Hey guys, Squatchy here.
Wow, time flew by didn’t it? Thanksgiving is less than a week away. It’s always been one of my favorite holidays. A get-together based on having a bunch of good food? Sign me up! Luckily my mom eats paleo too, and my family is pretty “paleo friendly”, so when we do Thanksgiving at my mom’s place we’re good to go. We’ve been planning what to make, and here’s what I think we’ve got so far:
We’ll be doing some Roasted Butternut Squash Dip (from the Quick and Easy Paleo Comfort Foods book) with veggies for a pre-meal snack).
For the turkey, we’re going with the Butterflied Big Bird (Spatchcocked Turkey) from nomnompaleo. It looks incredible, not too complicated, and dry-brining seems like the way to go this year. I also like saying “spatchcocked”, it’s just a cool word. We’re also having some of her Umami Gravy to go with that. I think we’ll do this Cauliflower and Mushroom Stuffing (adding a little bit of bacon to it might not hurt either), some Brussels sprouts roasted in duck fat, and maybe another veggie dish. Some of my family always requests mashed potatoes, so those will probably be there along with some type of paleo sweet potato casserole dish as well.
For dessert we will be having:
Caramel Cheesecake Bars from PaleOMG
My mom’s famous paleo chocolate cake (maybe I’ll post the recipe up here one day)
And either a Pumpkin Pie from Everday Paleo, or I’m also thinking of doing a sweet potato pie instead, but using Japanese sweet potatoes in place of the traditional orange variety. That could end up being pretty incredible.
So what’s going to be on your table for Thanksgiving? Feel free to share ideas, recipes, and links in the comments.
Chestnuts! YOU MUST have chestnuts!
Thank goodness for this article. I am new to the Paleo life style and I want to keep it going throughout this year, so I want to start planning ahead for the holidays. I will defiantly know what I will be brining this year to the Thanksgiving dinner table!