Testimonial written by: Cindy N.
It was your article on Paleo that helped me make that initial hard decision to plug my nose and jump in to the deep end. Before I did, I had been told by my doctor that I needed to go on Cholesterol meds, that my blood sugar levels were wildly erratic, and my blood pressure was getting worrysome. I weighed 211 lbs in May of 2014…as of today..I weigh 127. My blood chemistry is all perfectly normal, my blood pressure is low normal, my joints feel great..and life is fun again. Not to mention how nice it is to no longer stress over what I can and cannot, should and should not eat. No scale in the house, I threw it out…no planned meal times, I eat when hungry, and don’t eat when not. I do not count calories, weigh portions, or wonder what is going to make me sick…yeah..lots of food allergies! Allll gone! Thank you for introducing me to this amazing and now completely naturally easy to maintain, lifestyle!! Thank you!
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