That’s right, the wait is almost over. In Search of The Perfect Human Diet is now available for pre-order on DVD, and will be shipping February 29th!
Check out the trailer:
No your eyes aren’t deceiving you. They actually made a documentary “by filming interviews and explorations with many of the world’s top scientists and researchers in the fields of archaeological science, paleo and forensic anthropology, nutrition and metabolism, biomolecular archaeology, and the emerging field of human dietary evolution.” Featuring: Loren Cordain, Gary Taubes, Michael Eades M.D., our very own Robb Wolf, Barry Sears, Dr. Lane Sebring, Prof. Jean-Jacques Hublin, Dr. Jay Wortman, Leslie Aiello Ph.D., Andrew Weil, Boyd Eaton, David Getoff and many more.
I don’t know about you guys, but I can’t wait!
To order your copy, or find out more info, head on over to the website
Steven Richards says
Could be great, but some of the people included are a little worrying, tbh. Andrew Weil?! Taubes? Will reserve final judgement til I see it…
Andy says
I agree. I donated a bit to the production of this movie… I’m cautiously optimistic they take on the whole carbs thing thoughtfully and are not alarmist (ie: CARBS CAUSE DIABEEEETUS).
Eric Anondson says
I see they say no digital streaming (Netflix) because film festivals require it, but why not digital download? Or does that somehow mean the same thing? Because I’m ready to buy it to own through iTunes were it there. Would be a shame to have to buy it on DVD just to rip it.
Mick Hamblen says
I downloaded Fat Head from iTunes and would love to do the same with this
mike says
ditto, i’ll pay the same price even. we just want a download.
SB says
I don’t see how Dr. Michael Eades can be included among “world’s top scientists and researchers” – unless writing diet books and creating the Sous Vide Supreme is sufficient qualification.
Montie says
Steven Richards & SB,
Weil, Taubes & Dr. Eades are some of the recognized voices on diet today. I would not have found my way to Paleo without Taubes’ book and a couple of Dr. Eades’ books.
I think that Taubes and Dr. Eades are on the right track for getting their readers pointed in the right direction with regard to proper nutrition and from there it is a small step to paleo. Even Weil is right…some of the time. I think he needs to re-examine his recommendations of grain and soy products and his aversion to saturated fats, but he does make sense on some things.
I have been waiting for this movie to be released, and I, for one, am interested in what it has to say. Like everybody else though, I will reserve judgement until I actually get to view it.
Brian S says
I like Michael Eades. The dude knows his stuff. I’m glad he is in the documentary. I can’t wait to see it.
Anthony DiSante says
Dr. Eades has helped hundreds if not thousands of overweight patients return to healthy weights in his practice. Taubes has done the same for probably an even larger number of people via his books. No one is 100% right about everything, but that doesn’t mean they can’t help people. I for one am psyched about this movie and pre-ordered my copy not only because I want to see it, but to support the efforts of people who are challenging the horrendous mainstream nutrition advice.
Craig says
Jennifer Falter says
Well, I am not trying to be too much of a purist here…but if you look at the majority of people in my own family as well as friends, acquaintances and just EVERYONE I see out there who is willing to shove any garbage that is mass produced into their mouth without regard to the contents or what it could do to their health then I think any information leading to enlightenment as to WHAT our biology requires to function and survive…then I say BRAVO!…At 52 years old I feel that I have finally found the logical key and SECRET to being healthy, eating well, slimming down with ease and generally getting off the “junk food” addiction wheel. I cannot imagine putting another grain in my body when I read about lectins and phytates…I don’t understand why when given information that can give them energy, longevity and health most people will opt for the DONUT!!!agh…I am frustrated with this…so any big media attention that can educate people is good!!!
Jillian says
Our Seattle Paleo Meet-up Group is actually going to have a private screening of this in April (April 25th), at a small local movie theater! If any of y’all are going to be in Seattle, and want to see this on a big(ish) screen), feel free to RSVP on our meet-up group site:
Jillian aka Paleolady.
Dani says
Is there a version in Spanish? in our country there is a small community interested in palaeodiet and information becomes available in our language with dropper
Holly says
I agree a digital download would be amazing. While I am happy to pay $25 to watch the film, there is no way I’m paying $17 for international shipping. Just not going to happen. $25 is an acceptable price, $42 is not.
Robb Wolf says
I’ll pass this along to CJ. Makes sense.
Lisa says
Got to watch it. Nicely done. I am afraid it really made my vegan friend mad as hell ( LOL ). I guess I will remain the evil one in the group 🙂
I agree with the other posts about making a download available, despite the fact I paid for the shipping.
I hope your efforts go mainstream.