Hey there, just wanted to take a few minutes to tell folks about a book that I think many people will both enjoy and find useful (I’ll get to that in a moment) but I also wanted to give you a quick update on things. I’ve been working like crazy on the nutrition cert…not sure on release, I’d like to say right at the first of the year but it’s tough to tell. We have spent a ton of time with the Specialty Health folks putting the legal and organizational structure together for the risk assessment program and the educational modules to support that effort. Lots of moving parts, lots of details to hammer out and it’s not a quick process on either the legal or curriculum development side. trust me when I say, I wish it was done and unleashed on the world!
Ok, to the book: Fire Your Gym by my good friend, Andy Petranek is a fantastic resource not only for folks training at home as the name might imply) but also as a guide for folks attending Crossfit or similar gyms. Andy is a retired US Marine, founder of CrossFit Los Angeles and a veteran of enough endurance race events to make me tired just thinking about it. The book is set up in a 9 week training plan which starts with basic movements and capacity building which ramp up in both intensity and volume over time and as fitness progresses. You will find a nice combination of metabolic conditioning via circuit training, classic barbell and calisthenic based strength work and a solid exploration of running mechanics. Andy cuts to the chase on nutrition and recommends a solid paleo template and the right lifestyle considerations to help folks reach their goals.
Andy is a great coach and I highly recommend the book. Give it a looksie!
Trevor Lewis says
Not to be ‘that’ guy, but could we maybe get a slightly more specific heads up on pre-requ’s for the cert? So far all I’ve heard is ‘know science’.
Book looks great 🙂
Wes says
This is something that I’m going to have to look at. I usually go to the gym and walk the treadmill with a weighted backpack, but I feel like I pay kind of a lot of money every month for the services that I’m using. It could probably be done much cheaper – Thanks for the recommendation.
Javier Lozano Jr says
I’m all for self-help, and empowering the individual. And, hopefully this book can help others meet their fitness goals, but my concern is that the average reader that gets their hands on this won’t have the proper coaching and guidance to do the exercises correctly. That’s why having a professional trainer, in my opinion, is important. They are there to assist you in proper body alignment, movement, structure, technique, motivation, etc. Either way, I bet this book is pretty good.
Hans Chaplin @musclegainguy says
Hi Robb,
Great Book definitly gonna check it out. Thank you for the information. Do you know if andy is still personally involved in the LA Crossfit Scene? I would like to train in his group.
Thank you for your reply