Written by: Shoshana Edwards
We purchased The Paleo Solution on our kindles, and I was immediately enthralled. At age 70, I was profoundly overweight, almost completely confined to using a scooter to get about, and in constant debilitating back and knee pain. My skin was dry; my digestive tract was a mess; and I was taking anti-anxiety medications. My poor husband wasn’t faring much better. He too was terribly overweight and having tummy issues. Additionally, he was depressed, moody and unable to focus. Being on the autism spectrum wasn’t helping him either.
We started full on paleo immediately, as soon as I finished the last page of the book. That was three months ago. We will be doing this for the rest of our lives. But here is our three month miracle.
I have lost 48 pounds and am still losing; he has lost 24 (he had less to lose) and is still losing. Our digestive tracts now perform regularly and normally. We both no longer have skin issues. We are entirely off our blood pressure medications, and I am off the benzos for anxiety. My constant tinnitus in my ears is gone! But the biggest miracle for me is the complete disappearance of my knee pain and the nearly complete disappearance of back pain. Once in a while, because I feel so very energized and healthy, I will overdo things and my arthritic back will let me know it is time to slow down.
I have never had cholesterol or blood sugar issues. However, my husband’s total cholesterol has dropped from 250 fasting to 185 fasting. His triglycerides are now in the normal range, and his AC1 is in the low normal range. His fasting glucose before we started was around 124, and it is now generally around 72. I have lost a whopping 12 inches off my hips and 10 inches off my waist. Our friends say we glow. I can believe it, since I’m feeling rather glowy inside. My husband’s ability to focus and maintain his daily program for dealing with his autism has improved dramatically.
Since the only thing that has changed in our lives is what we eat, I can only account for this marvelous change by crediting the paleo diet. Thank you for your wonderful book. You literally changed and most likely saved our lives.
Thanks for sharing your story, it brings tears to my eyes! Inspiring to say the least! Keep it up and I will too. I have also never felt better eating this way!
I have just come home from a doctor’s visit and was told that I may have to go on oxygen because my levels were low and as I am asthmatic this make it worse. My grandson came by and told me about this diet and so I started looking and low and behold I found this site and the couple that had such good success. I too am in my seventies and overweight. I am starting just as soon as I get the diet plan and thanks for posting so I could see for myself.
Great story! Your never too old to learn 🙂
I started eating the paleo ( not perfectlyto the T ) to help with weight loss. Only on it for a week and have already lost 5lbs. Noticed my body shrinking with just a week. Also noticed most of my knee pain is gone. The first 4 days I was breaking out like a teenager and I’m in my 50s.. Also the first few days I felt like I had the flu but reading about the paleo your body is detoxifying.. My brain fog has been lifting and feeling much better.. Learning to cook the paleo way has been a little more expensive but worth it.. I hope to stay eating this way for the rest of my life.
To find your own path in life is the most important. This is from C. Jung.