Remember that totally awesome scene from I-CaveMan? You know, the one where that dude hits the elk with his atlatl and saves the village. Epic. Well, I don’t know about you but that meat looked pretty darn tasty to me. I’ve also been lucky enough to have enjoyed some elk in my day… In fact,… Continue Reading
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Recent The Paleo Table Posts
Recipe: Paleo Banana Bread
Cross-posted from The Paleo Table I have a confession. I love baking. I love the contrast of it. On the one hand I’m making a huge mess but on the other, baking is such a precise, science-y thing. I love the actions of baking: sifting the ingredients, smelling the spices and vanilla, feeling the richness… Continue Reading
Everyday Paleo!
Hey Everyone! We are literally DAYS away from the release of Everyday Paleo, the fantastic book but our very own NorCal Strength & Conditioning trainer extraordinaire, Sarah Fragoso. The official release date is April 25th so get in on the pre-sales and or make sure to buy a copy of this fantastic book in the first week so… Continue Reading
Paleo diet: pre-cooking a week’s worth of meals
Stephen wrote in to The Paleo Table website and said, “I’m a police officer and have a hard time sticking to a paleo diet. Firstly, I’m really new to switching to it, which is a vulnerable, easy to cheat time. Secondly, due to my job, it’s hard to nail down chain times when I get… Continue Reading
The Paleo Table: Biscuits & Gravy
Last week on the 6 DIY food projects to try in 2011 post, Troglodyte in Training said, “And here I was all excited over mastering sausage-bacon gravy using coconut milk with powdered arrowroot for consistency.” Well, my little Troglodyte, you now get your wish! Gluten-free biscuits & gravy Biscuits and gravy were definitely on the… Continue Reading
The Paleo Table: 6 DIY food projects to try in 2011
The holiday rush is over, and January 1 is right around the corner. For me, January always seems like a good time to start fresh and broaden my horizons. Even if you’re not a resolution-making type, the new year is always a fun time to try something new. Maybe your big project will be staying… Continue Reading
The Paleo Table: 5 winter squashes plus a recipe
Eating seasonally is not only good for the environment, it’s also the best way to get the freshest, tastiest produce that the earth has to offer. Visit any farmers market in the late fall and early winter and you will see several different kinds of winter squashes on display. They come in all shapes and… Continue Reading
The Paleo Table: 8 herbs & spices you should get to know
Spices. Little bottles on your kitchen shelf. But throughout human history, they have played so many roles, from defining culture and ethnicity to being a status symbol of wealth. Spices were the driving force behind modern trade, the rationale for discovering new worlds, were valuable currency, sometimes the very reason a people would settle in… Continue Reading
Introducing: The Paleo Table {Thanksgiving edition}
Hey there everyone, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Amber Karnes and I hail from Norfolk, Virginia, where you can find me on my computer designing and building websites (like this here website you’re reading right now) or in my kitchen cooking simple, fresh, Paleo meals (and trying to coerce my husband… Continue Reading
The Road Forager! Sushi to Ribs.
Sooo many trips to San Francisco International Airport, so few food options. At least seemingly. I have made good use of the baked 1/2 chicken in the past but I wanted something different and went for a sashimi plate. tuna, salmon, cod (I think) ginger, wasabi and pickled cucumbers. I added an avocado and it… Continue Reading