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Featuring guest Julie Wiebe
Twitter: @juliewiebept
30 Day Guide to the Paleo Diet
Want some extra help? Have you been trying Paleo for a while but have questions or aren’t sure what the right exercise program is for you? Or maybe you just want a 30-day meal plan and shopping list to make things easier? We’ve created a getting started guide to help you through your first 30 days.
Kevin says
I was just wondering why the latest episode was available on iTunes, but is now gone? Was it pulled? Or an iTunes bug?
Squatchy says
I have no idea why it wouldn’t be up. Is it still not showing?
Kevin says
Nothing yet. It was there a couple days ago, I downloaded it. Now it’s gone, can’t find it anywhere. At least I can still listen to it from the site, while the iTunes gods do whatever voodoo they do.
Squatchy says
Hmm, yeah that’s weird. It wasn’t listed to expire or any reason that it should be gone on my end that I know of.
Jonny says
The episode is not on iTunes, any special reason for that?
Squatchy says
Not a clue, it should be up.
jake3_14 says
Fish cannot imagine the water in which they swim.
Your discussion with Katy Bowman about solutions to the U.S.’ broken healthcare system rests on some assumptions that bear examination. A fundamental assumption you both make is that people with “skin in the game” are better consumers of health care. Underlying that assumption is another, more basic assumption: money is the best motivator for people to make wise decisions. You supported that belief with your story about your observations about the worst-behaved customers during your time in a pharmacy. Katy supported that belief with her experience with her clients’ compliance to her health protocols. But your experience is in the context of an economic system which forces people to prioritize their all their decisions based on their income/wealth. In countries that provide nationalized services that allow everyone to have their basic needs met — a high minimum wage, free (or heavily subsidized) education through college, year-long paid parental leave, guaranteed incomes in old age (provided by high taxes on the very wealthy), — citizens are under much less chronic stress. This changes the entire picture of healthcare from a society that sets people up to suffer the punishing effects of chronic stress to one that sets people up for a healthy life.
As Katy said, everything about health is connected. This includes factors that go beyond the physical to national attitudes about the role of the government in people’s lives and how resources should be allocated.
Glorificus says
So if I’m gonna sit in a chair is it better to lean back or lean forward?
Amy B says
Really, really liked your last two podcasts with Katy Bowman and Julie Wiebe. I always listen to your podcast, but often feel like I don’t have a clue as to what you and Gregg are talking about re: olympic lifting, etc…Could completely and totally relate to both of these topics. Thanks!
Diana says
Perfect timing on this podcast. I’ve been dealing with a SI joint and hamstring paint that won’t go away for about 2 years now. Hamstring tendonosis was the first diagnosis but the pain radiates all the way up into my pelvic wall. I had prolotherapy done on the hamstrings and had remarkable results but the pain deep in the butt won’t go away. The same week this episode aired I went to see a pelvic floor PT. She says my obturator internus is very tight and is the reason for my hamstring and SI Joint pain. You mentioned in the podcast that Julie would be answering questions the next time she is on the show. I’d love to hear about the obturator internus and it’s role in pelvic stablization as well as how to get it to heal. Currently doing internal PT with ultrasound. I have no bladder or other common pelvic floor issues so finding information about the obturator internus is difficult! I’m in chronic pain all of the time. I’d also love to hear Julie’s opinion on healing modalities such as graston, astym, ultrasound, prolotherapy and PRP in it’s role in helping aid in pelvic floor pain. Thank so much!