Our guest this episode is my friend Nora Gedgaudas. She is the international bestselling author of Primal Body – Primal Mind and the newly released Primal Fat Burner.
Download a transcript of this episode here (PDF)
Primal Fat Burner
Primal Restoration courses
Primal Body – Primal Mind
Primal Fat Burner
30 Day Guide to the Paleo Diet
Want some extra help? Have you been trying Paleo for a while but have questions or aren’t sure what the right exercise program is for you? Or maybe you just want a 30-day meal plan and shopping list to make things easier? We’ve created a getting started guide to help you through your first 30 days.
Nora’s ideas are so outdated, so out of touch with the latest science. She still believes carbs are bad and fat is good. She should pay more attention to the true experts like Drs. Guyenet and Masterjohn. The carbs or even sugar are not the problem! Our brains are the problem, due to broken neuro-regulation of appetite they find carbs too hyperpalatable which forces us to overeat (which can obviously be proven by the marshmallow experiment). And this is the real problem: overconsumption of calories from hyperpalatable foods. Nora even mentioned insulin resistance once or twice, which as we know thanks to Dr. Guyenet is by no means caused by excessive carbs consumption. Instead it is induced by the brain after it sensed it cannot store more calories into fat cells. All the anthropological evidence is also flawed. Our ancestors could not have possibly eaten high fat, how would they fuel their jujitsu classes? The true ancestral diet was potato-based, as we know potatos have nutritional profile superior to beef. And of course the Kitavans disprove any speculations about the diet of the Norhern Eurpean during the ice age…