Day 27
Challenge: Tonight, 1 hour before bed – turn off the TV, computer, tablet, phone and any other form of artificial light. Instead, relax by reading a real book with pages (yes, they still make these…), do a crossword puzzle, journal, talk to your family or just zone out. Your sleep quality will be so much better!
Amy’s Two-Second Takeaway: Eating Paleo isn’t a religion – there are no commandments and you’re not going to go to food hell if you eat something that’s not compliant. That said, you will feel better if you eat well most of the time. But you don’t need to be militant about it!
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How do I read a book without artificial light?
It’s the blue light from technology (TV, computer, tablet, phone, etc.) not a light bulb. You can still read.
Unfortunately, the government has banned the old incandescent lighbulbs and forced us to replace them with the white glaring CFL ones.
Unless we go back to candles, what are we supposed to do to wind down in the evenings?
Many folks use dimmer switches to at least reduce the intensity of light.
You can use “soft white” CFL bulbs, which aren’t quite as bright and glaring as some of the others. They also make CFL bulbs in other colors too if you wanted to go that route.
One of the best things to do would be to get some blue-blocking glasses. Something like these work well
We use the GE Align PM. They don’t have blue light and they give a candle like glow…
Light a few candles and read/journal/talk by candlelight. #supercalming
Just starting this journey to eat better to loose weight, and feel better.
Good sleep hygiene is so important. I will get in the habit of not watching TV and read a book, I am so behind in my reading.
I have been struggling with being exhausted 24/7 recently and I was wondering if the paleo diet makes you tired at first?
If you’re used to coming from a high carb standard american diet then it can. Electrolytes should help, and a little time. It shouldn’t last super long.