Written by: Brenda K.
I am 62 years old female and have a family history of Hashimotos’s hypothyroiditis. My mother had her thyroid removed. My uncle had MS and my son is a Lymphoma survivor. Huge autoimmune history in my family.
I did Paleo for only three months before I went back to the Dr. for routine blood work.
I have been taking thyroid medication for 7 years. My levels kept getting worse over the years and I had to increase my medication each year.
My TSH levels were reading close to 10. I went from the lowest dose to 100 MCG.
Normal readings are .5 to 5.0
I received a call from the Dr and they said everything looked normal. Red flag.
I went to the office and asked them to look at my records from last test and compare it to the new one,
They said my new reading was 1.0. Completely in the normal range.
If I hadn’t questioned the phone call I can’t imagine how that dose of medicine would have affected me.
Thank you for all you do.
I also lost ten pounds in those three months, so there is hope to loose weight after age 60.
I’ve had similar success managing my Hashimoto’s thru diet alone – I haven’t bothered to get numbers lately (within the last year or so), but I’ve been largely asymptomatic since going primarily Paleo. I can tell when I’ve been “glutened” (usually hidden gluten in foods) because I can FEEL my thyroid on my throat and I wear down more quickly, but my hair and nails are in great shape and I have enough energy to get thru the day and then some. The weight that kept creeping up has stabilized, and in summer when I’m exercising more and eating fewer root (seasonal) veg, I’m at or below my pre-pregnancy weight after 2 kids, so I’m happy with that. 🙂
Doctor – at least my former one – and endocrinologist are stumped as to how I manage without my Synthroid. Oh well!
An update: a couple months ago I had my numbers checked as part of a routine physical and while they’re a smidge outside the normal range, they’re not so far outside as to be worrisome, even without meds.
Additionally, my Hashi’s antibodies are now Negative – it appears to be, um, gone. 🙂
Have you had your antibodies checked? That’s the number to look at with Hashimoto’s. Hopefully your antibodies improved by eliminating grains.
Talking about thyroid… I have very low T3 levels, normal T4 levels. I love tea. A lot of tea has soy lecithin, and I have heard that soy messes with the thyroid, and do not touch any soy. Yet, would drinking some tea with soy lecithin mess with my thyroid? What do you think?
Hi all
Before talking about autoimmune diseas it’s worth to estabilish that the consequence of the hascimoto is the ipothyroidism .Hence you are forced to take the medicine(T4) for all your life.However according to me what it should be checked are the antibodies which are the spy of the disease.If they decreased we could say that the illness has been definitely removed from our body!But until we’ll check only the symptoms(hypothyroidism)to estabilish that paleo works in order to resolve the disease …I think we give a wrong information.
Actually, Gerry, a couple months ago I did have occasion to get my numbers checked again, and not only are my numbers good, but the antibodies are now NEGATIVE.
I will *not* be taking T4 for the rest of my life, apparently. *grin* Maybe it’s Paleo, maybe not, but there has been a definite change for the better here!