I really like the shredded chicken and pesto, and the portabella burger…I’m eating one right now)
So I started getting worried that I wasn’t getting enough protein; I want at least 150 g daily at a bw of 140#. So i started a fitday account to track my food. Turns out with the whole milk, I’m getting about 150 daily, but this brough some confusion about the athletes zone.
The athletes zone is 25-15-60 of pro-carb-fat, but thats with 16 blocks of protein and carbs each. Today I had a single pear and whole milk as my carb sources, and my breakdown was 26-17-57… I had 163 g protein, 106 g carbs, and 158 g fat.
How can the athletes zone possibly break up into 25-15-60, when they expect you to eat a least a pear’s worth of carbs at every meal, and when I only had one during the day, my carb ratio was over that of the athletes zone?
The answer is probably something really obvious that I’ve overlooked but if you can explain this phenomenon to me, it would be greatly appreciated.
What EXACTLY are you asking for and looking to do?
CF Balboa is an amazing resource, I love it!
I’m not really looking to DO anything. I guess I’m looking for an explanation.
I’m just wondering how you could eat 16 blocks of carbs and 16 blocks of protein in a day on the athletes zone and the ration is 25% pro – 15% carb – 60% fat, when yesterday I had around 22 blocks of protein and only 2 or 3 blocks of carbs and my ratio was 26% pro – 17% carb – 57% fat.
Hope thats clears up my question a little bit and sorry the last one was so convoluted. Honestly I dont even know if this is a legitimate question…I’ve just been really confused haha.
The data entry or Ftiday is wrong somewhere…
Dude, CFB is awesome! Ya gotta love a blog with video clips from Super Trooper and Conan, while extolling the virtue of grass fed lard AND posting numerous paleo recipes. More CFB love on the way…