For Episode 385 of The Paleo Solution Podcast we have a special guest: Dr. Shawn Baker M.D. Dr. Baker is an orthopedic surgeon, multiple record breaker in weightlifting, and has been eating a carnivore diet for the last 15 months. Listen in as we talk about all-meat diets, and go over Dr. Baker’s recent blood work results.
Download a transcript of this episode here (PDF)
Show Notes:
1:50 – Opening Remarks/Summary
3:48 – Dr. Shawn Baker’s background
6:15 – All carnivore diets (and health and autoimmune disease)
12:46 – Athletics eating carnivore diet
14:45 – Concept 2 Rower
17:28 – Blood sugar swings
18:20 – Carnivore diet controversy and comparing to keto and mixed diets.
20:02 – mTOR and protein discussion
22:14 – Muscle mass and longevity
23:13 – Dr. Shawn Baker’s blood work
25:20 – C-Reactive Protein
27:10 – Fasting Glucose
30:15 – Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
30:39 – Creatinine
30:50 – Cholesterol (general panel)
32:37 – Liver function (AST and ALT)
33:57 – More Cholesterol discussion
35:50 – Testosterone
40:38 – A1c
42:42 – Ferritin
44:21 – Iron related
45:57 – Insulin
47:55 – LDL-P
48:40 – LPIR score
48:55 – TSH
49:02 – Vitamin D
50:08 – Remnant cholesterol particles
50:41 – BMI
50:55 – Blood pressure
51:05 – HDL to Triglyceride ratio
53:09 – Lp(a)
54:54 – More LDL-P and cholesterol discussion (reverse discordance)
56:15 – More discussion on glucose (athletics and glucose)
59:05 – Where is Dr. Baker taking this next? (and salt and muscle pump)
1:01:05 – Fiber
1:02:26 – Fruits and vegetables
1:03:43 – Experimentation, science, and progression
1:08:51 – Where you can find Dr. Shawn Baker
Instagram: @ShawnBaker1967
Twitter: @SBakerMD
World Carnivore Tribe Facebook Group
Carnivore Training System
Dr. Shawn Baker on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast:
Links to Dr. Shawn Baker’s blood work (uploaded, images and PDF’s)
Shawn says “who would ever want to eat all-meat diet”? I do! Your work has given me permission to do this and after 30 days in, I can’t image going back.
So, a good summary of the podcast and his bloodwork is “everything’s optimal, keep on keeping on”? No problems, or anything indicative of long term problems? No micronutrient deficiencies at all? It doesn’t sound like it after listening, but I’d figure I’d ask for a summary.
the elevated fasting glucose and a1c are (for me) concerning. Mocronutrtients…we just don’t know.
The dude has diabetes, less testosterone than a woman, dangerous levels of cholesterol, and multiple vitamin deficiencies.
That’s what meat does to you.
that may be what all meat, one cut, and high intensity training does my vegan avenger. If “meat” did that then we’d see somethign very different in the world.
That seems to be the whole point of the carnivore diet. It’s meant to be a middle finger to vegans primarily. The rest is then built upon that mission. Thus why this gymnastics to explain these numbers. You’re starting with the conclusion that veganism is horrible because of your animosity towards vegans as some kind of boogie men. You don’t want to be vegan, fine. But, stop acting like vegans are the only assertive diet proponents out there. I’ve had Paleo and Keto disciples in my face far more than vegans. And, I would say if your attitude is that meat rules all, then, yeah, you’re going to get the ire of a lot of vegans. You can’t be surprised. Just like vegans can’t be surprised you and Dr. Baker do likewise to them. It’s just at least their diet is based on a principle they believe strongly in. Yours and Dr. Baker’s is based on 1) pissing off vegans, 2) trying to excuse the over-consumption of your favorite foods, and 3) assert your dominance over other life.
Wow…no, not even close.
You can tell by his lack of muscle, mind fog, lack of drive and motivation he is certainly suffering from his Testosterone, and his lack of cardiovascular fitness shows that the cholesterol is a problem, and due to his high blood glucose his insulin sensitivity must be shot, so his pancreas should be fucked…
But its not. His body’s equilibrium is different because his lifestyle is different, and he doesn’t need medication or supplements to constantly make of for the shortcomings of his diet
I’m sure if he focussed on putting up the “right” numbers, instead of trying to be healthy and feel good, he could. Obviously he is fitter and stronger than nearly any 50 year old, joint health seems fine, bone density is great…
Usually ‘bad’ numbers are indicative of a health problem, but the numbers don’t seem as relevant to him because otherwise how would his health be so good? Its like you have selective vision and will only see what you want to see to try to prove your point. His low T isn’t causing any symptoms, as his high blood sugar not causing insulin issues and so his pancreas is fine, and cholesterol has much less to do with CVD than C-Reactive Protein, a measure of inflammation.
Haaa, yes! High cholesterol, VERY HIGH LDL, Low testosterone…yeah, this is soooo healthy. This is laughable.
This guy is still killing it at the gym, and breaking world records on the row machine. The bloodworks not telling the whole story
High cholesterol, VERY HIGH LDL, Low testosterone.
Despite of all that his performance at gym is at peak, literally breaking records.
Than probably we are measuring the wrong things, Isn’t fitness, disease free life and longevity should be the only parameters to judge any diet?
Or it is not because we will just look at some random numbers like a clerk?
I’m going to piggyback on Matt’s question and ask, How do we not know the micronutrient numbers? Didn’t Shawn not get those numbers with his bloodwork? This would be my biggest concern as well with an all-meat diet. Robb, I would be curious to hear your thoughts on this. Also, I would also love to hear your thoughts as to why you agreed with Shawn that humans are probably better apt to handle fruits than vegetables. This is confusing information to me as your books advise to go easy on fruits but have abundant non-starchy vegetables. All in all, this podcast episode made me question everything I know about nutrition. And just when I thought I had a handle on it by reading extensively on ancestral health and nutritional ketosis (mainly the vegetable portion)….
ROSE! Great questions. We could certainly circle back and have a look at Dr. bakers micronutrient status but I’m honestly underwhelmed with much of that testing…long story to unpack that, perhaps will tackle in a podcast. Marty Kendall at Optimizing Nutrition did an analysis based of Dr. Bakers’ reported food intake:
Now, one of the bones I have to pick with this is we know for certain that nutrient needs while low carb are different than wen high carb. Virtually all of our data on nutrient deficiencies are built from high-carb intake populations. Now, i’m NOT saying that a carnivore diet is optimum, I can make a case that Dr. Baker would likely benefit from some fish and organ meats, but again, this is all relative stuff.
On the fruit topic: “Fruit” means different thing botanically than culinary in many respects. Tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, berries etc are all fruit! I notice that these things digest much better than say kale or spinach. And as always, we have to consider individual needs and variations. YOU may do great with kale, spinach etc, less well with what i’d described as “fruits.”
Wow Robb, I didn’t expect to get back such a thorough response! Thank you for taking the time to write this, it really helps me understand more.
Thanks for the shout out Robb (as always). There are a number of ways to test micronutrient status but they’re fraught with challenges. We also don’t know how hard the body is working to keep nutrients in optimal ranges (e.g. upregulating insulin to hold onto electrolytes in the kidneys). Chris and Tommy have just added a nutrient score to their Blood Calculator that I think is promising.
His D levels are low, his HDL is minimal, and his A1C is in diabetic range. He doesn’t give LDL, but with the low HDL and his total, it’s up there in the higher range.
Not terrific blood work
Really need a part 2! I want to hear more about things like androgen receptor sensitivity, less than optimal TSH, and “high” blood glucose. Also, not touched upon topics like collagen, eating nose-to-tail, organ meats, magnesium and other supps, sustainability, the (lack of) importance of fiber, anti-oxidants, etc
Mike- Nicki and i will do a Q&A around this episode so we can dig into those topics and more.
Great to hear this podcast and so glad you get into new viewpoints. Maybe you could address the question – what is he burning for fuel? He addresses that his meat has fat but I would be interested in what his ketones measure. I assume he has some ketones but I don’t think he gave us a measurement.
I have been eating the zero carb carnivore diet for over 10 years. I (and most other long term ZC Carnivores) mostly just eat grocery store beef. Nose to tail is not necessary. I take no supplements or fiber and haven’t used salt in over 8 years.
Why not just throw in some fish to get the D up as well as to make sure DHA is not an issue 😉 Great talk!
That’s what i’d do. And some organ meats, chicarones etc.
Gotta ask… Who picked the picture? It’s perfect.
I think that was squatchy!
I assume was to hard to put a small table or text with the numbers in the US figures and in mmol etc mentioned in the episode? And in that way we do not have to replay everything a few times and take note and make the calculations and make our own conclusions, I listened 20% and I am not going to waste time doing that, next time do a better podcast with better notes Robb, with 380 plus of them it is a lot to be desired
Paul- this is a free podcast, we rarely even bother to have an ad attached to the show. I work my ass off to get as much content out to folks as I can. It’s a bonafide embarrassment that the US is in the dark ages with regards to international units, but it’s what I have to deal with. A simple “hey robb, could you please jam out some international equivalences?” Would ahve resulted in the response: “sure, man, thanks for the suggestion.” But the fact you have to do some entitled bullshit you get a “go fuck yourself Paul”. I’ll still do the conversions for you, but grow a pair of man-fruits and conduct yourself with some decorum.
“This food is terrible, and there isn’t enough of it!” I love it! Thanks for all you do, Robb!
thanks amigo!
Omg Robb, right effin on! Way to reply to a self-centered arrogant little twat.
I agree with you when it comes to international units. The US like the UK are still in the dark ages. So ludicrous!
Thank you for your fabulous podcasts.
Also, you two didn’t talk about quality, sourcing of the meat etc, which in my mind plays a major role.
thanks amigo!
The key words of your last comment would probably be “” Go Fuck Yourself Paul “”.
Well done ..!!
Awesome podcast Robb! … Love the reply. 😂😎❤️
Damn! Well played, sir. I am a subscriber for life now. Keep on keeping it real Rob!
~slow clap for Robb~
Thanks for all your efforts Mr. Wolf. I read The Paleo Solution in 2011. Ever since, you are a source I seek out when I have nutritional questions. It’s very much appreciated you provide this much quality info at no cost.
Keep doing what you’re doing….it works!!
Thanks Brad!!
Great stuff as always and maybe the best ever response to Paul.
Would really like to hear more thoughts on the lack of fiber in this diet and gut health. I heard podcasts where an expert claims fiber does nothing for us; and others that are saying fiber may be one of the most important factors in optimal health.
Thanks again
thanks! Check out the podcasts with Dr. Ruscio…with regards to fiber, it depends.
Paul where the hell is your biweekly podcast with some of the most interesting guests in this field. Get a life dude !
Hi there,
Nice chat guys! My total and free T runs low since being going keto in 2015.
Morning wood and muscle mass is not an issue, but have been worried about it for a while.
Was curious about liver enzymes though –Robb said they were “middle of range,” but that doesn’t mean much nowadays.
Reason I ask, elevations in GGT and ALT are established markers for POP/EDC exposure and was curious to see what actual numbers we for these–if run.
Def not at the upper edge, i think you are wise to keep an eye on this but did not flag for Dr. Baker IMO>
Dr. Baker’s numbers do look good on the whole, but I do agree with Robb that his HDL seems low, and also his vitamin D. Nothing a little daily fish oil and a little more sun/vitamin D3 wouldn’t fix.
I am a Vitamin D non absorber and no amount of sun or a little fish oil will fix it gor Me….
Fascinating podcast. Thanks for this. Very interesting numbers. I have to say that the blood glucose & HbA1c numbers were very surprising. Is it really fair to say that a fasting blood glucose level of nearly 130 is “slightly” elevated? That sounds pretty high. Yes, insulin is very low, as expected. But the fasting blood sugar level along with the elevated Hba1c sounds very concerning.
It’s high. I’m not comfortable just dismissing it, but also not at all sure what is happening. Possibly electrolyte deficiency?
Time will tell I suppose. Thanks for addressing it and for digging into these numbers. I had been looking forward to this podcast for weeks. Great stuff. And I agree with the other commenter: Fuck Paul.
HA! thanks!!
Peter at Hyperlipid did an interesting post on what might be going on with his glucose disposal:
Podcast episode 386: “go fuck yourself Paul”
Today we look into why shit bags like Paul are what’s wrong with the world.
Hey Robb, this was a great episode of your podcast. I’ve been doing really well for a number of years now on a fairly high meat version of the paleo diet. Lately, with all the current hype about mTor, I’ve started to feel like perhaps I should cut back on my protein – even though I’ve had no compelling reason to do so based on how I feel. This episode has given me confidence to continue on my current path. I still eat a lot of fruit and veggies – I grow almost all my own. I was interested in the comments that most/many of the vegetables we eat were developed/evolved from plants that were originally toxic (I don’t recall the exact wording). Can you point me to any resources for more information on this subject? Or perhaps it could be the subject of a future podcast episode. I think a greater understanding of the origins of our modern edible plants could be extremely instructive in understanding some of the autoimmune, and other, issues some of us experience (with nightshades for instance).
Hopefully I’ve grown man-fruits along with the other fruits and veggies I grow. I’m a long time listener, first time poster, and looking at your response to the previous post I’m scared shitless by how you may respond.
Love your work!
The Mtor story is interesting. If one is NOT over eating, if one IS lifting weights and doing some amount of time restricted feeding…I think this minimizes potential downsides, but it’s all a guess at this point.
I’m not always a menie! Just gets old when folks throw around a sense of entitlement vs just trying to be both helpful and pleasant.
Dr. Baker mentioned that vegetables were invented recently and you said that the process has been to make them less toxic. I’m trying to find specific studies in regards to this and will keep searchin, but any help in this regard would be appreciated.
Also who was the lady mentioned in this regard by Dr. Baker?
Awesome podcast btw
Luther burbank did a lot of the pioneering work in this arena…not sure on the lady mentioned:
I heard it mentioned again at end of podcast. Georgia Eaton?
I think it’s Dr. Georgia Ede
That’s it. Thanks
Yes, probably Dr. Georgia Ede. This is her compendium of vegetable stuff, the good, the bad and the ugly:
Her whole site is loaded with interesting info on just about everything – red meat, fiber, cholesterol, etc.
The lady mentioned was Dr.Georgia Ede. Her website is! Lots of great info!
AH!!! Yes, thanks!
So what’s important is insulin sensitivity and not fasting or HbA1c ? I am confused
This was an amazing podcast and Shawn really seems open-minded. I actually tend to do better with a lower fat/higher carb (almost vegan with some meat and fish) approach, but I can’t stand that vegans think that a vegan diet works for everyone (that said, I’ve had some acne issues so I may try this for a week or two…). Shawn’s (and Robb’s) approach is do what works for you and Shawn seems like a very open-minded guy who is more curious than critical. Still a few questions. What about Homocysteine levels? Shawn’s diet is extremely high in methionine with apparently no glycine to counter that. It would be good to know what his homocysteine levels are. Also, I don’t remember hearing anything about his IGF-1 levels (I would be surprised if they weren’t off the charts given his physique and performance). Aren’t high IGF-1 and high methionine associated with cancer? And what are Shawn’s levels? That said, this podcast has made me question the low protein/low IGF-1 (or at least low methionine) equals longevity dogma (or at least for everyone). Maybe it’s not that simple. Jack LaLanne was known to eat tons of protein (mostly from egg whites and fish in his later years) and lived to be 97. Art DeVany eats a very high protein diet too (not ketogenic at all). Maybe it’s not how much protein you eat but how much you actually use? At any rate, great podcast.
Since some of Dr. Baker’s values regarding some of the more “typical” markers that raise concern for most clinicians (A1c, fasting glucose, cholesterol, etc) were sometimes “not within normal limits” yet other more complex tests were reassuring, what should we take away from this? It seems that if there were a bigger sample size with similar lab values it would upend what is usually considered healthy. Is it the case that different sets of labs/value ranges apply to different populations (i.e. the sedentary vs. moderately active vs. highly active or anything within that spectrum)?
What I took away from this? Confusion! Still noodeling on it and will dig into it in our next podcast.
Is it possible that we really don’t understand blood glucose and what it means in the context of a super low, years long carbohydrate restricted diet? Perhaps this is our natural state before carbohydrates became so readily available? There must be some studies on this?
The testosterone numbers are incredibly low and surprising to me. I don’t understand how he can be that strong and have that much energy to do work with such low numbers. Would love someone to “unpack” that one for us.
As always great food for thought….Thanks!
Ken- IDK..I think somethign is amiss on the BG, but it may be a side effect of activity and LC. We have so few data points to pull from it’s really hard to know.
low testosterone levels…
would be similar to low insulin levels…
better sensitivity = need less.
Fascinating stuff. Loving your work Rob from over here in the UK.
I am no expert but there was quite a bit of explaining why the numbers were sometimes out of range. Would you be happy if these were your bloods, Rob?
Cheers dude.
I generally would not be stoked by that level of fasting glucose! Nicki and i will unpack this in our next Q&A podcast.
Thank for the information and recipe for healthy and delicious meal.I like healthy food especially pork.People are having success losing weight with healthy way by poleo diet.
I personally start poleo diet 5 month ago and already make me very high spirit during the day.I am sure this will provide tremendous value to anyone that see this.
I wonder what Dr. Baker knows (or doesn’t know) about butyrate, or how the gut microbiota needs fiber to make short chain fatty acids?
Well…if one is producing beta hydroxy butyrate via ketosis, it may not be an issue. Or it may. too early to know for sure.
I’m really interested in Dr. Baker’s NMR LipoProfile numbers. I’m an intermittent faster. I have a similar LDL-P, 1,227, and a lower LPIR, 29. But my Small LDL-P, 518, is bumping up against the top of the optimal reference range. I’m worried about my LDL-P and smLDL-P but Dr. Baker doesn’t seem to worried about his. The smLDL-P or LDL size wasn’t mentioned. Could you share those numbers?
This reaffirms to me that we have adapted to seasonal (Summer/Winter… Wet/Dry) adjustments in the availability of food sources. This does not convince me of a long term value of being carnivorous, micro-nutrients are not fully covered. However, we are very adaptive and it just goes to show that REAL food, devoid of preservatives, emulsifiers and other additives, is the real key to a “proper” diet.
(note: there are other aspects to LIFESTYLE that are important to overall health as well. We are HOLISTIC beings!)
Since I listened to the podcast a week ago, I have been trying it. And so far I am loving it.
Keep in mind, the transition has been easy for me metabolically as I have been doing a lowish carb paleo for years, and full keto for the last 15 months.
Great podcast so intriguing.
I would like to see his coronary artery calcium score as that is one of the most direct predictors of CVD. Also would like to know his APOE status being a 4/4 myself wondering about the saturated fat, I love saturated fat but most caution APOE 4/4 to switch to monos.
Byran walsh has a calculation for determining your RBC life span.
Would also be fun to plug in his blood panel into chris kelly’s blood calculator that thing is super accurate based on my own personal experience.
What does he drink? And is the meat grass fed/finished or conventional?? Does he eat organ meats? maybe I should listen to the Joe Rogan show for these details??
Thanks Robb
Where can I find this picture comparison of Dr Baker vs Dr Gregor??
Very interesting! I was considering zero carb / carnivore a couple of years ago, as I was having some health issues and paleo/AIP/elimination diet wasn’t helping. Now I’m thinking of this type of diet again.
I don’t think I could only eat steak, because I’m already too paleo and know about collagen and organ meats etc. So I’m much more interested in the Paleomedicina approach you mentioned. The keto paleo diet looks less restrictive, more interesting and… safer. I’d love to listen to a podcast featuring them!
I’m working on it! It will likely be a written interview.
Hi Rob, what was the name of the clinic in Europe Dr.Shawn mentioned again? Thanks!
Perhaps ping him on IG? I’m not sure on that.
I would LOVE a podcast where you do the same battery of tests on a long-term carnivore like Amber O Hearn or Dana (who commented above) to see what’s happening with their HbA1c etc. Now THAT would be super interesting.
GREAT idea!
Hi Robb!
This is my first time posting but I’m a big fan of what you’re doing! I’m really struggling with something though, and was wondering if I could steal a minute of your time.
This carnivore diet fascinates me. In fact, I just started doing it a few days ago. My biggest struggle right now, is not eating fruit. I absolutely love fruit, and I’m not sure if I can stay away!
Am I going to completely screw up this diet, or alter it in a negative way, if I choose to eat one or two pieces of fruit per day?
Any light that you can shed on this, would absolutely make my day.. Cheers!
Eat the fruit!! Make this sustainable for yourself!
Thanks a lot for responding Robb! You’re an awesome dude.. seriously.
Can I ask you how much fruit I CAN eat, without ruining the benefits of this diet? I most definitely want to make this as sustainable, and effective as possible.
Are there specific fruits that would benefit me more than others? Should I avoid some specific fruit?
I’m also doing an 8/16 intermittent fasting with this diet, and doing some mid level workouts every single day. Would it benefit me more to eat fruit at specific times?
I really do appreciate any light you can shed on this for me. I’m excited to share some great results as the months go by :).
Thanks a lot! – Chris
It’s really impossible for me to know these details amigo, you just need to tinker. Digestively, I notice i do well with berries, melons, tropical fruits…not good with apples and pears. In the summer i seem to do WAY better with fruit, in the winter I dial it back. tinker and keep me posted! Also, thanks for the kind words.
What was Vitamin C levels?
Another possible explanation is that his blood work is unhealthy, because his diet is. I know there are huge divides between the different dietary philosophies that dominate these conversations – but could this help explain his fasting blood sugar and HbA1c?
Hey Robb, great stuff as always. I’m sure you’ve seen or heard of the Jordan Peterson revolution going on. What’s interesting is that his daughter has had many issues autoimmune, arthritis(even bone replacement at age 16), depression, anxiety and she has tinkered with her diet for ages. She eliminated foods starting with gluten, dairy, legumes to now she’s just eating beef claiming it makes her look and feel the best, and has become completely pill free in the forms of anti-depressants and arthritis pills. What do you think about her situation? Did she find the best possible solution? Should more people be considering this diet? This all seems pretty extreme, do you feel that’s the case?
Really good questions. My take: folks do NOT go to carnivore so they can live a super restrictive lifestyle. They end up here as a last-ditch, desperation move…and a move that in many cases, works. If one is dying from GI issues, IS there an “extreme” dietary approach if folks are getting better?
Thanks for the reply Robb really appreciate it. Not to waste too much of your time to but to give thanks for your words of wisdom. I was born with asthma, eczema, pyloric stenosis(surgery at a few months). Multiple trips to the ICU, been intubated three different occasions because of the asthma. Tried the vegan diet(did it wrong, as if there’s a right) after reading The China Study, got sick, dropped my peek flow meter down to 100. Came across you and marks work, got better. The last things that plague me are the eczema and some allergies which i’m part to blame because of my inability to completely withdrawal from the wine. Though I can note that going super low carb really flares up my skin issues, I think Paul Jaminet talks about going super low carb can be bad for some skin problems. I’m now gonna look into glucose monitors after reading Wired to Eat. Thanks again man. I’ll continue to learn and support.
Keep me posted!
when is the next episode with Dr Baker going to be casted ? Could you also include talk about herbs and spices that have vitamins and nutritients in it like turmeric, cayenne , spirulina
Herb teas is intresting topic, not the fruity commercial mass *taste good* teas that are full of shit but, herb teas that supposedly have banefits ? Do our ancestor drank them ? Are they actually healthy, cuz they are from plants/bushes/herbs , but for example green tea or black tea is ?proven? to be good
Not only teas, im intrested in what Dr Baker is drinking overall cuz i never saw in any of his clips or other interviews talk about that, is it only water ? does he drink milk from time to time ? teas ? coffee ?
What about bee pollen , its not exactly 0 carbs but 1 dose a day which is 10-15 grams a day, contains only 3-4 carbs but provides so much vitamins and other things that its totally worth it, 4 carbs are nothing…
So, when is the next episode going to be, and could you talk on herbs/spices/what he drinks/bee pollen/coffee ?
I just had a huge plate of apples, I can already feel the mind numbing back pain.
Incredible how nobody is questioning his T levels. His levels are ‘peak soy’. Either that, or he’s on anabolics.
Looks like the Vegans are tearing up this interview….
I am a physician – unfortunately you are doing a disservice to the general public by minimizing his abnormal lab tests. He is on his way to diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease and has increased risk of cancer. You should have had a real licensed physician on your show to give the real facts as you are not a physician.
You are a pleasant man Mr. Wolf – but you are not a physician and based on Mr Baker’s responses neither is he.
Actually Baker was a medical doctor. But he lost his license. I really wonder why. /s
Aaaaaaaand he got it back.
The fact that he lost his license in the first place shows how messed up everything is.
Wouldn’t the fact that he is still incredibly fit and healthy, and seemingly resistant to all the maladies that have been forcasted for him show how well the diet is working. Its been another 8 months, and his health is still great. Still showing no sign of poor health, his current workouts are pretty good for a 52 yo, don’t you think?
Wouldn’t a doctor be openminded and actually look at the evidence, rather than closing his eyes and saying anything that conficts with his current point of view is wrong?
Hindsight is 20/20, and you are on the wrong side of it
I really think that this could work if there are some other things included in the diet like eggs, fish, cooking in butter. I think some of these numbers could be just a lack of the variety. I know when I went on keto my ha1C was 4.0, test levels went to 989 glucose 63, even now when i was eating carbs at a high level my glucose is 65-70 and a1c at 5.0. I am actually quite shocked his test is so low and his sugar is so high, thats super weird to me. I can’t really explain it. I know when i did keto I ate tons of veggies though like 2-3 cups of greens per meal
Shawn mention that when doctors see a “low T3” level, doctors put you on Synthroid to bring it back up. Synthroid is a synthetic version of T4, not T3.
Hi Robb,
Did you run a CBC on Dr Baker and if so, what was the RDW?