Testimonial written by: Doug Goudsward
In the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, our home was without power for a week. The morning after power was restored, I went down to the basement to exercise on my elliptical trainer. I found I had tightness in my back. It progressively got worse over the next few days. Within a month I was barely able to stand and my left leg was partially paralyzed. I saw a number of doctors including a pain management specialist, a neurologist, and an orthopedic surgeon. They all gave conflicting stories of what was wrong. Ultimately I ended up at the Hospital of Special Surgery in Manhattan where I received devastating news. I was stricken with primary lateral sclerosis. Visits to Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center in New Jersey and the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota confirmed the diagnosis. “You can’t exercise or diet your way out of this>” These were the words of the head of Neurology at the Mayo Clinic. I wasn’t prepared to surrender yet though. First I came across some articles by Dr Marios Hadjivassiliou linking gluten to neurological disease. Then I discovered Dr Terry Wahls TEDx presentation on her recovery from MS. I began a Paleo diet, also incorporating cleansing herbs and spices into my diet. Initially my neurological problems remained the same or perhaps even worsened. However, I stuck with the diet because I very quickly lost 30 lbs. My cholesterol level which had been borderline high came down to healthy levels. Likewise with my blood sugar. After about two months I was able to come off blood pressure medication. After about four months, my neurological problems began to reverse. Motor function began to return and the back spasms stopped. I was able to stop using the wheel chair, and then the walker. While I cannot say that I am fully recovered, I am able to go about my day to day activities without using a cane. I owe it all to the Paleo Diet and a consistent exercise program.
God DAMN does this nearly bring tears to my eyes…Congrats dude!
“You can’t exercise or diet your way out of this” —> the corollary being: you’re suffering from a Big Pharma Pill deficiency? F*ck You Conventional Institutionalized (non-emergency) Medical “care”
“You can’t exercise or diet your way out of this.” These were the words of the head of Neurology at the Mayo Clinic. Nice. I’m sure he’s a brilliant man, but it’s an unbelievable shame he isn’t more aware of what’s being done to reverse the mitochondrial dysfunction that seems to underlie so many of these neurological conditions.
So glad you’re out of your wheelchair, Doug. I only wish other people in similar situations had the wherewithal to take their health into their own hands and not accept the first opinion they here, even if it comes from someone as credentialed and knowledgeable as “the head of neurology at the Mayo Clinic” must be.
GOOD. FOR. YOU. Stop at nothing.
Great story! I hope you email this link, or snail mail this story, to all of these ‘medical professionals’ you dealt with while you were trying to get an answer to your issues.
Thanks for sharing and great future luck!
This is what my grandfather has had for the last ten years. He is nearing the end of his life now, and it has been devastating. I wish I knew about this years ago.
Glad for you. I went paleo and became very healthy and then got neurological problems. A year later no diagnosis.
PLS takes years to diagnose. How did you get so quick. Honestly I don’t think you had PLS. It’s extremely difficult to diagnose.
Again I’m happy you are feeling better but to give people hope that actually have PLS is irresponsible.
My neuro says I have either ALSor PLS and it will take years to diagnose. Good luck
I was recently diagnosed with PLS. I’ve had symptoms since 2007 but they progressed and was diagnosed with PLS just last year.
I actually been wanting to talk to someone who has same diagnoses as I.
email me [email protected]
You didn’t have PLS, takes a minimum of 3 years to get diagnosis of PLS. Sorry to piss on your parade, there are some diseases you cannot exercise you way out of. Go to an ALS center and look for yourself. It’s a bastard of a disease.
I was diagnosed with pls on 1/2021 and my stiff leg started in November 2019. I hope your right and my doctor is wrong. I just turned 44 and I’m trying to stay positive but it kinda sucks with a diagnosis of PLS.
My wife, a 21 year retired USAF vet was diagnosed with PLS in Nov 2017 by military doctors. Been on baclifen but doesn’t help much. She is 40 yo. I am begging for help.
Ron in San Antonio.
My husband was diagnosed 2 years ago, Baclifen does nothing but make you a zombie, it doesn’t help his symptoms. We went off all medication and are just doing our best to deal with it. He functions much better without the meds!
I don’t believe there is any harm in your wife trying a gluten-free Paleo diet for a month. If she feels that is helping then continue it. There seems to be an autoimmune aspect to many of the degenerative neurological conditions. A good starting point is Dr Terry Wahls video on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLjgBLwH3Wc&t=1s
I was diagnosed with PLS about six weeks ago with only an EMG and neurological test to confirm the diagnosis. I have left side weakness and now walk with a cane and my speech has been affected as well. However, I was diagnosed with Celiac around the same time as my PLS diagnosis and have been gluten free for six weeks, which as resulted in some improvement with walking , speech, and better balance. What I would like to know is this: I was diagnosed with no other tests other than EMG and was left with no support or suggestions on how to cope and when I mentioned the gluten as a possible cause of my symptoms, I was laughed at . Frustrated is not the word. Any suggestions?
Going gluten free, as you’ve noticed, can be potentially helpful. I would look into the paleo autoimmune protocol (AIP), and especially the work of Dr. Terry Wahls. LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) may be something worth looking into as well.
Thanks, Squatchy! Have you personally used the LDN yourself. I read up on it and it sounds promising. Can I oder or do I need a script? Thanks so much!
I haven’t used it myself yet, though should be trying it soon. You can get a script for it, which is filled by a compounding pharmacy, so you can take it in pill form. You can also order it on the internet.