Nutrition, often described in Far Side Cartoons as “FUD”, is a contentious and error prone topic. Contentious in that one can find an argument to include or exclude everything from meat to nightshades and Cheetos depending upon the source. Oh, precious Cheetos! Nutrition is error prone in that most people are not willing to experiment… Continue Reading
Cancer Comment
Marc Moffett (super sharp guy if you do not know him) posted a comment in the cancer and ketosis thread that I want to highlight and expand on a bit. Here is Marc’s comment: “Hi Robb, Good stuff. However, I wanted to add a note of caution. Unlike adult cancers, chemotherapeutic agents have proven remarkably… Continue Reading
Sand Dog!
We are off to San Diego to help out at the Performance Menu Olympic Lifting clinic. I’m not sure what my computer access will be so I may not get to comments for a few days. If you live on the East Coast come on out for the Olifting/nutrition seminar fundraiser sponsored by the Performance… Continue Reading
Russian Kale with Thai Basil
We were wandering through the farmers market this past weekend and fall is without a doubt the best time to shop. It’s just dawning on me that THIS is why the fall is called harvest season…duh! So we saw our first Fuyu persimmons which are a huge favorite. These persimmons are quite sweet and lack… Continue Reading
Imagine a meal with three ingredients…that is one of the best meals you have ever eaten. Crack, heroin and Vodka do not count. Nicki and I were shopping at Costco the other evening and we were both hungry and tired. What to do? She noticed a large bag of red, yellow and orange bell peppers.… Continue Reading
Cancer and Ketosis
I wanted to thank reader Sully for sending a link to the Time Online article on the use of ketogenic diets and cancer treatment. The article is surprisingly well written and informative…I wonder if the author has a personal interest in the topic as the usual counter point, mainstream prattle was refreshingly absent. I guess… Continue Reading
Lactate Threshold
I received a great question this morning and I thought the response might be of interest to some folks. Thanks to Phil for the questions: Robb, do you know the relationships between: 1. Oxymetry and aerobic states 2. Oxymetry and anaerobic states 3. Lactate thresholds and HR 4. How to use the combination of a… Continue Reading
Broccoli Basil Scramble
Sorry for the dearth of recipes lately. I have a pretty good back log of photos but I have really been hammering on the Thrifty Gene post and recently a post on cancer and ketosis…that should be done tomorrow. The scramble has some interesting characteristics: 2lbs of broccoli, 8 eggs and a giant wad… Continue Reading
The Not So Thrifty Gene
Some things seem so obvious no amount of research or inquiry should be necessary to establish veracity. Things Simply ARE. The notion that fat makes one fat is a prime example. Consider the balanced chemical equation for the formation of water from hydrogen and oxygen: H2 + 1/2O2= H2O, hydrogen and oxygen on one side,… Continue Reading
Rookie Move!
Apologies to the folks who have left comments. I thought I had an email notification set up and did not…still getting my feet under me on this blog! later today I should have a post on the “Not So Thrifty Gene”. Continue Reading