Disclaimer: This article will be talking obliquely about pornography and may possibly contain tasteless jokes. If those kinds of things bother you then please do not read this article. My Goal: To make junk food as unappealing as possible. I watched the following movies as research for this article: The Bi-curious Case of Benjamin Buttman… Continue Reading
Still time to sign up for Junk Free January
I’ll be taking late signup for Junk Free January until the January 10th. You can still try it out. Just continue into February as many days as you are late. If you start on Jan 5th then stop on Feb 5th. JFJ is an initiative where you can try to give up one or more… Continue Reading
A Merry Christmas and a Junk Free January
Hi all. I hope your holiday season has been good so far. I’m not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions in general, but I’ve got a good one for you if you’re at a loss as to what to do. Why not give up one “junk food” ingredient for the entire month of January?… Continue Reading
Meal Management Theory
I had a boss once who used to drive me nuts. One day he gave me three tasks. My response was, “What is the priority of these tasks? Which one should I do first?” He would say, “Matt, they’re all important.” Even though I hounded him about it, he wouldn’t prioritize them. This is what’s… Continue Reading
The Case for the Short Metcon
The ‘Metcon’ (short for metabolic conditioning) is a staple of CrossFit style training. Typically it is two to three exercises repeated for rounds. A classic example from CrossFit is one called “Cindy”, one round consisting of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, and 15 squats. This is repeated for 20 minutes and scored based on the number of rounds completed. A metcon… Continue Reading
Meat & Potatoes: Back on the Menu
Just in case you haven’t been paying attention lately, meat and potatoes are okay to eat again. It’s a pretty comical situation, really. Meat and potatoes used to be the basic chow of every American – at a time when Americans were the healthiest and tallest people in the world. I was a youngster in… Continue Reading