Hey folks!
The Holiday Season is here and I wanted to share a few things that you might consider adding to your shopping list.
Caveman Coffee– Founded by Tait Fletcher and Keith Jardine, CMC has grown from just a few offerings to a wide variety of awesome coffees, nitropack teas and even MCT oil. I love just about everything from these guys although I must admit a predilection for darker roasts like the Sabertooth blend. They are already sold out of the gift tins, but check out this spread!
Paleo Power Balls– Developed by The Paleo Angel, PPB’s are a fantastic, low-glycemic load treat that ticks the boxes of “delicious” and “autoimmune paleo friendly” at the same time.
Butcher Box– Nothing says “Happy Holidays” like meat! The folks at Butchers Box have cracked the code of sourcing grassfed and pastured (sustainable) meat options while making this delicious and nutritious goodness available via online order.
Lucki Gi– If you are not into Brazilian Jiu-jitsu we can still be friends, but c’mon, what are you waiting for? Jits is AWESOME! There are a lot of great Gi’s and rash guard options available these days and one of the best is Lucky Gi. From hemp to bamboo to more traditional fibers, Lucky Gi does a great job of keeping you protected and looking good while rolling.
Solo Stove– I’ve done a lot of backpacking and car camping over the years and although I’ve liked my white fuel camp stoves, they can be a pain at times. This cyclonic stove, fueled by small sticks and twigs MIGHT be a fantastic solution if you do not want to go the more traditional camp stove route. A cool feature of the stove is once it starts getting hot a draft is created, pulling air…which makes the fire burn hotter. It’s not quite a perpetual motion machine but it’s super cool and with just a little monitoring and maintenance you can cook a good sized meal or boil water (or make some coffee?) in just a few minutes.
Stove Top Espresso Maker– I’ve had coffee from $5,000 espresso machines and I’ve had coffee from simple stove-top model like this that cost $20. Which was the better cup of coffee? I generally find the stove-top option to be more consistent. Yes, it’s a little work, no you can’t make multiple cups super fast, but what the stove top espresso maker lacks in mass production potential it more than makes up for in consistency. An awesome combo gift pack would be some Cave Man Coffee, Solo Stove and Stove top espresso maker.
Hidden Jiujitsu– Keeping the Jiu-jitsu theme “rolling,” I cannot sufficiently recommend Henry Akins Hidden Jiu Jitsu online program. I have learned so much from both seminars and online course work from henry it is tough to describe how much it has improved my jiu-jitsu. You can go all in with a VIP pass or select certain modules which appear to be of particular interest to you.
Gymnastics Bodies– My main “strength training” I have done the past few years has come from the outstanding Gymnastics bodies course. This is a unique program which first puts you through an assessment, then structures your weekly strength and mobility work. The back end of the program provides a fantastic user interface that queries you as to the relative difficulty of the training on a given day, you sleep, level of recovery etc. The program modifies your progress based on parameters like your sleep, recovery etc. If you are not sure if you want to do the whole program I HIGHLY recommend buying the Stretch program as a stand alone item. This is a three day per week stretch program that gets you moving towards the front and side splits as well as working on thoracic and shoulder mobility.
Sleep Remedy- Sleep, Food, Exercise, Community, these are the cornerstones of health. If you need a little help in getting better sleep, you might fall in love with Doc Parsley’s Sleep Remedy. Formulated by Kirk Parsley MD, a former US Navy SEAL who went on to become a doctor and work with the SEALS for a number of years. Kirk needed an option besides pharmaceutical sleep “aids” to help folks in he military get the sleep they so desperately need.
Paleo Magazine-If you want to stay on top of the latest and greatest writing and thinking in the Paleo/Ancestral Health world you will love Paleo Magazine. Use code ROBBWOLF to get 9 issues for the price of 6 as well as access to digital archives via their app.
Ok, that’s it for this year! I hope y’all are doing well.
Affiliate note: many of these links in this post are affiliate links so if you purchase any of these items through the links on this page, I may make a small commission. You will pay the same price for all products and services, and your purchase helps keep RobbWolf.com running. Please know that I only link to products I personally use and support.
Sam says
What a great gift guide! Thanks ROBB for putting this list together. I never would’ve heard of these things if you didn’t. May you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving full of laughter, love and joy!! Enjoy all