Last time we asked, “What do y’all need?” we got a ton of great responses. We listened to you, and we have since launched:
- The Paleo Physician’s Network
- The Paleo Diet Budget Shopping Guide
- The Forums with lots of moderators and experts to help you along
- Searchable podcast transcripts for each episode
- Book index for The Paleo Solution
What’s next?
The much-requested “troubleshooting paleo” flowchart (an interactive PDF to troubleshoot common issues or use certain protocols for training, endurance, fat loss, etc.) is just about finished and will be launching in the next couple weeks. We have some other exciting things in the works, but now is the time to ask again, what do y’all need?
Menopause, Paleo Style
(please–the insomnia and the hot flashes may kill me before this is over)
Can I get an amen to hotflashes, insomnia and mood swings regardless of 100% paleo commitment! Any help with riding the long, painful menopause wave a bit easier would be greatly appreciated!
This is for Demaris and Kelly regarding hot flashes. I have had outstanding results using MACA 750 from I have been using this product for the past 7 years and highly recommend it. I have no hot flashes or mood swings. My husband ordered once from Swanson and it did not work at all. I also add over the counter Estroven. Hope this helps you.
Yes, some more of the nitty-gritty on women’s health issues would be great. Yes, we wear makeup, have an infinite array of shoes and clothing…and YES, our “parts” are more complicated. We make human beings, for cripe’s sake!
My bestie and I have batted around the idea of a Women of Paleo forum or resource. Everything from fertility issues (my sister became pregnant after eliminating gluten and casein), to pregnancy nutrition, recovery from birth advice (hello?!), to breastfeeding (need a different macro-nutrient ratio?), to the ever-fluctuating hormone roller coaster (lucky us, not only do we have monthly cycles, but it all changes from year to year now, too!!). Oh, and the cousins of hormonal fluctuations, depression and anxiety? Ah, and what about aging? Is there a graceful way to do it, after all? Will our natural fat stores deplete as we go beyond child bearing years? Can I keep my abs and ditch the thigh fat? Paleo makeup? (Arbonne or Origins seem the “cleanest” to me, so far. Your skin is a highly absorptive organ!)
Do Nikki and Carrie (Sisson) have anything they want to say? I’ve been following both RW and MDA for about 2 years now and hardly hear anything from the less hairy counterparts 😉 And believe me, at pushing 40 with 2 little kids, I’d LOVE to know what they are experiencing. How goes the battle with little Zoe and recovery from birth. As a gorgeous woman who is 40+ how does Carrie view health/fitness and continuing to age well? Is it harder, easier as we age?
I think you get the gist of it. Rock on with your bad selves.
Amen on menapause and hormonal regulation with diet. Also? More on becoming a certified nutritionist with a Paleo emphasis…..
YES, Definitely a paleo menopause guide!!!
Hello, is there a food tracker/exercise journal available for Paleo followers.
Thank you!
It ain’t exactly paleo, but among all the trackers I know, this one is the best to work with IMO.
Comprehensive guide on taking supplements; this would be different than a list of suggested supplements. Best time of day to take a given supplement (or times to never take it) along with whether or not to take with food (what ypes of food), and should it be combined with other supplements. What if any side effects could there be (on cortisol for example).
Seems elementary to some folks, but for others, this would be very beneficial. I suffer from adrenal fatigue and low cortisol. I was taking phosphatidyl serine until I read somewhere that it lowers cortisol. Not what I needed.
To have this kind of information together in one source would be huge. I also realize it would be a huge undertaking. Maybe you could run a poll for the ten or twenty most used supplements and only do the guide for those.
I COMPLETELY AGREE! Same thing with me.
People look at me and don’t realize that I’m powering through just daily tasks based on willpower. Conventional doctors did NOT help me at all – I’m in the military and had symptoms that presented as female in nature primarily. They just said no need to worry unless you want to be pregnant (not fertile).
After working with Dr. Lauren Noel (just got started), looks like I am barely holding a lot together with two areas of anemia, low red blood cells, low ferritin, Ebbstein Barr kicked up, high white blood cells, low vitamin d, liver issues, adrenals. . .cortisol. . .on and on.
I have been trying to fix myself with supplements and my own patchwork of helpful bits from tons of sources of info including Robb. I, like so many others, can’t really afford a natureopath, but am going to do it until I’m actually out of funds.
Great idea!
Yes please. Something like, but with yours and the Paleo gurus’ opinions on it.
We need a quick and clear resource to easily distinguish Paleo from Adkins. People asking me about Paleo quickly dismiss it as Adkins. I’m touted of trying to explain it.
Paleo Vs. Primal Vs. Atkins
Posted Wed, 09/15/2010 – 16:59 by Melissa
One common question is “What the difference between paleo, primal, and Atkins?” So I made this chart. But in some ways it’s very hard because as the science becomes stronger, there has been a strong convergence between the three. For example, many Atkins devotees have realized that they just don’t do well on low-carb Frankenfoods. And Cordain has come around with regards to saturated fats.
I put markers on for the most popular “gurus.” Kurt Harris at PaNu basically espouses a unprocessed carb-restricted version of paleo which could pass for Atkins. Mark Sisson advocates a fairly laissez-faire approach with the goal basically to avoid the worst foods that aren’t on this diagram anywhere. Robb Wolf recommends different things for different goals as I wrote in my review. Loren Cordain is mostly about specific foods and is still down on dairy and nightshades. I guess now that he’s writing more and more about how bad those are, they might end up next to dairy in this diagram.
Where am I? I guess the closest to what I do it Sisson + Wolf. I’m moderate carb and do eat some dairy sometimes.
What I need is good, clear cut information on do’s and don’ts. I have run across so much contradictory information involving the Paleo lifestyle that it is difficult to know which way to turn. For example: You can eat sweet potatoes/you can’t eat sweet potatoes; you shouldn’t have dairy/dairy is okay; eat fresh fruit/limit fruit. I am insulin resistant, and I have gained 15 pounds since starting the Paleo lifestyle. I don’t think it will be the lifestyle for me if this keeps up. I am already overweight, and I can’t afford to risk my health by staying with a program that doesn’t seem to be working.
Hi Danielle!
That is not good! The weight gain that is. You should be losing for sure. I am insulin resistant as well, and PCOS, and have lost 18lbs so far. Please contact me and lets compare notes. I understand how there is confusion about the lifestyle as a whole. email me rebekaah at gmail dot com. 🙂
I am with Danielle on this one. Some say no grains, but recommend using certain flours. Maybe I am confused. I thought most flours are from grains. They also suggest using coconut flour, well I have an intolerance to coconut. What to use instead? Also, with most nuts. It can be a real struggle for me.
Coconut “flour” is a bit of a misnomer. It’s just dried and ground unsweetened coconut — there are no grains involved. If you are wanting to use a flour-like substance in cooking and can’t have/don’t want coconut, you can substitute nut flours (often made from almonds or walnuts). They are available already ground or one can buy a bag of nuts and pulse them in a food processor to the desired consistency. You have to be careful though or you’ll go beyond the flour stage and into the nut-butter stage.
Without going into a lot of detail, from what I’ve read, sweet potatoes, dairy, and fruit will always be debatable because from an historical perspective, they were available (in less sweet forms) to primitive humans, ready to eat, organic, with useful nutrients. The main issue is that they also come with a decent amount of carbohydrates because many were naturally or artificially bred to be sweeter.
Some people just need more carbohydrates than the average person with the average lifestyle. Athletes or people who are very active typically need a little extra for energy and those foods often fit that bill (I hear sweet potato recommended most often). If you go with dairy, try to get it fermented (like in yogurt) so you get a dose of good bacteria, or with plenty of fat like in heavy cream so it’s filling and you get good energy from it. For fruit, stick to berries since they typically have the least amount of carbs.
What worked for me was to start very strict (no sweet potatoes or dairy) and then add back foods little by little after I had reached a certain goal and most of my cravings had subsided.
I’m excited, and will be one of the first to grab a copy of this. Robb literally saved my life, and I value his well learned and rational approach to health and healthy living.
I am sure you have addressed this already, but I am really interested in how to optimize diet and training to help fat loss, especially breaking through a plateau, and trying to re-set that %$&%%& “set point”. Strict Paleo for almost two years now (no dairy), feel better than ever, mostly healed, but really want to drop that last stubborn 10-15 pounds of fat that doesnt want to go (ok, I really want to get into the single digits, realizing not optimal for health, but… I want to get there).
Any and all help and advice is always much appreciated. Thanks for all you do for the community and for us as individuals to make us and keep us healthy!
Ditto on the plateau. Especially on the last pounds on the belly and boosting testosterone. Feel great, but I want to look great too! Greedy…
Details about what tests and bio-markers to get done for clues to being one’s own detective for certain issues/disorders. Where to go and how to get them done.
Maybe one-pagers on hormones.
More on the liver if able.
Expanding the paleo physicians network – we need more on there! Not sure how to make that happen.
I’d like that, too!
Ooo great idea! Tests to help determine what’s causing health issues as well as tests for optimizing health after healing the gut. I for one really want to do an overview panel of all my nutrients, metals, etc but am not sure which one is the best bang for the buck. I’d love info on tests we can order ourselves when possible.
Love that idea – it would help me navigate my relationship with my MD (at least till the paleo practitioners network expands, which I’m certain it will, over time). And also give me confidence I’m on the right track (or maybe testing would show where I’d need to tweak/supplement).
Hey Robb,
great initiative! A couple of points I am facing, maybe this is food for thought for you guys:
1) some European focus, would it possible? Resources, names of cool training facilities, shops, etc.
2) pasture-fed meat: a huge issue to find it! I made various inquiries in the organic shops where I live (Vienna, Austria – a great capital!) but I was answered that the meat the shops get cannot be separated at the source in terms of animals eating (controlled, organic) grains and those eating grass. So, what’s next?
3) medical advice: I have high uric acid and I’m wondering how to adjust this great paleo thing to improve this situation.
Thanks for being there and available! Matt
Mobile app for the Paleo podcasts!
I’d like to see a collaborative site, that advises which commercial food items comply and potential places to purchase and maybe possible substitutions if you can’t find a product Even though we cook from scratch and don’t use many commercial products there are some used among the Paleo community
Portable paleo!
I am always on the go between work, gym, and several other commitments. What are my options for things I can make in advance on a weekend and carry around with me that don’t need to be heated? What are some good power-bar type alternatives that I can keep in my bag for hunger-emergencies or a post-workout snack?
Paleo is super easy when I have plenty of time to be in the kitchen. Almost impossible when I’m not!
Robb – and company,
A guide to valuable education for folks like me who are influenced by the whole Paleo lifestyle and want to share it with others. I have just embarked on the Master Nutrition Therapy program here in Denver but would have loved to have a good/great list of options to consider. I’ll be happy to update you with my thoughts on this program as time continues. Thank you.
I have a thyroid condition and when I ask my physician about coming off of Synthroid he looks at me like I’m nuts.
I’d like to control my hypothyroidism through diet and exercise, please help me find a local doc who is willing to listen!
I feel your pain! Don’t go off your synthroid until your levels get better than “normal”… that means you are getting too much synthroid and that your body has started to produce its own.
Two things I’ve tried in the past: 1) I had a very well respected Vietnamese accupuncturist who got me off cheese and gave me treatments for about 5 months. I’d been his patient for years before, and so had my father and my daughter. We really trusted this guy. That played a huge part in my treatment. He got my levels to better than normal within the first two weeks. But I suggested this to an older friend of mine, and it didn’t work for her. Everyone is different.
2) I lost weight… about 25lbs before my levels budged at all… and they went the wrong way:( So they upped my synthroid dosage.
But the best thing that helped my thyroid and my quality of life: I get rid of the stress by exercising it out HARD! There are guys in the gym who say they have a hard time keeping up with me (I’m not a hard body… just a tough, kinda soft, 46yo grandma). I do CrossFit and Plyometrics and Spinning. And when I’m done, I could crash… but I eat a little protein and drink some water and I’m back at it the next day.
Good luck! I fought for a couple of years with my dr. before I finally found someone else who saw that my levels weren’t right and I needed an adjustment in my synthroid dosage.
As type 1 diabetic on an insulin pump, I have a basal insulin setting that will occasionally get my blood sugar heading low since carbs are limited. My fix options are a glucose tablet (pure glucose), a Gu pack (20gms carbs in easy to carry gel pack), or ???
I would love to be able to conveniently carry around fruit, but that’s not realistic nor practical.
I’d suggest working with Amy for this
A levels of Paleo concept. Lots of people have tried to put out a paleo 101 blog or podcast, but they go into details that are way to involved.
It should look like:
Level 1: remove all grains, legumes, dairy…etc.
Level 2: if still having issues remove eggs, nightshades…etc.
Level 3: If following level 1 and/or 2 and everything is going fine try bettering food quality…etc.
A comprehensive guide like that would do wonders for simplifying it for beginners and give those who’ve been at it for months/years a place to look when things go wrong.
I feel like this information is out there, but hasn’t been put into one organized post anywhere.
Hey Rob, keep up the great work dude. Inspirational output from you.
A little more in-depth on gaining weight/muscle while Paleo. Sure the main idea is to “just eat more”, but to have a guide on nutrition macros, recipe ideas if trying to stay eating Real Food, when it is/isn’t okay to resort to drinking your calories, etc.
Lee – a lot of this will be covered in the paleo troubleshooting guide we’re releasing in the next few weeks, so watch for it!
First of all, I want to thank you for all the amazing work you’ve done. The Paleo diet has changed my life in ways I can’t even begin to describe and I’m still not done! As I get into my 5th month I’ve naturally transitioned (in a totally unplanned way) into intermittent fasting. I’ve been doing some research and everyone talks about it, what it is, how it works, but there seems to be no recipe to do it. I understand its a complex topic but it would be great to have some sort of guideline to follow and get the most efficient results.
Thanks again for being the champion of this plan….it is certainly the solution I always hoped for and I can only think “why didn’t I run into this years ago?”
Keep up the good work!
I went grain and legume free, added more fat and significantly lowered my carb intake in October 2010 I had already been gluten, dairy and refined sugar free for 5 years prior…After what I would call the “paleo honeymoon” beginning in January/February 2011 to date I have gained about 12 pounds…now putting this in perspective I am 5’4 and weigh about 127 pounds (no where near what I would consider over-weight) but my clothes don’t fit and I am carrying quite a bit more fat around my hips and thighs which I never had before…No matter what I tweak I can’t seem to budge a pound…it’s very frustrating and leaves me wondering if I was better off with my quinoa and oats than I am now…it’s a constant struggle. Help for people like me is what I’m looking for…
I would love to see a matrix or chart with post workout nutrition guidelines. How much protein/carb should one eat based on various common goals such as building mass, weight loss, etc. Thanks!
I will love to see a “do-it-yourself ” exercise guide. I went to a local Crossfit invited by a friend, and they were doing everything you say it should not be done. Chronic cardio, no guidance on heavy lifting, over doing it….
I live in Miami (far away from NorCal), and it would be awesome if you can write a book or a how-to-guide, that way we can purchase the equipment and do it at home. I am willing to make the investment if I knew what I was doing.
Karina – there are some good guidelines to smart exercise in The Paleo Solution book and in the 30 Day Total Transformation eBook. Have you checked those out? All of them use minimal equipment and can be done at home!
Thank you!!!!
A guide to research. Whenever I do a presentation, I am always taken to task on things such as grains (of course), soy, legumes, dairy, sugar, etc… basically, ALL of the things that conventional wisdom tells us are healthy.
A list of references to research about these things would make presenting (and, in some instances, defending) the Paleo diet much easier.
Thanks for everything!!
I agree with Barb’s comments and Matt Walton’s @ levels of Paleo.
A summarized version of the research that helps explain Paleo to others would be TREMENDOUSLY helpful as people we love and intereact with are interested in Paleo.
But they don’t necessarily want to be/or have the time to become an expert – like my health-minded, corp. exec husband—who keeps asking me–“I thought too many eggs (eating the yolk too) were bad for you?? I thought fat was bad for you?? —-Over the years we’ve both been very fitness-oriented, but have been working on ‘old’ facts from 1990’s @ low fat, egg whites, etc.
This weekend when hubby was asking again, “Are you sure my eating more eggs won’t make my cholesterol go up?” (he runs a big company and while he’ll listen to me, there’s no way he’ll read the book…too much already on his plate…)
I spent time this weekend pulling together a mini-presentation –5 minute overview- that I shared with him and that I will use as a blog post later…
Something like this (and maybe it is already there, if so point me to it) would be SO helpful to the newby and for people like me and Barb and others who want to share this…
SOMETHING LIKE THIS – A LOGICAL BUT VERY!! VERY!! VERY!! SIMPLE (may I say SIMPLE, again?) OVERVIEW: (here’s my quick overview outline, as an example—)
—Here’s the Problem (poor digestion, weight gain, foggy thinking, ill-health)
—Most of what we’ve been taught about nutrition is wrong…and is not helping us…
—Root cause is related to USDA (SAD) Guidelines which have become economically-driven & hard to change due to profits of easy to produce processed foods
—Most USDA Guideline foods are processed, and are addictive, low nutrients, hard to digest–all of which cause inflammation and illness. Making us less healthy and well than we can be…
—Most medical dr’s spend <week on nutritional biochemistry–not bad people, jus tnot studying this stuff…and falling back on USDA.
—-Solution: Eat More Natural Foods—"You Can't Improve What Nature Created…"
—Here's the 3 focus areas of Paleo a)elim. gluten b) balance insulin c)improve digestion
—Here's the plan for every meal: healthy meat, veges, healthy fats
—Why healthy fats? I thought they were fattening…?? Healthy Fats: yolk, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, etc they help our cells heal, (so we can look younger, feel younger-as they give the body what it needs to repair it's self) and satisfy hunger.
—(Something Matt Walton mentioned in a earlier comment, above…)Now, here's the levels for different focus areas and levels of Paleo…
-If you're a corporate executive who wants to more healthy…try this approach to Paleo…
-If you're a professional athlete…try this approach to Paleo…
-If you have an auto-immune disease…try this approach to Paleo…
-If you want to lose fat and you are at home often (like a mom with young kids and/or you have a small business with home office or are retired) and can eat/cool at home daily…try this approach to Paleo…
As a corporate trainer, in my own business for almost 10 years, many people NEED a step-by-step approach, and or a level-type-system to make positive changes.
Not many people are very good at making a big jump all at once. (While I LOVE your 30-day challenge, and that's what I did…and it HAS worked for me—but I'm kind of obsesive and complete about things…)
For most people, with kids, busy jobs, harried hectic lives, —even with very good intentions —(unless they are really ill) they will usually make changes incrementally, or they do not make changes AT ALL. (incremental is better than nothing, IMO, because things can always evolve forward, with a little momentum…)
I love absolutes for myself, but I have learned, they do not work with most people.
I believe Robb will be and is completely key and instrumental to changing the way food is talked about in our culture—-and the science he knows and talks is powerful for his credibility (I LOVE IT)
BUT—BUT—-BUT—IMO— if you want to reach more people the science HAS to be a simplier. We need cliff notes, logical outlines of the problem, the solution, with research links, so that the every person can get their arms around Paleo, and move toward It.
I find this material so helpful, this way of eating is very different from the 'healthy' focus I've had since my 20's – and even though I'm fit and healthy, THIS Paleo stuff has made it even better—BUT ALL the fitness mag's teach the opposite of Paleo (I know you know this…)
For more people to get to this, so that kmore people can feel their best and Wake Up Eager (which is my focus) there HAS to be a simplier sharing of the logic and keys to all of this.
Okay—-I will step off of my stump now!! 🙂 Love this stuff, love the way I'm feeling and APPRECIATE all the good work here.
All the Best,
Suzie Price
Great idea Suzie! Totally agree.
Suzie! Please immediately sit your husband down in front of Tom Naughton’s (YouTube) lecture called “Science for Smart People” — not the one at AHS2011 cause that’s missing the slides; but the one Tom did on the low carb cruise. It’s VERY funny, it’s fantastic, it’s intelligent — AND it will convince him you’ve got it entirely right! (Follow up, if you will, with Tom’s actual documentary called “Fat Head” — which is also very funny, intelligent, and superb (available on Hulu, Netflix, and, I believe he wrote recently, ON YouTube!). That will give your husband ALL the info (and convincing) he needs to become, not (necessarily) a paleo expert — but entirely happy to let YOU set his eating up for health!
This is a good idea.
A good place to start, though, is the back of any of the good Paleo-type books. Look at the reference section/bibliography in Robb’s book, Loren Cordain’s books, or It Starts With Food (among others — these are only the ones that I *know* have lots of good references). Some of them will be available for free on PubMed; others you might have to pay for.
I think your idea is still good, though — like maybe a list of subject-specific papers that present evidence in support of eliminating grains, legumes, and dairy, evidence demonstrating the positive aspects of saturated fat, papers that debunk the cholesterol madness, etc.
Intermittent fasting. I have a feeling that it was a major part of paleo some years ago, but in the past 15 months I see it referred to often, but almost never discussed or described. Seems like it can very beneficial to humans. Love to see it become a current topic again.
I would love to see conversion guides for converting a regular recipe to paleo. Along with that, a substitution guide within paleo so (for example) my family are not big veggie eaters… what can I pit into a recipe that will still make it paleo without as many veggies. You can say “when they get hungry they’ll eat the veggies”, but its not just preference, its bodily reactions to the food that make them hate it.
I would like a how-to navigate postmenopause. Not perimenopause, but post. Are synthetic HRTs bad and if so, how bad? What about bioidentical hormones and if so, creams or pills? Also, I find intermittent fasting to be very helpful and easy. I’ve heard that many women have trouble with fasting. Is it so easy for me because I’m postmenopausal?
Here are a bit of specifics about me:
A little back ground:
I will pick up my story when I was a size four and entered perimenopause. I started gaining weight, at first slowly and then rapidly after I was fully menopausal and I went up to wearing sizes 12s and 14s. I also became very sick with inflammation and gut problems. I had never heard of Paleo, but began cleaning up my diet by experimentation. I finally googled the foods that bothered me and found Paleo. As my diet became more and more clean Paleo over a few years, I went back down to a size four and I feel great. Docs around here are very conventional and are rarely much help unless I figure something out myself and ask them to test it. I eat a very strict auto-immune version of Paleo. If I eat nuts, for example, I’m sick again. I don’t have an autoimmune disease that I know of, but I just listen to my body very well now.
1. What do you think about hormone replacement therapy (HRT)? I went through menopause at age 45 and have been on HRT for 6 years now. I use the Activilla brand and feel great on it, so I’m afraid to try to go off of it. Before I went on it, I had hot flashes, but what really bothered me was that my sleep was terrible. Part of the reason that I would like to stay on HRT is that I’m easily knocked from health back to sickness, so I’m reluctant to change something that seems to be working well for me. But, I don’t want to take meds that might not be good for me in the longterm. I do have my uterus, by the way. I think that makes a difference in which HRTs are appropriate.
2. I’ve been taking 50 mg of DHEA for a few months and sleep even better using that, too. I also take tryptophan at night and that helps me to really sleep deep. Is it fine to keep up these two for the long term? I’ve used melatonin in the past, but I have better results using DHEA and tryptophan.
After reading your book and others on the Paleo diet, it seemed like a no-brainer, the easiest transition ever. Love my food, love my body! The only thing left to do is keep spreading the word!
this 😀
A Paleo Nutritionist/RD’s network – similar to the Physicians.
As a holistic nutritionist, I would love to have a group/network/forum where other Paleo professionals could discuss things amongst eachother. i.e.: various protocols that worked for clients. So that we can help one another out and ask questions. I belong to one of these within the holistic nutritionist community, but the angle is not Paleo….bridging the 2 would be ideal.
We ave ALL helath care provider in the PPN curently, thene we will set it up to search by specialty down the road.
I first learned about Paleo when Robb was on Joe Rogan’s podcast. Since then I switched my diet to 100% Paleo and had amazing results – dropped about 20 pounds and overall feel great. I bought a couple of Paleo books and been catching up with Robb’s Paleolithic Solution podcast since episode one.
What I noticed is that 90% of questions on Robb’s podcast are from people who are concerned primarily how fit they look, so it’s kinda skewed towards fitness crowd, it’s important of course, but what about mental performance, focus, cognition and creativity? What are the recommendations to maximize that from the nutritional perspective? Any Nobel prize winners are on Paleo diet?
Great idea! I’ve seen huge improvement in concentration and mood and focus (I started from a pretty severe state of gluten-illness, so it was really clear when the fog started clearing). I believe we’ll be seeing cognitive benefits down the road, by avoiding “type III” dementia symptoms… but it would be great to have a less subjective look in this area.
I’d like to see something put together to help us find paleo food resources in our area. Something similar to the Paleo physicians network that would help us get into contact with local producers, shops and markets who use good practices etc.
How about a “PaleoLikeMe” website modelled after websites like Patients Like Me, people who choose can enter their clincal problems, wt goals etc, and also what worked and didnt
I never have time to look at forums, weekly “curated” email with selected forum posts and/or a “wordcloud” or “tag” interface to access posts that changes weekly
thx for all the work!
Have to echo the requests for more about
– menopause and female hormone stuff in general
– stubborn fat loss (again esp in women)
– OVERALL differences in approach generalized to gender (for example, the “word” at the moment is that IF is hormonally destructive to women, yet it works beautifully for many men)
There are a LOT of us in our forties and later who do not see the quick results that younger folks do. Worth thinking about why.
Paleo info for those of us 60 and older. I’m an old dog but I can (and want to) learn new tricks. I just learn slower. Senior citizens eating Paleo would go a long way to keep Medicare solvent longer!!!!
Agree with the female info request. It appears that men are able to loose weight far easier than women, and it would be interesting to know exactly why this is. Same as fasting, which seems to be far more beneficial for men than women.
Also, from a geek point of view, it would be nice to have a brief understanding of how / why we loose weight – try as we might, spot reduction is not possible, but how does the body decide where to lose today’s fat from? At what point do we switch from love-handle fat loss to organ fat loss?
Finally, I just want to thank you Robb – and everyone else – for all the fantastic information provided. All free of charge, interesting, educational and life saving. My health has transformed over the last 6 months, and I can never, ever thank you enough.
The Paleo diet has helped tremendously, but I am still having problems with systemic inflammation. The most obvious problem is uveitis. Staying away from non-Paleo foods has helped a lot but I still have flare-ups. I have been dealing with this for 15 years and the damage I am doing to my eyes with the steroid drops continues. From tests, I also know that I have systemic inflammation and I worry about my heart. What Paleo foods could be the problem as I don’t eat any non-paleo foods… ever!
Second question… eating at home works great. Over time, I’ve learned how to make great Paleo meals. But eating out is another story. Granted I don’t do that very often, but it is a nice way to visit with friends. Plus, traveling is almost impossible on this diet, especially if it is not a driving trip (can bring along food) or going overseas where I don’t speak the language.
Tips on these two issues would be great.
Thank you!
The thing I miss the most is my wine. Is there someone out there who makes a wine without using so much sugar? Another thing I have a difficult time with is snacks. I’m quite sure that I overdo it with the nuts and possibly the olives. Any ideas?
Have some wine then! A nice red is good.
I’d love to see more information about adrenal fatigue, thyroid issues, and estrogen dominance. There is info out there but it’s confusing. Thanks!
Any suggestions for increasing MALE hormones in
a 68 year old PALEO male without bad side effects
would be very welcome –
I know this is in the blog occasionally, but I still don’t have an answer. What to do when you just can’t lose weight. Eating stict Paleo, crossfitting 5x week, plenty of sleep, all the things that are recommended. I only have probably 5 lbs. to lose , but come on.. I’ve been doing this since February. I just think it is harder for women and when you don’t have a bunch of weight to lose. Give us some women centric tips and tips for those stubborn few pounds.
Hi there,
I second the comment above on the supplement guide. I have my diet dialed in (that’s relatively simple) but there are so many different supplements out there (including vitamins, fish oils, amino acids, etc. etc. etc.) for different purposes. Each time I read a different book there is always a batch of different supplements to consider (and warnings about supplements that other authors have recommended). Honestly, it’s impossible to keep them all straight and/or figure out which ones are worth a try in one’s particular situation.
It would be best IMO if this could be an online guide or an e-book (so it could be updated regularly with new information) although I would be more than willing to pay for it (the price of a book, for example).
I absolutely love the Paleo lifestyle. It cleared up the nagging post nasal drip problem I had for umpteen years and it totally erased the stiff, aching fingers I would have in the mornings. I do have a problem with cholesterol though.
My total cholesterol and LDL are sky high and my doctor wants to put me on statins. It would be really helpful if there was one place to find concise information when things aren’t going as planned. I searched through forums, listened to podcasts and still couldn’t find any detailed information on things I could try that would help to bring my cholesterol numbers down. Some posts suggested those numbers don’t matter if the HDL and triglycerides are good and other posts suggested I could be a hyper-responder. I don’t know what to believe. My doctor isn’t helpful and my insurance plan dictates what doctor I can see so I can’t just find another doctor.
I like to bake 3-5 days worth of protein in a casserole dish, or cook in a crockpot. Whether it is chicken or beef, when I pull the food out of the fridge the next day, I’ll have two or three layers of fat left in the dish… I’ll get a liquid layer, a gelatinous layer and a hardened top layer. Of the different layers of fat, are there ones that are good for you, and ones that I shouldn’t eat?
A page on your website that lists all the studies you cite in your book/on your podcasts/blog posts and studies/researchers/publishers/journals you believe in (publicly funded, sound research methods, etc.).
Also, perhaps a page with trendy studies (like the most recent which correlated eating eggs to be just as bad as smoking for heart health) that should be debunked, either because of poor methodology, weak correlations or misleading wording.
I would love to see a detailed guide for eating out. Maybe a list of paleo friendly restaurants. I am almost o e month in and feel much better and dropped 8 pounds. Thanks Robb!
I was super excited by your AHS12 presentation on the amazing work you are doing in Reno. I looked up Specialty Health, but it seems they operate only in Nevada. How can we spread your work in Reno to other parts of the country? I’m a nurse working in a hospital, and am constantly frustrated by the misinformation put out there by the medical community. I would love to see mainstream outfits like fire and police departments all over the country making changes similar to those in Reno. Easier said than done, I suppose, but I guess what I’m asking for is for you to work towards a system that can be replicated. Thanks!
What about a paleo restaurant network? Let’s give some recognition to the few restaurants who do it right – and a resource for folks to find restaurants who actually know what gluten is and can accommodate paleo folks.
How about addressing Paleo as it relates to those that have had weight loss surgery? Most doctors, whether they realize it or not, encourages a paleo lifestyle. Though I am tired of hearing dieticians telling me that fat makes you fat. *insert eye roll here* LOL.
Oh how I would love a Paleo survival guide for dealing with menopause — hot flashes, near-instantaneous weight gain, training to optimize fitness without driving increased cortisol levels, and more.
I have been on the Paleo Diet now for 13 months(suggested by Naturopath)and can honestly say, after the 30 day trial, I knew I could never not eat this way.The 20-25 lb . weight loss, my c-reactive blood test was not high but it to has come down,my thyroid tests are so much better, less stressed, blood pressure is the lowest it has ever been.
I have had a dry eye issue for a few years and was hoping that would change, but it did not. I was just told by a Nutritionist that it is a lack of essential fatty acids—-could not believe it at first , with all our grass-fed and pastured meat , plus taking 1 tsp. of fish oil per day. However, I began taking 2 more tsp. per day , and think I am beginning to notice an improvement. Her theory was that my body must just need a lot more essential fatty acids.
My taste buds have heightened so much, I find it so easy to cook this way, via help of “Make it Paleo” and “Paleo Comfort Foods” cookbooks.The marinade for beef from Make it Paleo is wonderful , and really tenderizes grass-fed beef. It is simple cooking but delicious.
We are fortunate in that there are many farmers near us , raising their animals the natural way, plus supplying us with delicious vegetables.We have even been able to find cheese from grass-fed cows for that occasional desire. other than that we have only coconut milk.
I do make the delicious Paleo desserts listed in the cookbooks , I think it helps my husband to stay on the diet(??) .
Eating out can be a challenge but so far so good.
I too hope that the difference between the Adtkins Diet and Paleo can be clarified.
Im just really happy to have been told about this way of eating .
Thank you ,
Hi Margaret. I, too, struggle from severe dry eye and have tried everything from flax/fish oil to antibiotics (right now I’m on Oracea, which is a safer doxycycline). I’d love to hear more about your dry-eye regimen and whether your eyes have improved since increasing your fatty acid intake.
I REALLY like the troubleshooting chart idea. Also, maybe more specific recommendations within that based on what kind of food you ate before paleo (like specific advice for former vegans and vegetarians vs standard SADers). Or specific advice on transitioning for say, people who used to run way too much or have adrenal issues, etc.
Also, more information for women, especially specific advice for how to normalize hormonal issues. Some seem to get this stuff fixed right away after going paleo, but others need more tweaking. Hopefully that would be in the troubleshooting paleo flow chart, which would be AWESOME. I know you are wary of us complicated females, but we are like half of the population.
10-packs of your book with a volume discount so I can keep giving them away. I’ve already bought two copies but I keep wanting to give them away to try to convince people to give it a shot.
We are going canoe camping (portaging etc). So gotta pack and carry all our food for 5-6 days. Packing fresh fruit, veg and meat is tough. Normally eat lots of gluteny foods. Trying to dehydrate sweet potatoes, and other veggies. any suggestions ?
I have been looking on your website for a comprehensive guide to alcohol consumption, but have not come up with a comprehensive answer using the search function. Sometimes it is difficult to cut it out completely, and I am not convinced that a small amount every day is entirely unhealthy anyway. Thanks for all your hard work.
“Drink enough to optimize your sex life but not so much as to decrease your performance”
-Robb Wolf is his podcast
I would like you to create standard courseware (Powerpoint, etc.) that could be used to teach Adult Education classes at the local level. I would like to help spread Paleo to my local community through these classes.
Robb, Paleo is great, but at 63 I feel like I need a new body! Anything special for us oldsters? By the way most of the time I have no idea what you’re talking about when you discuss black box this or that and other exercise terminology. A few definitions would be helpful. Thanks.
First, as above, thanks for all you do, and I’m sure we don’t know the half of it. Second, since you asked…an APP. A paleoApp. One that works and covers food, supplements, sleep, exercise and anything else you can cram in. I’d pay a princely sum for the tracking and convenience alone. I know, a mighty task…but you asked.
An app would be phenomenal. Like Bob said, one that works and has value. I would be happy to pay for such a tool. It could have basics for reference. The paleo phy network. A paleo restraurant rating guide with map functions. Links to your podcasts. I could go on. 🙂
Lastly. I know politics is something that’s touchy but I’d like to know more about what’s happening with legislation affecting medicine, food safety, ect.
Have had some success on the Paleo diet … chronic joint pain gone! Thanks!!!
Could use help with diets for athletes. Still confused as read can bend rules. What & how much to eat / drink while exercising (example, I cycle 3 to 4 1/2 hours 3 times a week with two shorter workouts in between). I find I’m always hungry. Could use some tried & true guidelines.
Well, I was curious about “diet confusion,” meaning I wondered if having the same thing for breakfast every day was OK, or if I should mix it up a bit.
I thought that question might have been answered with the latest podcast, but no, instead the person who wrote in with that question was laughed at.
That was my first intro to the podcast. It certainly left quite an impression.
An in depth certification program for health professionals who want to promote this lifestyle.
This is in he works!
Postpartum Paleo, please (breastfeeding, weaning, exercise, etc).
Hello ! Excuse me for my poor english. I would like to know : are yogourt and cheese have the same effect than the simple milk ? I mean that with the yogourt the digest process has already begun, no ? Thanks Mireille
A simple plan to implement Paleo for the family. I struggle with 100% compliance and think if my family were on board more often, it may be simpler.
I am just genuinely bad at meal planning for whatever reason, so lately I’ve been looking for peoples techniques for planning & cooking paleo meals day in and day out. How do they decide how much to cook for their families, portion sizes, etc. How do they fit it all in their schedules and avoid falling into the “bad planning” scenario and getting takeout. I’d love to see a big repository of different people’s tips and tricks for this.
Haven’t looked through to see if this was already addressed, but just in case not, a Paleo guide for people who hate cooking. If I could live on red bell pepper sandwiches I would, but I’m sure that’s not the best plan. 🙂
{sigh} How ’bout for people who hate veggies? (And have since my high-chair days 55 years ago!)
I’d like to see something about returning to Paleo after falling off the wagon or second time Paleo. Not that mental aspect that’s obviously all on the individual, but how to get your body back into a “Paleo” mind set if you will.
I did Paleo for 8 months and the weight mostly just fell off, roughly 40lbs. Then I had a bunch of continual stress a couple injuries and a year later I’m almost back to where I started, and I just can’t seem to find that sweet spot again to make the weight come off again, and I know it’s more about my health and it truly does matter, because I hate the way I feel compared to a year ago, but seeing pounds come off, even slowly is a huge motivator for staying focused. Thanks.
PORTIONS PLEASE!! I would really need to know exactly the quantities of protein,carbs, and fat in grams or oz daily for a “moderate active” person how trains 4-5 weekly mostly crossfit (woman/does not want to lose weight/wants to tone up and get stronger) and for an “average” person who just walks everyday. Thanks!
Adrianna! That’s what the consults with the Paleo RD’s are all about! I’d love to help you dial it all in!
I’d like to see more on the types of supplements that are necessary on Paleo. I’ve been eating this way for several months now, and when I’ve logged in the foods that I eat on a given day on, I’m noticed how nutrient rich this diet is. Most days, I exceed the standard RDA’s for B6, B12, C, E, Magnesium, copper, manganese, phosphorous, selenium, riboflavin, potassium and zinc. What supplements are needed aside from Vitamin D? Is a calcium supplement necessary? If i eat a lot of seafood (wild salmon, sardines, mussels), do I need fish oil supplements?
I have 2 young children under the ages of 5. My in-laws and even my parents to some extent don’t understand why we are paleo. My in-laws undermine us at times by giving our non-celiacs gluten sensitive children cookies. In their defense they say things like “its only one tiny cookie!” or “everything in moderation!” I have tried to explain paleo to them and on occasion share articles and such (I am not pushy). They don’t seem to be able to wrap their head around the paleo concept. I would love to be able to hand them a “paleo kids nutrition 101” DVD and tell them, “Watch this!”
Not make jackasstic comments about Ohio without giving it 30 days.
Audio versions of the Paleo books for those that are vision impaired
A post I can refer people too rife with citations/medical journals/papers/research for people who think the way we eat is on the extreme fringe. For example pile on the pubmed links for something to obliterate all objections and arguments for whole grains being a healthy part of one’s diet. Anecdotal evidence isn’t enough for a lot of people and they aren’t willing to take the plunge otherwise, even for 30 days (..I know).
Articles on Test Results on Controlled studies of Paleo Diet on Humans. Such as Weight lost, Blood level changes, etc.
Some people wont listen to me about the Paleo diet unless I had that kind of Evidence… 🙂
Wow…I couldn’t read ALL of the comments so hope I don’t repeat.
I agree w/ the guy who wants a “boot camp” or type of go away from home and stay for a week (few days?) Paleo retreat….but it has to be reasonably priced…maybe have in a few cities (SF Bay area)…
Someone suggested a food tracker. YES!! Really, we could write in a notebook, but I’m much more likely to write in my handy dandy special “PALEO TRACKER”.
I would like to find a local community of Paleo folks in the SF East Bay area. I’m sure there are plenty out there…there are some at my Crossfit gym, but even beyond….
Lastly, I own a Pilates studio in El Cerrito, CA. I want to make it more known that I advocate a Paleo lifestyle…don’t quite know how to get there without being too outspoken…I do have Robb’s book on my sign in table and am happy to give my opinion to anyone who asks….any marketing advice for business owners would be helpful.
I completely second the request for some way to connect with other Paleo/Primal folks in local communities. I’d love to be connected in person with folks who are like-minded in this way (can you say Paleo potluck???)
Also, I’d love some kind of exercise primer for the person who’s relatively new to doing anything but chronic cardio.
stress management links. managing stress is always mentioned in the paleo sphere as integral to weight loss and wellness. Practical information on how to integrate this into our food and exercise protocols would be great.
Also more emphasis on non athletes. I suspect that there are lots of “average” people trying to guess how to navigate through scaling and adapting protocols for the ordinary world.
I also support the other comments about more information on womens health.
And thank you so much. I am a 50 year old woman who has lost 50lb, learnt how to olympic lift ( with a coach, crossfit was my gateway drug) all just so that i can live a better life. Both my adult children are now moving to paleo, and lift weights, and this is the greatest benefit for me, that they may live long and healthy lives.
I’ve suggested to Food Network that they have a Paleo show. There are some great cookbooks out there so I’m sure there is a chef/cook who would be great on the network and spread the word.
I think more in depth help for those with digestive disorders. I have sent in requests for my questions to be answered on podcasts concerning yeast and bacteria overgrowths. As you know, many go undiagnosed and most doctors just tell you that you have IBS. I have suffered for 2 years now and done antifungals, strict paleo diet with no fruit, probiotics, etc. I’m still dealing with this nightmare!! Please help me and many others out there. We do appreciate all you do!
Hi –
1. I would like to see more references to scientific, peer-reviewed journal articles on the paleo diet.
2. I would also like to see an ongoing section on the web site that addresses the key arguments from the vegan community’s criticism of the paleo diet. There are common attacks and points that are made about the paleo diet and a lot of this information is misinformation. I would like to see the facts documented.
2a. Specifically, I would like more information on the facts about whether saturated fats cause athersclerosis or whether this is due to inflammation. How much saturated fat is safe to eat in the paleo diet? All that I have read in the Paleo Solution book is that we need to eat “lean meats”.
2b. I would also like to see more guidance on how much carbohydrate per day we should be eating? What’s the range for someone that has metabilic syndrome?
I would like to see articles on growing, gathering or hunting your own food. Basic survival (primal) skills needed/used on I, Caveman: How to clean an animal and preserve the meat, Edible plants by region, gardening successes and failures, raising your own animals. Tell me why my chickens quit laying eggs so I can fix it… LOL! The forum is difficult to sift through and time consuming.
You need a virtual tip jar! I listen to your podcasts all the time, and want to contribute something.
It would be useful to get a breakdown of other diets, why they work (or don’t work) and how the Paleo diet is different / better.
For instance, my wife has MS and the Swank Low Fat diet is a well established treatment that has some great results. My take is that the swank diet by removing nearly all fat removes all the omega 6 and people’s fat ratios normalise and subsequently, inflammation is much reduced.
The fact that the swank and myriads of other diets exist needs to be addressed in a structured way so the layperson can easily make a decision on what to follow.
This is from someone who spent nearly three years reading up and trying various diets to help beat MS before we finally, went full circle, and could do Paleo safe in the knowledge that is was the best and most comprehensive approach.
Smarter science of slim with Jonathan bailor is any way he can be added to the podcast list Thank you
How about a little more focus on the people working to lose weight and become like the crossfitters, generally healthy, looking to trim up and be happier…maybe a blog or podcast run for more average people, not just high caliber athletes.
Can you create a food list of just simple snacks? I am a student in college and with classes throughout the day I do not have time to make something l. How about a nice list of numerous tasty yet simple snacks for all of the busy people out here?! Please 🙂
I am an Aussie who tries to live a Paleo lifestyle but finds it hard to source some ingredients etc – do you have any recommendations for Australian websites, recipe books or resources?
Hey Deb, You might like to try these
That should be: 🙂
I would appreciate more information on Chronic Kidney Disease–i.e., if a ketogenic diet would be helpful (saw one post that had remarkable results) and what that diet would look like (what would I eat?). I am Stage 3, no symptoms, just based on GFR of 53-55. Except for the GFR, my blood work markers are excellent. I have been pretty strictly paleo for a couple of years, had great success in eliminating migraines and joint pain, but most conventional wisdom about CKD suggests low protein. Frankly, I eat a LOT of protein–ok, a LOT of everything–my weight is excellent and I’m very active (tennis, pilates (instructor), weight training, kayaking, walking, gardening, etc.). Not sure it matters, but I am 75 and amazingly fit for an old lady. However, not knowing if what I’m doing is helping or harming my CKD is unsettling. Thanks–love what you all do to keep us healthy.
Judy, a keto plan is great in CKD – low carb, lowish protein and high fat from the right sources will get you the most favorable results. You don’t want to overdo the protein. I can definitely help you with this. Let me know if you’d like some help figuring it out!
Thanks, Amy – I will get in touch when I return from travel, about mid-October. I’m having blood work done this Friday so I’ll have all current info available.
Sounds Great Judy! Safe Travels!! 🙂
I would like to see some kind of Paleo community registry set up so people who want to interact with other people in their area could find them. I am all alone in my area, never met another Paleo follower, and I think people are missing out on what it means to be Paleo when we forget about the support and community people in tribes gave each other. The internet interaction is not the same.
I would like to see a one page “starter guide” to hand out to athletic and/or diabetic patients.
It would be nice to have some markers for improved health resulting from going Paleo that don’t require doctor’s visits or blood tests. Something we can do at home at low cost.
I’d really love to see a workbook to substitute for or accompany the Paleo Solution book. I envision something that could be used in a group format to document homework (journaling, monitoring) in addition to tracking from week to week. It could have simplified pages of information and then room to write specifics for one’s self with regard to baseline data, shopping lists, tracking physiological measures, favorite recipes, sleep/stress logs, etc.
I’d love to see Paleo lifestyle groups pop up to replace Weight Watchers. But there needs to be a substitute for the Paleo Solution for people who do not understand (or care about) the biology behind it and only want the advice and structure to follow for a packaged amount of time (paleo in 12 weeks, for instance).
Info on primal exercises, beginner weight lifting, etc.
I’d love to hear if there’s anything you could suggest to rid my body/foot of plantar fasciitis. I’m 42 and have been suffering with this for about 8 years now. I have 3 daughters (9-13) and I can’t play sports or run with them. Conventional doctors tell me to “take it easy” or “you can wear an insert in your show” or “we can have surgery, but there’s no guarantees.” I just want it to go away. Any ideas??
I was going to say 1) ways to eat cheaper 2) ways to eat that don’t take so much time, but I think even more importantly it would be great to get help with getting over the mental challenge of making the time commitment of preparing food the right way. I’ve gotten so much better than I was at making my health a priority, but the biggest challenge remains time and not resenting the heck out of the extra time it takes to eat healthily.
At a certain level, I know it amounts to “suck it up and do it” but I’m hoping for something constructive. 🙂
I really want my daughters to be on a paleo diet with me, but it gets very hard with school lunches. They bring their lunch, and it is hard to find things they can eat with their limited time, and the younger one is a little more picky. Sandwiches are usually the mainstay for bagged lunches. I always pack fruit and veggies. They are real troopers about not eating the usual crap kids eat, I have trained them well. Any ideas for cold paleo lunches, that do not involve cans of sardines, which is my favorite, but they aren’t having it?
Okay, I didn’t really need to lose any weight, but lost 7 lbs. anyway, I guess not eating a half of a bag of potato chips at night had something to do with it! I feel better not carbing out daily. I am just so unsatisfied with the food I am eating. It’s probably because it’s not feeding my addiction to the carbs that I mentioned before. I even tried the coconut bread, but it affected me the same way regular bread does, hiccupping right after each bite. All nuts, except walnuts, are out of the question, they are an allergic intolerance I’ve been dealing with for years. The science behind the diet is what sold me, but….the dissatisfaction with the food I’m eating is getting me down. What to do, what to do.
I’d like to see a portion of the website — a forum section, or a regular column, with a knowledgeable staff person available for questions — devoted to men and women over the age of 60. We constitute a lot of folks and our ranks are growing. We have specific issues related to such topics as post-menopause and its symptoms, testosterone loss, type 2 diabetes, weight gain and weight loss, muscle mass and overall fitness, mental acuity, deterioration of the joints, how to exercise to maximize mobility and strength into old age and insomnia, to name a few.
Old age. It’s not for sissies.
Thank you thank you thank you, Robb and Staff, for all you do.
I would like to “second” the recommendation to provide more details on how to dial-in on the stress reduction and better sleep habits. I started Paleo 13 months ago and have had great results with the change in diet and working out on a very regular basis. Because I have a teenage daughter- (and yes thanks for tweeting the link to the spoiled children article!)– I am constantly stressed, even though I feel slightly better able to cope with it now that I am working out and eating right. Yet I can’t avoid it to the extent I wish I could. I hate that the cortisol is sabatoging all my other good efforts!
I think THE major contributing factor to the obesity epidemic is that people over-eat – yes sometimes even really healthy food– because they are so stressed from work and family commitments. People are willing to change their diet, but rarely will they make a major paradigm shift of changing their over-achieving schedules (or especially in this economy, a “I just can’t afford to slack off or I’ll lose my job” lifestyle). Even if its a request to dial back on “keeping up with the Joneses” – they rarely willingly accept the “risk” that places to their current self-identity. I have tried to get my sister to follow my example, but she just “knows” she would stop after a few weeks because she needs her stress-relieving “barley pops” (beers) after work. People only think about this once its too late when they get sick with diabetes or heart problems. Being Fat is just “accepted” now as a coping mechanism to stress.
As a newbie a year ago, I also found it difficult to know where to start with weight training. I’ve got a routine down now to do that 2-3 per week, but my progress getting to heavier weights has been pretty slow. I guess I should probably get a trainer, but I’ve been on YouTube a lot looking up “correct” form, etc. I would love to get the Robb Wolf-approved version of videos on “how to start” and ” how to progress” with weights – particularly deadlifts and squats and chest presses ( i.e. especially those lifts that aren’t on a Nautilus machine). Its a whole new world for a mid-40’s woman to explore!
I would like to find more about exercises for elderly people. People that came to paleo late in life and would like to be more active despite decades of being inactive. (and considerably less physically flexible)
I Found at the start of my paleo Journey the hardest part was Survivng in a smaller town, no acess to grass fed/ Free range meat things of that nature, coconut oil was hard to find in good quantity/value, simple things folks in larger communities (and US residents) take for granted. if you can’t go “all in” perhaps advice or a guide to do the best with whats availible. I.E. Guidelines for surviving where paleo isn’t an easy choice to follow (think deliberatly choosing Low(er) fat beef options Cooking oil Choices where Coconut oil is difficult to obtain, things like that.
I hope Robb and the Folks here at the site continue the amazing work.
Any more guidance around type 1 diabetes would be greatly appreciated! I’ve been doing paleo (not 100% of the time, but around 80% or at least M-F) for about 2 years and been CrossFitting for about 9 months. I have experienced SO MANY benefits from both but I still have a lot of ups and downs with my blood sugar.
My biggest complaint is the spikes in my blood sugar that I experience post-WODs. I’ve read a few paleo books and follow several blogs, but there isn’t much out there on the impact that paleo and CrossFit have on Type 1 diabetes, so any info would be helpful. THANKS!
The basic advice is pretty well described. Apparently it works for many/most. But what do you do when it doesn’t work? E.g, I eat strict paleo, would like to lose some fat. A “no portion control” strategy is very attractive but after months of NO cheating I’m convinced basing my consumption on satiation clues just doesn’t work for me. To be fair, probably I would be worse off without paleo, so it is working to some extent, but 25% bf for a middle aged man doesn’t feel like success.
I’d love to see some kind of network of gyms that align with the principles promoted on the podcast. I know that some Crossfit places are better than others. I kind of wish I lived in Chico.
I heard on the Joe Rogan show that there’s going to be an audio version of the book, and I’m eagerly awaiting that – I’ve read it, of course, but would like to get it on my iPod too as extra ammunition on those days when the vending machine at work is taunting me.
I’d be willing to pay for the extra podcast Robb and Greg occasionally tease on the show.
More from the Kraken!
Exercise instructional videos for beginners?
I second the tip jar idea.
I would like to know to make Paleo diet relevant and possible for teens. Menus, food choices, school lunch alternatives, etc.
I’ve also had struggles learning to cook without my previous staples of pasta, bread, flour. Knowing what ingredients to use instead (almond meal, coconut flour) is good, but knowing what techniques to use with them is better.
Hi- I have a large family with 6 children ranging in ages from 2 months to 14 years. I would love a family / kid friendly Paleo and exercise book! Do you know of any kid friendly paleo recipes? They prefer Mac & Cheese – Yikes!
I think I have a good handle on diet, exercise, health, sleep, stress, and sustainability. Now I’m on to tackling household products. I think a good guide for toothpaste, shampoo, laundry soap, shower cleaner, cookware, etc would be great. Most are chemical laden and could be possible health hazards while some are on the up and up. One thing I can’t stand is disposable ____. You fill in the blank. Use and discard. Please help educate me as well as countless others and make this the next step in movement.
Rob T.
I know you were working on this previously and the setails didn’t work out. I would love it if you had an eady way to get blood work done, or at least a recommendation of where to go, also a guide for interpreting the results, or even better yet, help interpreting them.
thx for the great website and podcasts!!
Robb you and Andy changed my life and forever I will be grateful to you. My vegan, vegetarian and poor quality food consuming friends, family, and those within earshot may feel otherwise.
While near impossible I have always wanted to see 1) the objective lab tests, measurements etc and 2)subjective self assessments of how all my favorite experts look, feel and perform to themselves – the big guns: Robb Wolf, Andrew Weil, Deepak Chopra, Daniel Amen, & Mark Hymen, Matt Lalonde, Andy Deas, etc.
While the above is unrealistic and probably too risky for reputations-
How about providing an online tracking system for us end users – with graphs and tables that help you keep track of improvements?
Sending all the best to all (cause we all need it with the Ron Paul snafu)
Resources for paleo minded people in the early-to-mid 20s. So much of young 20something and single life for so many people evolves around eating out, drinking, etc. I’m not sure exactly what you could provide, but something to connect young people who want to be social without sacrificing a healthy lifestyle. Thanks!
Menopause and Paleo!!! Research about how Menopause can send your gut and your moods in a tail spin. Anything about Menopause and Paleo actually 🙂
Thanks Robb
Can’t think of anything you could do at the moment , it’s all there ,but I’m only 3 weeks on the diet and have already lost 3 kgs . I was looking thru web pages for some kind of activity for my man boobs problem and came across your book together with the Wheat Belly Book ,both books I obtained thru my Kindle .
Just of recent days press reports of benefits of Paleo dieting used by many doctors here ,can’t get better endorcement than that? There has been reports of lack of evidence of the relationship with annimal fat diets and cancer and heart disease .
I’m 68 years old and wil be due for my physical in 3 monthes time and looking forward to results . Of some Interest is that my pre-Paleo weight was 66 kgs is seems. body has identified 63 kgs as this as desired weight and remains . Man boobs gone better health ahead . And some more books to read to continue as I reccomend your book to everyone I meet but encounter sceptism I hope I will be the living proof as this should passed on.
Tasmania Australia
He Robb,
I would like to become part of your paleo posse that is changing the world. I live In Boise, Idaho and would like to start by changing my own community with your help. I am also a National Fitness Trainer/ Presenter for Les Mills North America and Fitness Anywhere’s TRX GSTC suspension training programs. Do put on any workshops/training to help further my education and knowledge base?
In Health,
Julie Trimble
I would like you to develop a restaurant menu for a small, localy owned private diner type restaurant that is 100% Paleo. It would have selections for each meal such as:
Breakfast – two eggs, baby spinach leaves, pepper rings, cherry tomatoes, bowl of sf applesauce, plain greek yogurt & blueberries and a cup of black coffee.
Lunch – hamburger patty, steamed broccoli, pepper rings, cucumber slices, sliced mushrooms & green tea.
Dinner – Salmon filet, cauliflower, tomato slices, mixed salad greens and ice water.
You get the idea! These are a few of my favorite meals. This menu would only have Paleo selections. You would have a long list of entres with your usual side choices but they would be 100% Paleo. I could make one myself but if you did the menu I could present it to a few local restaurants and others could do the same.
I am so tired of trying to get a meal put together in a restaurant and then have to pay two or three times what it should cost. Then you never are sure what things are cooked with.
After you develop a menu and I and others like me talk our local restaurants into adopting it as an alternative choice, you could have an app for that. A list of every restaurant in the country that uses The Robb Wolf Paleo Menu.
What a better world it would be when away from home.
Hi George,
Great idea re: 100% Paleo menu suggestions for restaurant consumption. I believe Robb would say (and I would agree) that yogurt is not Paleo because it’s dairy, so if you’re looking for 100% Paleo, yogurt would be out.
Paleo protocol for fertility and women’s hormonal health. Especially concerning far too common PCOS and hypothyroidism. I realize there’s a lot in both of these dispersed throughout the Internet, but it would be great to have a more concise version.
Also, best paleo supplements and foods for acne.
Thanks for asking Rob! Great community you have going on here.
I agree with Barb & Matt in that I’d particularly like a list of the research papers that support the more controversial aspects of paleo. I have read your book, and looked through the references, but I found that there was actually very little evidence in there to support the theory of why legumes, pulses and dairy should be excluded. I need to have a good evidence base if I am to recommend Paleo to clients (whereas I’m more happy to try it on myself and see what happens). I know that some people have an intolerance to dairy but I’d like to read some evidence that suggests why this might be more than the well established lactose intolerance. What’s wrong with dairy proteins? The legumes & pulses is one that is also hard for me to justify as they seem to have clear health benefits and make an easy alternative to grains for people easing into a paleo lifestyle. Epidemiological evidence consistently finds a link between consumption of dairy and pulses and lower body weight and rates of disease. I know that’s about lifestyles as a whole and doesn’t show causality, but the weight of evidence is in their favour, it seems to me.
Also a simple comparison chart showing the nutritional benefits- backed by evidence of choosing organic or grass fed/free range meat, eggs and dairy products over conventional. I find it hard to convince people to pay the premium for these foods. If they are not sufficiently motivated by the environmental benefits of organic and other forms of non-intensive farming they need a selfish reason. It’s hard to get them to see that they are paying for quality for their own benefit when the price difference is so significant. A chart showing a comparison between organic/grass fed etc and intensively farmed produce in terms of nutritional content supported by evidence would be very helpful. Environmental and other benefits can be stuck on there too.
Thanks again
A guide for all the “gray area” foods. Seems like the Kracken, Chris Kresser, et al are touching on “if cooked properly”, some rices, grains, legumes, may be “OK”. How OK…and what’s the proper cooking technique, how much of the crap does it remove and what’s the risk for each.
I love your guides!!
Echoing the suggestion of a paleo app diet tracker, also tips on good snacks (I resort to fruit and nuts a bit too often I think). Resources for Aussie paleo dieters would also be great.
The Paleo Solution – Second (updated) edition!
Your stance has been evolving on many different aspects of the fast changing paleosphere as evident from listening to all 149 awesome episodes of your “rambling ramblitude” Robb 😉 I think if you were to go back and re-read the book I think you’ll find things that you’d tinker and modify, add to and improve (and all that kind of jive). I know its barely two years old, but a lot of water has been flowing under the paleo bridge in that time.
Where does updating the book fit in your plans? I recommend it to people so want them to get the very best and most most up to date stuff.
Awesome. Keep up the most excellent work dudes.
I have a 4 year old child that refuses to eat any meat, vegetables or fruit.
I didn’t know about paleo when it was time to start feeding him solids – I started him on fruit rather than rice cereal but he developed eczema at 5 months of age & was scratching so badly we had to put mittens on him while we were having him treated (homoeopathically).
His eczema cleared by 18 months and he did eat sporadically from 6 months to 18 months but then he just degenerated to toast, pasta, potato crisp or hot chips & he will not allow anything to be forced into him.
I’ve been hoping that one day he’ll eventually succumb to my requests but this as yet has not happened. I’m still breastfeeding him – because he still wants to & I’m averse to push the weaning issue with him because I feel at least the breastmilk is giving him some level of decent nutrition.
He had a hair trace mineral analysis test done a year ago & it showed he had high adrenal levels and low digestive function. Could this be causing him to innately refuse food?
I give him a multi vitamin & colloidal minerals every day & he takes them happily.
I can get a powdered probiotic into him via a chocolate milkshake 3-4 times a week – I think he gets sick of having chocolate milkshakes every day (unfortunately not raw cacao, just the horrid supermarket chocolate topping)
Recently I’ve tried apple cider vinegar diluted with water & it’s torturous to try & get it into him – I’ve tried straws, pipette, just drinking – he cries and carries on.
I’ve been doing chicken bone broths for 6 months now – only the last two days did he agree to have some – again though, via pipette.
He has not been vaccinated, I gave birth to him at home, although I did have to go to hospital and have a general anaesthetic to have the placenta removed & then IV antibiotics for almost 24 hours. Could this have affected his gut flora such that he intuitively knows he wont be digesting food properly if he were to eat meat, veg & fruit.
He has never had antibiotics or any over the counter medication – we only use homeopathy.
Given that I am working towards implementing paleo (or primal at least), it is infinitely frustrating to still have to buy bread & pasta for him to eat. I feel like the worst mother in the world that my child wont eat real food.
I’ve tried everything that every other mother has suggested. I’ve even withheld the crap food for almost 2 days & he still refused our food, just had his usual morning & night time breast milk & then water. He was so cranky and sad and was point blank refusing anything else. When I gave him some crackers, he was ok again.
What do I need to do to get him to eat real food. He is a healthy looking, intelligent child – not autistic (as some people have suggested).
I just need an answer. I really hope someone can shed some light on this.
Thankyou for the opportunity to share 🙂
I have had clients like this in the past. Use something they like as a reward when they try the food such as: reading their favorite book, a game, even TV etc. Start with one bite per day. When they take it praise them also. Once the tantrum stops after 1 bite, up it to 2, and so on. As the gut heals their liking for specific foods will increase. The biggest thing is don’t give in to the tantrums, be strong and don’t let them watch the tv show or what not until they eat the bite or bites. This whole protocol is outlined in the GAPS book too.
As the economy remains troubled and the world political situation deteriorates in many ways, we continue to receive messages encouraging us to prepare for a catastrophe by setting by a 3-month supply of food. Given that the paleo approach emphasizes fresh foods and avoids many of those foods that typically comprise the survivalists’ lists (rice, beans, flour, etc.), can you provide us with a Paleo Survival Guide of some type?
I covered this a bit in episode 9 I beleive of the Controversial Truth podcast.
Flowchart on how to proceed after doing strict Paleo and workouts for over a year and not continuing to lose stubborn fat and/or not feeling energetic anymore.
Team Robb,
Do you have any demographics on the people who have tried paleo and the results they have achieved? It would be interesting to know who is listening, where they live, profession, education, and if they see themselves as upper, middle, or low income. It would also be good to know if they typically buy food for just themselves or if they shop for a family as well. I don’t want to get all big brother but this type of information might help politicians, restaurant chains, and the food industry pay you more attention. Then again, if your demographics are limited to 6 listeners who cares.
I’d like to see a guide to common pitfalls and newbie mistakes when starting a Paleo plan. For example, living on “paleo muffins,” “paleo brownies,” “paleo pancakes,” and other nut-flour and honey/maple syrup heavy substitutes for foods we should try to get away from in the first place. And while I am a firm believer in lower carbs for the obese and metabolically broken, hard-charging athletes need to understand that it’s OKAY to eat more carbs from starchy veggies and tubers.
*Also – a la Stefani Ruper, I’d love to see even just one or two blog posts covering some very basic biochemistry and physiology aimed specifically at younger women who don’t understand why they “can’t lose weight despite doing Crossfit 4x/week, training for a marathon, and keeping their calories below 1200.” These poor, poor women don’t understand that their failure to lose weight is not *despite* those thing, but *because* of them. I’d also like to see a “common sense” take on women’s body composition. I’m not saying women shouldn’t try to be lean and strong, but there’s a difference between lean/healthy/NOURISHED, and starving oneself into size 2 jeans and trying to look like an 8-yr-old boy instead of understanding that shapely hips, breasts, and thighs are part of having 2 X chromosomes.
im used to anxious and stressed but im wondering what the deal is with coffee i really like it so want to know if it is okay to drink it
It seems the biggest confusion with people after a 30 day challenge is reinstituting foods. Maybe a quick link to directions on how to reinstitute foods properly?
In addition to the women’s resources, how about a “certification” program to create a group of instructors? People who can learn to be “Paleo lifestyle coaches” or some such thing? And, some learning materials, like a powerpoint or web-based informational presentation.
I’m thinking people who can communicate the principles, give advice on exercise, track progress, offer support, answer basic nutritional questions, provide recipe advice, local shopping resources, etc. If there is a more intense question, such as from an uncontrolled diabetic, you kick it up to an Amy Kubal kind of person.
There is a ton of information on websites and in books, but not much access to real people locally or even regionally. And, I swear, it’s the local accountability stuff that makes Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig successful models (as opposed to their diet), because we ALL know people who simply cannot make it happen without that interaction.
I know two Paleo/Primal divas in the NW who might be interested in such an endeavor 😉
If this is a huge undertaking, how about partnering with the MDA folks? Most of us peruse both venues for resources and ideas. After all, we are all biologically unique and may respond well to some things better than others.
Okay, that’s my four cents for the day. Rock on!
Thought of another thing that would be helpful, an event page that lists upcoming events occurring across the Paleo community, that us lay people might benefit from.
how can i make a choice to eat the right foods if im mentally (physically?) craving/addicted to eating shit? i forgot where I read or heard this but there is a women at the your gym that was an “actually crack addict” and she said that changing her diet was harder than breaking her crack addiction.
about 2 years have gone by since i have been consistently “paleo”. before that i saw great results. i was eating well, exercising regularly and was down over 80lbs. i have gained all but 20 of that back since then. i just have lost the motivation and discipline and all of that. what literature do you have on the mental part of eating?
sorry if i dragged this on… 😉
Come to Canada! Better still if you visit Alberta…
I also strongly second the suggestion for info about “very basic biochemistry and physiology aimed specifically at younger women”, and I’d even say that this could be a great series–why not create multiple “profiles” so people can compare and contrast the differences between a 15-year-old girl and a 30-year-old male weightlifter?
And I would love to see a list of programs for dietetics, medicine, etc (international, if possible) that are more “paleo-friendly” than most.
I’ve been Paleo over 8 months now, lost 46 lbs., I’m 67 and working on developing some muscles. I really need to tone up. Is there hope for somewhat loose skin to tighten up? What would be the best exercise for me? My arms and stomach areas are my main concerns. Thank You so much — your book shamed me into saving my life.
Hi There well Ive start paleo two months ago, Ive been doing some interval excersise, I feel ok, but sometimes with a lack of energy , and its horrible, I havent lost any weight am 58 but Ive notice some loose skin in my arms and legs OMG no !!!! I really need some help here,thank you so much. and of course am not going to stop útil I get to my goal,
Would like to download a Paleo App for iPhone/iPad…..a central spot to keep downloaded books, current e-mails, recipes… spot for everything Paleo Diet.
Sadly, I was about to turn 60 years old when I changed doctors because I was tIred of arguing with my old one. We were addressing thyroid issues, high cholesterol, 15 pound weight gain, osteopenia, you know the drill. She sent me out the door with the words, “and I like the Paleo Diet”. I never looked back. What I want help with is all my best friends and family and grandchildren suffering with health issues but yet dismissing the obvious solution. Preaching certainly doesn’t help, leading by example doesn’t seem to. Leaving books lying around is useless. I’ve tried it all. I want to cry with frustration sometimes. Any magic pill to give them? My daughter in law actually said to me the other day that it sounds interesting and she might look into it someday but she doesn’t really have any issues. (she does). I only replied I wish I’d done this sooner – before I had so many issues.
I’d love to hear some more stuff about the sustainability/economics of paleo…. There’s a lot of criticism out there about meat consumption and the effect on the environment…. I know that this isnt’ quite correct, and I’d love to hear more about the what having strictly grass fed produce in small farms would do environmentally and economically.
A Paleo Physician near 44221.
No Seriously – Come to Australia. You & Nikki & bub can stay with me – hell you can even bring Keystone!
Please find a way to make beer disgusting. Thanks dude, I know you can do it.
I’d like to see that “We Want Paleo” concept actually take off into a searchable database of Paleo restaurants (or restaurants with paleo options) in different areas. I read the article ( a while ago and signed up to hear more, but haven’t received anything. I just took a new job and moved to Denver and have ended up eating out more (some due to moving, some due to traveling for my new job) and being able to find different restaurants that cater to Paleo eaters would’ve helped me out alot. I’d rather give my business to restaurants who focus on farm to table, sustainable food.
I’d love a database of some of the specific studies that help to show paleo to be the great diet that it is. I’m often asked for a study that “proves” that. I know it doesn’t work that way, but right now it’s hard to find them, period.
It would be great to have a link to the study (or name, authors, etc. so we can more easily find it) and the gist of how it’s used in the paleo diet context. It wouldn’t even need to be a database, as CTRL-F let’s us find most things by keyword on a list. 🙂
Thanks for the consideration!
I’d like to read more on inflammation (chicken or the egg?).
How do we know that inflammation/chronic inflammation/systemic inflammation is a problem or detriment to our health. I’ve been told that we are assuming that it is a problem. Are there studies? Is there proof?
When I tell people that reducing inflammation is a key to health, I’m asked to show how I know that inflammation is causing the issue and isn’t just a symptom? Similar to the concept that lowering cholesterol doesn’t necessarily solve the problem, it just makes a symptom go away. If we reduce inflammation, are we fixing the problem or making the symptom go away.
I’d like to see some work/research/experimentation on brain/mental/psychological health as well. Since going Paleo my sleep, general cognition & memory have vastly improved. I’m sure it’s the Paleo, but I’d like to see some science/biochemistry/neurology to understand this better.
Wow, so many great ideas, have left a few already, love the idea of an immersive camp – offering it in 1 week or 2 week sessions, how to deal with palteaus, supplements, what medical tests to do, and the menopause – currently on biologic hormones would love to try something more natural
Great great ideas!
Perhaps a compressed PDF of research papers and essays I can give my doctor so he knows my food lifestyle is not all quackery and madness??
First, you have really given us so much, Robb–we’re very spoiled with all of your support. That said,
1) It would be lovely if someone published a “Paleo and the Single Girl/Guy” plan. Something with recipes that don’t require three pans and a Cuisinart, accommodate “dinner for one,” and possibly have recommendations on what freezes well in single portions. Like a couple others mentioned, I don’t like cooking every single day, I HATE doing dishes (no dishwasher), and I get sick of even the best food after 4-5 days of it. Most of the 30 day plans have yummy recipes that are recommended to eat once, then never seen again even though it makes servings for 4-6 people. (I realize that this request may well come under the “any idiot can figure this out” category. . .)
2) I’d really like to see the Paleo world start some big fundraising efforts–walks, etc. I always cringe when I see a walk for some major disease and know that the funds will go to areas of research and treatment that follow conventional wisdom. There are so many great minds in Paleo; let’s fund some research!!
Robb, you know what you/we need? (I may or may not have verbalized this before)
A relatively comprehensive blog post (or three) about HOW to read nutritional (or any) studies. What to look for, what sends off warning signals that it’s a crappy study. When correlation MIGHT equal (or at least suggest) causation.
Saves you time in the short term because you can just link people to that post when they say, “what do you think about the [egg yolk] study?” and in the long term because you are continuing to turn your followers into critical thinkers, rather than just parrots in constant need of guidance and reassurance.
My wish list:
1) Yes, a database with studies that support Paleo Lifestyle (not only diet) would be great.
2) How to detect BS in studies?
Chris Masterjohn does a good job on his blog debunking studies but some general guidelines (template) what to look for would be helpful
3) Succesful aging.
What to do to age normally (like Art de Vany, Jacinto Bonilla, Chuck Norris, Penny McIntosh, Johanna Quaas etc ) instead of “SAA” (“Standard American Aging” as complement to “SAD”)?
Greetings from Germany.
PS: Thanks for all the great work you guys do. 🙂
The Paleo Diet on a budget guide was great for a college student like myself but I’d like some advice on how to stay as natural as possible when getting food from the dining hall.
Thanks for all the help!
I’d love to see an iPhone app where we could crowd source information on restaurants, farmers and other food sources that are Paleo friendly. That way when I visit another city, my phone can use my location to help me find good food. Or I can leverage the discoveries of others in my area to find the best farmers.
I’d also love to see a guide I can print off to give to my doctor that explains the diet with references that they can go check out later. That way I can ask them to either read it or forever hold their peace.
Everything you’ve done has just been great, and very helpful.
How about a kickstarter, kickstarter type fund, for paleo research.
Also more promotion and development of a farmer to consumer network.
I just started listening to the podcast and bought the cookbook. Unfortunately I’m so busy right now that I’m scraping to get by as far as having the adequate time to read up and learn how to develop a paleo mindset; and am just getting by trying to eat as much clean (i.e. fresh) food as possible.
What would REALLY help me would be a daily planner suitable to include a diet plan (eating schedule) so I could carry while “on the go” to make sure I’m eating at the appropriate intervals and quantities, etc. I’m 6’1″ 207, athletic, but during this current season of my life my body fat is higher than it should be. At one time I was 6’1″ 187lbs and 3% body fat if that is any indication. I am bulkier, but also barely see remnants of what was once a 6 pack! I am a believer of paleo, just need help building my good eating habits and consistency with my busy schedule.
Thank you!
My daughter who is almost 14 months old is very fond of meat, and not always very eager to eat her veggies. Now, in such a situation where she doesn’t eat any veggies, my wife or parents (if we are visiting) will sometimes insist that she gets some bread (which she also likes) because “she needs to eat something else than meat”. I would personally prefer to give her some fruit or potatoes, which she also likes a lot, and we do this most of the time.
But I am a bit curious about your thoughts on the validity of the statement “she needs to eat something else than meat.”
From a paleo-perspective, wouldn’t it be better if she just ate the meat for that meal instead of supplementing with something grain-based?
And in relation to that, should we be careful about feeding her too much meat?
P.S. I started following your podcast just recently and I find it very informative and entertaining.
Best regards,
Jimmy from Denmark
Trouble shooting guide with help for overcoming roadblocks! I have been Paleo for 7 months and still no significant weight loss. I can exercise in fasted state and skip meals just fine… but still no sign of fat burning. Even when I try to get into hard ketosis (almost zero carbs), I can only barely change the Keto strip color. I do have major trouble getting to sleep, indicating high cortisol levels, but I can’t force myself to sleep, so what then? I have greatly reduced my exercise amounts and try to relax in the evenings and get to bed early…. What does a person do when nothing seems to work? (ps menopausal, too, so that complicates things)
You and Greg are flat out great. Thanks for the gazillions of hours spent in this crazy pursuit.
Number one on my wish list is a better understanding of older women’s hormonal health and a process for tinkering with same for optimal health and vitality. Could you round up an old broad expert or an expert on old broad issues? I’m an active old paleo broad (63) who bike tours and climbs (in Yosemite) but that being said, I still have trouble with sleep, weight, and pizzaz. Just think, this sort of show would appeal to at least 3 or 4 of your listeners!
I would love to see a calendar of events on your website that would let us know where and when things are happening around the world, in the Paleo world.
And, I agree with a few of the others with regards to there being a need for an in-depth exercise guide. I know there’s a bit in the book, and that there’s info in the 30 day total transformation guide available here, but what next? I went Paleo nine months ago for weight loss and health and longevity, and have had great results going on long walks and eating meat and veggies. Lately, though, I’ve been feeling that it’s time to take it to the next level. I have been listening to the podcasts, starting with number one, and Robb has talked about “smart” training so many times, I’m scared to do anything at all for fear that it wouldn’t be “smart!” Here’s what I want to do: minimum input/maximum return, no gym or trainer, minimal equipment, how to “periodize,” and how to change things up to keep it fresh and to continue seeing improvements. OR, a guide of trainers/gyms Robb feels are doing things the “smart” way.
I’ve lost 55_60 pounds and people are asking me in buildings i work in what I’m doing … Need pamphlet or leaflet i can print out to get them going. I tell them what I’m doing, you’re website etc, but need help. Thank you!
How about a “Military prescription” tab with info about diet, training, sleep, ect. Robb has and is working with many first responders and military. this could be a quick and easy thing to make, while proving to be extremely beneficial since i have not found an all encompassing place to go for this information.
Very big thank you for what you guys do!!
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