Here is episode 67. One week until Matt Lalonde makes his first appearance on the podcast. Be ready!!!
Download a transcript of Episode 67.
Show Topics:
- Ring Row Substitution
- Fatigue During Long Runs
- Natural Calm / Lean Out Nutrition / Super Supplements Store
- Zinc, Magnesium, & Migraines
- Cortisol Issues
- What Would End Long, Healthy Life
- Cholesterol Levels
- Tournament Nutrition
- Hemp Protein
- Lean Meats
- Cheat Meals
- Vitamin D & Strength
Detailed Questions:
1. Question from Antoinette:
I just got your book a few days ago and I am reading the exercise section. I have got my six year old doing circuits with me and it was a great way for us to spend time together. Could you tell me a way to do body rows with something around the house? I don’t have gym rings and live in a remote part of Australia.
By the way, love your book and I am on my way to better health. I liked the first chapters about vegetarianism and your personal experiences. I was a vego for almost ten years myself and i feel so much better now on a high protein diet of meat and eggs. I am having trouble giving up the coffee…
Keep up the good work.
2. Question from Loren:
Hi, First off I love your podcast, and since newly starting paleo about a month ago, your podcasts have helped me tremendously. I am a nurse practitioner, love evidenced based medicine, and love how you back up this diet with your understanding of it down to the molecular level. Since starting, I’ve lost 10 lbs, I never have heartburn or IBS issues anymore, and I am finding that after I went through my 2 week lull, my mind is now sharper.
The question is, I run long distances, half marathons and marathons. Since starting this diet, when I run, I feel really weak, and my legs feel like lead. My typical diet is veggie omelet blueberries and coffee in the morning, salad with grilled chicken and evoo and balsamic vinegar with apple for lunch. I have afternoon snack of macadamia nuts and a banana, and dinner is beef or chicken with lots of veggies. Is it my diet? I tried adding back sweet potatoes, but I get instant stomachache whenever I veer from the diet. My next half marathon is in may and I am starting to train now. After 2 miles I just can’t seem to run anymore. Any suggestions?
Thank you!
3. Question from Thomas:
Robb & Andy, can’t wait until they do an SNL skit on your podcast. Andy’s laugh and Robb’s constant one-liners still won’t be better than the original though!
1. Robb on your recent blog post about you’re training at 39, you mentioned to go easy with the Natural Calm as it could cause the trots (and I’m not really into self-torture). How much do you take? And are there other factors that would make someone need to take less/more?
2. Just like everyone else who asks questions here, I’m trying to lean out (last 5-10 lbs) but am also looking to put some lean mass on. I’m 6′-1″, 190lbs. Cross-fitting 3x per week for 3 months now, Paleo for 3 months as well, and now I can see the top of my abs with just a little love-handle action…
I’ve recently calculated my protein intake and was surprised it was less than 100g per day (don’t weigh or measure and just didn’t have a clue). I have upped that to roughly 1g per lb. of body weight (which is a surprising amount of meat) am taking Natural Calm, Omega-Maine Fish Oil, and 5,000 IU’s of Vit. D. In addition to protein, I accompany most of my meals with steamed veggies and cook my meat in olive oil (typically). Other than the meat and olive oil I don’t get much fat… Should I try to get more fat in if I’m trying to lose those last few lbs? What is the best type of fat to try to include if so (avocados, coconut oil, etc.)?
Am I on the right track with this stuff and would I benefit from Super Enzymes?
3. (only if you “need” to fill time) On that same blog post (39 and I look AMAZING!!) It seemed like you were taking an entire “Super Supplements” store worth of supplements. I thought going on Paleo was all about getting everything you need from whole foods. What gives?
4. Question from Sean:
Hey Robb,
Love your book, blog and podcast, you are really changing lives, mine included!
I am 32 yrs old, fit, live healthy and been training since 16. I have been having consistent migraines with aura all my life, (I am 32 yrs old) that seemed to be brought on by stress, lack of sleep working nights or some trigger foods.
They weren’t frequent, about every couple months but brutal with all the full body symptoms when they came.
Ever since I started taking ZMA in Sept, 2010 for enhanced sleep, and workout recovery I haven’t had ONE migraine! I haven’t changed anything else but did some research and found a lot of stuff on magnesium supplementation reducing migraines for many sufferers…
This is a life saver for me and would appreciate your thoughts on migraines and magnesium, and maybe even the zinc?
Thanks Robb, keep doing what you do!!!
5. Question from Yak:
Hi Robb & Andy,
I stumbled across the podcast a couple of weeks ago and I’m having a great time listening to the backlog of episodes.
I have one goal and that is to look good naked. This however is complicated by the fact that although I feel like I’m doing the right things I can’t seem to shift the concentrated fat that’s stored in my bum, love handles and waist. I also have a bit of man-boob going on, otherwise I look great! From what I’ve been hearing & reading this could be down to my Cortisol levels, insulin resistance, thyroid function or too much estrogen. Or maybe all of the above. Either way I’d love it if you could throw some ideas out there for what I could try to address these issues. Would it be worth getting a BioSignature reading a la Poliquin?
A little about me:
Male, 6 foot, 170lbs.
I always had issues with eating sugar and refined carbs and my goal was to lose weight and just feel better. I stumbled across the paleo diet from Mark Sisson’s book The Primal Blueprint about a year ago and have been eating that way ever since and feeling great. I eat plenty of protein, fat & veggies, no sugar or gluten. My dairy intake is limited to cooking with butter from grass fed cows (Kerrygold) and my fruit consumption consists a couple of hand fulls of berries a week. I don’t weight or measure but I’m confident I’m getting close to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight a day. I do gym work 2-3 times a week and play football (soccer) a couple times a week. I get 8 solid hours of sleep and take fish-oil and vitamin D supplements daily.
If you can help me find a solution to my quest I’ll be eternally grateful!
Keep up the great infotainment!
Yak from the UK
P.S. I don’t recall which podcast I was listening to but you mentioned you wanted ideas for t-shirts. Since one of your themes seems to be that you only have 6 listeners how about a shirt that says something like “The seventh listener” next to some Paleo Solution logo?Hi Robb & Andy,
6. Question from Nathan:
Assuming you could get a population of people who followed the “paleo prescription” of diet and exercise with a longevity bias, and assuming these people avoided death by accident, what is you speculation on the processes that would ultimately kill them? (presumably in their 90s/early 100s)
7. Question from Sam:
Robb, you made some statements in your book about the cholesterol levels in paleo man. The numbers were low. I’m in strict compliance with your guidelines and have been for four months and my numbers aren’t so low. Without going into my numbers, I want to ask how you got the facts on the cholesterol levels of paleo man and to ask you why so many of us seem to not be replicating those lipid numbers. I know enough to not ask you what the numbers mean, so I’ll limit the question to what I’ve asked, which pertains to the contrast between what you wrote our blood should be when following the Paleo Solution and what many of ours are. Thanks for your time.
8. Question from Louis:
Hey Robb and Andy,
First, thanks for the wonderful podcasts and work you do spreading the paleo word. Have been mostly paleo for the last 2 years or so, straying here and there to experiment with things like soaked grains (only non-glutenous grains such as quinoa and brown rice) and fermented dairy (home made kefir). Have definitely found I feel best when staying closer to pure paleo though.
I have read Cordain’s The Paleo Diet for Athletes, but considering Robb’s own experience with pursuing athletic performance, I wanted to see if he would be willing to comment a little about specific nutritional strategies he would recommend for the days leading up to and during multi-day tournaments. In my case it would be competitive ultimate frisbee, where tournaments typically last 2, 3, or 4 days with up to four 60 minute+ matches per day. I always prepare my own food for tournaments, as other people are typically eating lots of bread, pasta, candy, sports drinks etc. So if Robb himself was preparing for an event such as this, how would he approach pre-tournament, periods in between matches, evenings with matches the following day, etc.? Supplements included.
Apologies if something like this has already been covered, and thanks again for the great work you guys are doing.
9. Question from Scott:
A better alternative for those that want some supplementation?
10. Question from Future Amy:
Hi Robb!
Loved your book and really enjoy the podcasts. We recently started the Paleo diet and aside from my debilitating Nutella withdrawal, it’s been a pretty easy transition. There’s been some debate in the house about what constitutes “lean meat,” specifically grass fed beef. I’ve read in other Paleo guides that meat should be trimmed of all visible fat. Do you stick to this rule? I was wondering if there’s a particular cut of beef that’s better than others. And for ground beef, what do you recommend for the lean to fat ratio and why?
Thanks so much for your help! Look forward to hearing from you.
11. Question from Bennett:
Hey Mr. Wolf,
I just finished reading your book over 2 weeks ago, however i have been doing the paleo lifestyle since January 2nd. Its amazing, and i’m already feeling and seeing results!
I have a question, though. Whats your take on “cheat days” or “cheat meals”? I’ve heard several different things….also I’m wondering if they can be applied to the paleo lifestyle if kept in moderation (once a month) or would it ruin the whole experience?
12. Question from Jeremy:
Rob love the show and the book thanks for making the world a healthier place.
I recently read a blog from a Doctor on vitamin D and strength. The Doctor says that vitamin D may help with overall strength in athletes and 40 percent of America is Vitamin D deficient. I was under the impression that vitamin D was a fat soluble vitamin that helps with calcium absorption and can also be produced naturally by sun exposure? Do you know of any studies or evidence that vitamin D helps with our muscle strength? Thoughts and theories are appreciated. I just don’t like drinking the juice until I read the ingredients.
Kindest Regards,
Jeremy Jordan
P.S blog link is below-
Detailed Questions – ThePaleoSolution-Episode67
Download Episode Here.
ebo says
404 file not found.
Where is it, Andy?!? I need my weekly Paleo fix.
Andy Deas says
Working on it – not sure why it isn’t functioning. Very strange….
TM says
Can’t download the podcast via iTunes either, same error 404 wrong url
Andy Deas says
Libsyn is having some problems – I’m working on it!
Gretch says
Yep, not working for me either.
gygez says
Mo says
Any word on when Episode 67 will be available?
Dan says
ebo says
wooHOO! Podcast is up and running. I might make it through the day now. Thanks Andy.
Andy Deas says
Sorry for the delay – some weird Libsyn thing!
Greg Stokes says
Re: Your answer to Sam’s question on the podcast.
My c-reactive is 1.2. Bad, good or merely acceptable? (I have very low triglycerides, very high HDL and very high LDL.)
gary martins says
Hi Robb,
my friend has hyperthryoidism / graves disease, other than a paleo diet are there any other supplements etc that you can recommend to reverse this condition without prescription drugs?
David says
Just wanted to verify something I heard Robb say while answering question 3:
I believe he said if you walk around with capped delts and trap development you have poor testosterone signalling. Did I hear that correctly?
Fluid says
Exactly what I heard. I was coming on here to ask about that and saw your comment, so I’m thinking that we heard him correctly.
Greg Binns says
Reply to Antoinette,
I have just rigged up something in the house to do ring rows with: a doorway pullup bar, two lengths of car lashing straps, and a couple of short pieces of 1.5 inch PVC.
So I mounted the pullup bar in a doorway (this gives the added bonus of something to do pullups from, hang from, do front and back lever progressions from, etc.), then made loops with the two lashing straps, and then cut the two pieces of PVC to just wider than hand width and strung them onto the loops. The lashing straps come two in a box (two 8′ pieces) for $8; they’re each 200lb capacity and have an easy to adjust buckle. The PVC is very cheap – you can get a 2′ section or get a little more and make yourself some mini-parallettes as well. I got the straps and PVC at the local hardware chain and the pull-up bar from the local fitness store – all very easy to find. The straps are super easy to adjust and getting them to the same height is also very easy. As you can tell, I’m really excited about them. Ring dips, here I come. I don’t think they’d be appropriate for working a muscle-up, but I’m not there yet anyway.
I hope this helps. BTW, it’s awesome that your 6-year-old likes doing that stuff. My two-year-old son can almost do a hanging leg raise (I, shamefully, cannot) but to him it just seems like playing.
Greg in L.A.
Sarah la Rosa says
Are you guys going to have Kelly Starrett come on and talk about how he’s a flexible ninja with a penchant for champagne?
Dave says
Anyone know what Robb meant by “capped out delts and traps?”
Ben Wheeler says
He is just referring to guys that have natural trap and delt development that don’t even workout.
Geoff says
He means broad and muscular shoulders and large traps. Google some steroid using bodybuilders or just really muscular guys to get an idea. I think he made a goof saying it indicated POOR signaling though, as it’s always seen as a sign of either huge testosterone levels or steroid use. Maybe robb can chime in.
CanadianArcticPaleo says
Hey Robb,
I know you are taking a bit of time off for personal matters but I just purchased Mat Lalonde’s Nutrition Seminar information and was wondering if you had something similar? Revenue for you, and information for us who can’t attend one of your seminars.
I was watchin this… ….and wanted to keep watching…what the heck!
CAP sans molson
ProfDrAndro says
On question 12 from Jeremy
do not buy into the current vitamin D hype all over the web. its like back in the days when everybody thought high dose vitamin E is going to be the panacea of the next century
check out the results of this study – no strength gain in healthy YOUNG adults (if you are an old chap looking into upping your vit d may however be a good idea)
Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2011 Mar;74(3):370-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2265.2010.03926.x.
Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration and physical function in adult men.
Ceglia L, Chiu GR, Harris SS, Araujo AB.
Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Tufts Medical Center Bone Metabolism Laboratory, Jean Mayer United States Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, Boston Department of Epidemiology, New England Research Institutes, Inc., Watertown, MA, USA.
Objective Recent reports suggest that vitamin D status influences musculoskeletal health; yet, there are limited data in adult men. This study investigated whether serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentration was associated with lean body mass, muscle strength and physical performance in men. Design Population-based, observational survey. Participants 1219 black, Hispanic and white randomly selected men aged 30-79 years from the Boston Area Community Health/Bone Survey. Measurements Lean body mass by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, hand grip strength, a composite physical function score (chair stand and walking speed), 25(OH)D, parathyroid hormone (PTH), testosterone, age, race, body mass index, socioeconomic status, education, smoking, arthritis, self-reported health, calcium intake, physical activity. Results The distributions of serum 25(OH)D quartiles differed by race/ethnicity, education and smoking status. After adjustment for multiple lifestyle factors, serum 25(OH)D was not related to lean body mass, grip strength or the composite physical function score (all P > 0·20). There was no variation in the associations between 25(OH)D level and outcomes by race/ethnicity. The relationship between PTH and the outcomes revealed similar results. Conclusion In this population-based sample of adult men with a broad age range, there was no association between serum 25(OH)D concentration and lean body mass, muscle strength and physical function after controlling for multiple lifestyle factors.
© 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
PMID: 21083597 [PubMed – in process]
KT says
I wouldn’t stake an all or nothing claim on one observational study, especially on the abstract from an observational study. And I doubt anyone is saying that if you take mega Vit D doses you’re going to have the ideal lean body mass. But I would be willing to bet there is a role. 🙂
Adam Ball says
Panaceas only exist where deficiency or toxicity lays. So things like fish oil, vitamin D, probiotics, exercise, positive thinking exercises/stress relief exercises, chiropractic, quality sleep, etc. that are commonly deficient in the general population will lead to a myriad of illnesses, diseases and complaints. That’s why you see such a wide range of anecdotal, observational and sometimes RCTs that prove they’re good for this and that disease. It’s ALSO the reason why you’ll see the exact same study done with different results. Not everyone is deficient in the same areas to the same degrees.
When we think about the toxicity side of this equation, we find gluten and his other lectin friends, dairy and other common food allergies, second hand smoke, etc.
One study doesn’t disprove the fact that people living in nothern latitudes aren’t creating any vitamin D from sun exposure. This is where deficiency comes in, whether it’s symptomatic or not.
Cheers folks!
Jon says
ProfDrAndro says, “no strength gain in healthy YOUNG adults (if you are an old chap looking into upping your vit d may however be a good idea)”
Abstract says, “1219 black, Hispanic and white randomly selected men aged 30-79 years”
Is 79 the new 21? Seriously, with an average age of 55 years how can you say “YOUNG adults”?
Just get your 25-hydroxy D levels checked. I promise you, if you’re low, it’s bad. Comparing E to D? One is a vitamin, one is a hormone. The literature says 400 IU of Vitamin E over time can be bad… you’d have to take a crazy amount of D (something like 50,000 IU) to overdose unless you have a medical condition like sarcoidosis. Again, get your levels checked.
ProfDrAndro says
sorry about the confusion… I did not refer to the study directly, when stating that. I was rather thinking of all I’ve read about vitamin D up to now – if it did increase strength, then it was in elderly, vitamin D deficient people.
@Adam: This is also, where your point comes in. If, in fact, you are D-deficient (and I am talking not on the lower side of the level, but deficient), you will certainly benefit from supplementation.
Mark Bottorff says
Before Robb started his podcast, before I heard about taking ~10k IU of vit D daily, before vit D was announced as a cure all I came to the conclusion that I require ~8000-10000 IU daily to achieve optimum energy levels. This was based on working outside in WA state for a summer and feeling like I was on a caffeine binge the whole time. Then when fall quarter started at school and the clouds rolled in my energy levels tanked and I got depressed. I started upping vit D dosage until I felt like I did that summer. 10000IU made me feel good but I had a little trouble sleeping. Backed it off to 8000IU and now everything is fine. Then I started hearing vit D all over the news and reading about it all over the internet. It seems a large number of people have the same thing I have, if you get little to no sun exposure and you eat a whole food (non-fortified) diet it takes ~8000-10000IU of vit D daily to feel right.
Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, blah, blah, blah. Everyone is different, blah, blah, blah.
ProfDrAndro says
@Mark: Good N=1 feedback. Nevertheless, I would like to think that vitamin D is not the only factor when it comes to sun exposure & vitality
ProfDrAndro says
last but not least: here you go for a review on that topic >
tom says
In response to question #3 Robb made some comment about deltoid and trap development as indicators of testosterone signalling. Can you please expound on this?
Ben Wheeler says
Robb is just referring to the guys who have fairly defined delts & traps whether they workout or not. Think mesomorph body type.
Bill Strahan says
That’s funny. I was toying with having a t-shirt made that just had your website address and a mysterious looking profile or outline, like on a mystery novel. The caption was going to be “The Mythical 7th Listener.”
I figured people would ask what the hell it was and I could spread the word.
Darren says
Hey fellas,
Quick question from an aside mentioned at the start of the podcast: Osteoporosis and meat no longer an issue for women: do you have an online source for this? I missed it, if it was mentioned. Would love to share this with my health and fitness class.
ProfDrAndro says
^ posted that on my blog a few weeks ago.
Darren says
Thanks so much for that. I’ll be sure to follow more posts 🙂 Cheers!
Faith Ellens says
May I ask what diet would you by any chance recommend to avoid or I mean lower my cholesterol? Will appreciate your feedback. Thank you!
Adam Ball says
Sneaky spam.
Kevin Greer says
Regarding Vitamin D & Strength.
My understanding of the relationship between vitamin D and strength gains was that vitamin A is necessary for your body to utilize protein and vitamin D is a co-factor required for you to utilize Vitamin A. So indirectly, provided you’re getting enough exercise, protein, and vitamin A, then vitamin D does help promote strength gains. This might explain the study cited by ProfDrAndro because higher vitamin D levels on their own shouldn’t be sufficient for increasing lean mass of random individuals who are most likely deficient in one or more of exercise, protein, and/or vitamin A. As Robb stated, studies involving athletes, do show higher strength gains during the Summer, when vitamin D levels are highest. The vitamin A&D effect would also explain why several studies have shown that consuming milk or chocolate milk (one study was done at McMaster University I know) post-exercise is as effective as consuming a protein shake for increasing lean mass. This should be surprising considering that the protein shake probably had about three times as much protein as the milk, until you consider that the milk also had vitamins A&D to let the subjects more effectively utilize the smaller amount of protein that were present. Mother nature apparently knew what she was doing when she formulated milk with protein and vitamins A&D in combination (shocker).
ProfDrAndro says
solid reasoning. My major concern about tons of supplemental vitamin D is in fact depletion of vitamin A.
listen to SHR for some background from Sally from Weston A Price Foundation >
Pozatron says
They best part of the podcast by far, was Robb’s impromptu ‘performance arts’ skit, leaving Andy to nervously improv and keep the show running during the 10 second absence! Pure gold haha.
I will also second the question about capped deltoid and trap development? Not sure what was meant there, or what physical quality you are describing exactly.
5 FRIES says
To loose fat one should lift heavy weights, eat a low carb Paleo diet, take empty stomach morning walks and sprint a couple times a week. Dead simple. Two questions. Are sprints most effective early morning on an empty stomach? What is sufficient? Maybe five 40’s and five 100’s. More volume?
Robb Wolf says
Likely fine! It’s specific to your situation. Are you countering a LARGE caloric excess? How fast to you want to lean out relative to maintaining muscle mass?
Mark R. says
Show Topics:
Ring Row Substitution 4.01
Fatigue During Long Runs 6.16
Natural Calm / Lean Out Nutrition / Super Supplements Store 9.46/11.41/17.37
Zinc, Magnesium, & Migraines 22.45
Cortisol Issues 25.19
What Would End Long, Healthy Life 29.11
Tournament Nutrition 34.18
Cholesterol Levels 37.46
Hemp Protein 42.54
Lean Meats 46.16
Cheat Meals 50.38
Vitamin D & Strength 53.59
Tane says
Gents, when the Spring/Summer collection Paleo Solution T-Shirt hits the runways, can you send a freebie to Mark R.? Sterling work every week.
Marcel Willoby says
You’ll need vitamin D to keep up your normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorous. Vitamin D will assist you to absorb calcium in to the bones to improve your bone mineral density preventing osteoporosis. Recent studies also reveal that vitamin D is an efficient prevention from hypertension or high blood pressure, cancer and other autoimmune diseases.
Jeff Callahan says
It should be noted hemp protein is a complete source of all essential amino acids.
Great post! Keep it up.