Download a transcript of this episode here
Featuring guests: Dr. John Ratey and Richard Manning, authors of the upcoming book Go Wild.
30 Day Guide to the Paleo Diet
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Hi Robb,
Great podcast today, as always. I particularly enjoyed hearing John and Richard’s perspectives on carbs, exercise and the benefit of mentally challenging exercise. You mentioned your experience with resistant starch. I’ve heard you do so on other occasions, as well. From various snippets I’ve pieced together that you initially had a good experience with it, then it was a little rough, and now from the sounds of it things are all good and it’s made a significant improvement to your health? I would really love to hear more about your experience with resistant starch…so that we all can learn from your firsthand experience. I have autoimmune issues (M.S.) as well as a case of candida at the moment and am wary of the potato starch. Wondering if tapioca flour might be better. Are you planning a podcast on the subject any time soon, or maybe a blog post? Thanks for all you do. Michelle
I’m working on a blog post!
Michelle — I’m just glad to see that someone knows the difference between wary and weary! You have restored my faith in the English language skills of people who comment on blogs. (For today, anyway.) 😀
Amy – I thought all those other people were just tired.
Robb, what was the probiotic you mentioned in the podcast?
If I remember correctly, I think Robb was probably talking about Prescript Assist.
Is there a cost effective way to track supplements effect on the body / blood and monitor supplement dosage?
MICROBIOME SUPPLIMENTATION – Robb, your reference near the end of the podcast to homeostatic soil organisms was intriguing. You indicated taking a probiotic/preboitic supplement like Prescript-Assist provided a noticeable benefit?
I’ve been taking a decent probiotic blend, but it only contains the lactobacillus, bifidobacteria, lactococcus and pediococcus families. Would you advise concurrent supplementation with homeostatic soil organisms via a second probiotic blend?
I’m going to go join my young daughter, play outside more and eat a bit more dirt. Beyond that, does anyone have a good probiotic suppliment you recommend that addresses homeostatic soil organisms? Thanks for your help!
Yea…the inclusion of the Prescript Assist was STUNNING. For me. Our trainer Sarah Strange (wrote the great piece on carb reloading for this blog) had a TERRIBLE experience with PA. So, it’s really an individual thing but I think very worth tinkering with.
Thanks, Robb. Don’t think I ate enough dirt as a kid, so supplementing those little critters down below might be a good idea. Hopefully I’ll fair better than Sarah. Her piece on Carb Reloading back in March was super: