Submitted by: Joanne
Servings: 1 cup
1/3 cup hemp hearts
1/3 cup pine nuts
1/3 cup nut of choice (macademia and cashew are great)
1/2 cup milk of choice (almond, rice, cococut)
herbs and spice to taste.
I like 1 table spoon of lemon pepper or greek spice.
Instructions: Grind all hemp hearts and nuts in a blender/ magic bullet/ food processor into a flour. It may turn into a paste with the oils of the nuts. Make sure all the big pieces are ground down. Add the milk in the blender until you get a smooth creamy dip. Add more milk and it creates a great sauce or salad dressing. Add your choice of herbs or spices to make a simple versatile delicious creamy in paleo dip. Indulge!!
Aside from the fact that these are ALL amazing recipes, the word “Paleo” turns me off. So why do so many of these recipes have to have Paleo in the title? It makes the recipe feel exclusive when really it should be for EVERYONE in all walks of life/diets.
cashews are not nuts – basic botany folks.
Cashews are legumes (sorry, not paleo) as are soy and peanuts.
Is the paleo world so bereft of botany literacy?
Where exactly did you study anything relevant to the topic at hand?
Rice is a grain.
Are you a robot?