Staffan Lindeberg, a great scientist, researcher, physician, and pioneer of the paleo diet, passed away in December. He did some very important paleo diet related research, and was best known for his study of the Kitavans. We will never forget his contributions.
On October 12th, the Course II Annual Evolutionary Nutrition Conference and Staffan Lindeberg Memorial will be help in Lisbon, Portugal.
This will be a great event with a number of brilliant speakers. I highly recommend attending if you can. Here is the program outline for the day:
08h45-9h00: Opening remarks (Prof. Lynda Frassetto)
09h00-9h30: Dietary shifts during human evolution (Dr. Ainara Sistiaga)
09h30-10h00: What does a modern Paleolithic diet look like (Prof. Loren Cordain)
10h00-10h15: Round table with Q & A (Moderator: Prof. Lynda Frassetto)
10h15-10h30: Short break
10h30-10h55: The Hungry Brain (Dr. Stephan Guyenet)
10h55-11h20: The land-water ecosystem in human brain evolution (Prof. Frits Muskiet)
11h20-11h45: Evolutionary perspective on milk signalling in adults (Dr. Bodo Melnik)
11h45-12h00: Round table with Q & A (Moderator: Pedro Bastos)
12h00-13h30: Lunch break and poster session
13h30-13h50: Clinical experience and research with the Paleolithic Ketogenic diet – 2010-2017 (Dr. Csaba Tóth and Dr. Zsófia Clemens)
13h50-14h10: Clinical research with modern Paleolithic diets – The known, unknown and unknowable (Maelán Fontes)
14h10-14h30: Cooking methods as confounders in dietary intervention studies (Óscar Picazo)
14h30-14h50: Beyond diet – lifestyle changes as confounders in nutrition research (Pedro Bastos)
14h50-15h10: Round table with Q & A (Moderator: Dr. Tommy Jonsson)
15h10-15h30: Short break
15h30-16h30: Round table with all the speakers and moderators – establishing future research directions (Moderator: Sérgio Veloso)
16h30-16h45: Closing remarks (Prof. Lynda Frassetto)
*This conference will be held in English.
You can find registration and more information on the event website HERE, and on the Facebook event page HERE.
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