Robb, you literally changed my life a few years ago. I had been suffering for years from depression and bipolar disorder until I decided to do something about it and take care of my own health. My journey to reading your book The Paleo Solution started with omega-3 milk I had purchased at a grocery… Continue Reading
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Recent Weight Loss Posts
Testimonial: I Will Not Stray From Low Carb And Real Food Eating
Testimonial written by: Karen S. If I started at the beginning of my quest for health, I would need to say it started with a walking routine when I retired. I decided to quit yo-yo dieting and just take long walks and whatever happened would be good enough. In 2003, I started walking a distance… Continue Reading
Clean Eating vs Flexible Dieting: Putting the Argument to Bed
Written by: Sarah Strange So you’re looking to lose a little weight, tone up, and see some abs or lose a handful of dimples. You do what most of us do nowadays- you fire up the Google machine and try to find someone with an answer. If you know a little bit about diet,… Continue Reading
30-Day Challenge Analysis Part 3: Changing Your Life For Real – Let’s Do This Right
All right folks, it’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for. That’s right, it’s the GRAND FINALE of the EPIC, three part 30-day challenge series. We’ve already talked about the pros and cons of 30-day throw downs (Part 1) and we’ve discussed (AT LENGTH) how we totally screw em’ up (Part 2). Now let’s get… Continue Reading
30-Day Challenge Analysis Part 2: Abusing The System – How We Screw Up The Process & Ourselves
We’re human and let’s face it, we are REALLY good at f#%@-ing things up. It doesn’t matter what it is, someone, somewhere is going to figure out a way to make it a complete FAIL. 30-day challenges/transformations are no exception to this ‘fail phenomenon’. Yeah, we’ve figured out a way to take something that’s meant… Continue Reading
30-Day Challenge Analysis Part 1: Pros and Cons of 30-Day ‘Sprints’ to Ultimate Health
It’s 30 days, it’s a complete lifestyle revamp and it will “change your life”, get you healthy and help you “detox” and lose weight. That’s the general premise behind most 30-day challenges out there. But do they work? I mean seriously, what can you really accomplish in 30 days and how the heck does that… Continue Reading
Change Your Life In 30 Days?: 30-Day Challenges – The Good, The Bad and Everything In Between
It’s January and that means the annual onslaught of “New Year. New You.” New Year’s resolution and 30-Day Challenge personal and gym promotions. Facebook is full of folks ‘publicly declaring their 30-day commitments to working out and ‘eating clean’. Gyms are running specials and hosting time-specific contests (usually lasting 30-days…) to see which members can… Continue Reading
10 Charts to Show You Why You Probably Do Have the Time and Money to Eat Real Food
Sometimes, Robb likes to remind me that I can come off as, well… not the most warm and nurturing person in the world. I admit that my passion (and sensitivity) can sometimes come off as unsympathetic, but it’s only because I actually really give a shit about things. Maybe being a nutritionist was the wrong… Continue Reading
Is It Paleo? And Does It Really Matter?
Peas? Potatoes? Green beans? Rice? Organic/Grassfed dairy? Whey protein powder? Quest bars? Butter? Quinoa? …. Folks, it seems everyone is pretty damn confused about what is and isn’t “Paleo”. One app or website tells we’re good to go and the next gives a definitive NOPE. And the ‘Paleo’ recipes out there don’t help with sometimes… Continue Reading
Decision Fatigue: The Hidden Hurdle
Creating Change Through The Brain Most people step into a gym for the first time in an attempt to change something about themselves they don’t particularly like. Whether you are beginning a fitness routine for weight loss, pain loss, or simply to appease a friend, the goal is to change something significant about yourself – and change soaks up… Continue Reading
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