This is part of an ongoing series of real life success stories from people all over the world who have been impacted by the Paleo lifestyle and The Paleo Solution. Read Ben’s story below.
It was a real pleasure to meet you at Art’s book talk in Soho. I’ve been a listener since episode # 1 and I want to thank you again and let you know that the work you’ve done has helped me in ways that far exceed the benefits of nutritional guidance…
I, like you, was an athlete and a trainer. I wrote a fitness column for a newspaper out of college, and I’d always prided myself an example of robust health. Also, like you, I lost my health in my twenties, and, in an all-out attempt to regain it, set off down a path that would take me through just about every medical and dietary paradigm imaginable.
In my case, catastrophe struck in the form of a tick bite that I never new I had. – It took dozens of doctors and several years of debilitating symptoms before I received a diagnosis of late-stage, Neurological Lyme disease (an ever increasing epidemic that half the medical community claims doesn’t exist). – And once I did find a “lyme literate” MD, who believed that my crippling fatigue, migrating pain, bouts of paralysis, and multiple brain lesions might be something more then a psychosomatic response, his only solution was to soak me in a steady stream of oral, Intra-muscular, and Intravenous antibiotics for 3 years straight; after which time I’d, not only innihilated my gut flora, but also forced the Lyme-bacteria deeper into my cells where it was effectively blocked from further treatment by a thick layer of systemic candida overgrowth. (eating a “clean” detoxifying vegan diet of fruits nuts and whole grains, in retrospect, was the worst thing I could’ve been doing during this whole time) Yup – at age 26, too weak to walk the length of a city block, and too brain-fogged to tie my own shoos (seriously), I considered myself pretty much screwed.
It wasn’t until after I went strict paleo for a year that my candida levels eventually came down to a point where I could successfully get through to, and treat the Lyme using gentle homeopathic methods that, when implemented in the right context (low-carb paleo diet) have proven to be incredibly successful! (hence my making it out to the book talk event : )
So, yes, you may now say that the paleo diet even played a major role in rescuing someone from the depths of the rabbit hole that is the world of chronic Lyme – but, honestly, what helped me the most from listening to you is the confidence I gained to pursue my own path toward health no matter what!
The world of chronic Lyme is fraught with taboos, politics, and pre-conceived notions of treatment. Your podcast, Andy and Robb, and your personal story Robb, inspired me to never give up; to ask all the essential questions in the face of dogmatic medical practices and demand answers; to be skeptical about everything and never settle when my health is at stake until I found a way that worked for me.. and ultimately, saved my own life.
I Thank you both infinitely for all your sound advice but more then that, for your message of personal empowerment. You are truly leading a ground-up revolution that inspires people to do what it takes to save their own skin… And I’m living proof of that. All the best and good seeing you Robb!
– Ben
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Fascinating and inspiring stuff.
As more people take responsibility into their own hands the “anecdotal” evidence for natural, wholesome nutrition is piling up.
Wow, that is a miraculous recovery! (*NOT miraculous, you did a LOT of hard work man!) Congrats on your progress so far. You are an inspiration.
Thank you Jason!
Hey Ben,
I have been sick for 3 years and no real diagnosis. I found a h. pylori infection, bacterial overgrowth, and a probably gluten-intolerance. These can describe all my symptoms but I think lyme could be a possibility as well. I don’t know how to go about getting tested for this type of thing?
The testing for Lyme is,at best,accurate about 55% of the time. Find a Lyme literate doctor who will run tests, but also diagnose clinically. Best wishes!
Hi ben! could u share with us the holisitc approach u used for treating lyme apart from diet? what type of homeopathic medicine did u take? anyting else helpful? herbs, cowdens protocol, etc? Is there anywhere u have written about what u did step by step? This would have been to such great help for me. Dealing with late stage lyme myself . Eating strict paleo, doing light excerise, controlling my stress levels, but the chronic fatigue wont quiet go away, and i want to recover to be able to excersise and do all the the things i did before in a normal speed. Best regards Ida alexandra. 22 year old female from norway
Glad you were able to recover your health. Those after pics are fantastic
Thanks for sharing your story, Ben. You’ve been through a lot and I’m so,so glad you are feeling better!
I thought I’d take this opportunity to thank you, Robb, and share a bit of my story. Like Ben, my lyme disease went undiagnosed for some time. I was convinced I would ultimately be diagnosed with MS or possibly another autoimmune disease. When my husband returned from one of your seminars with information on the autoimmune diet, I immediately tried it and continue on it to this day. It definitely calmed some of my symptoms down. Six months after starting the diet, I received the diagnosis of lyme disease. By reducing inflammation and fostering a healthy digestive system through diet, I think my body was in a good place to start formal treatment. I’m looking forward to feeling 100% again. Thanks so much, Robb! You rock!
Keep us posted, I’m grateful when folks share these stories, they help a lot more people.
I would love to know more about how you managed your Lyme once you got the diet part dialed in if you are willing to share any of that. (Robb, you have my permission to share my email with Ben if he is.)
Even though going paleo for the last year has helped, in some ways I am now actually worse off than I was – and I am tired of being tired and in pain ALL THE TIME.
I am trying to handle this pretty much all on my own (one doctor denies the diagnosis completely and the other is openly skeptical), so your story has given me the greatest boost I have had in quite a while.
Thank you for a blast of hope, and thank you Robb for all the rest.
We helped a young girl in our gym with Lyme. I’m not familiar with some of the alternative treatments, but good food, smart but non-exhaustive exercise and improved sleep hygiene really made the difference for her.
Yes, good quality sleep indeed makes a huge difference! This has been most difficult for me to get under control but when I do I feel great. – Chris I’d be happy to share more of my experience with you. Lyme’s a super tough nut to crack but it is, in my experience, crackable. Stay the course with the diet and keep up the courage!
– Ben
Hi Ben,
Good to hear you’ve recovered from Lyme.
A couple of moths ago I was diagnosed with chronic Lyme too a crappy gutflora…I was on the verge of becoming a serious diabetic!
Now through my varies foodintolerances I’m on Paleo too,for a couple of weeks now.
My Story in short:I’ve always been slightly overweight as a child,and teased for this.I never felt attractice,so I decided to do something about it and started working out on the Cardiomachines in the gym.The last couple of years this became an obsessive compulsive 5 to 6day-routine purely out of fear of getting fat again,bc ‘I couldn’t trust myself around food.” The vigorous exercising (without pleasure) only increased the inflammation in my body,along with the wrong foods (hidden sugars,gluten,startches),bc I then thought I was always eating healthily by eating non-fat products.(Candida&Lyme can change a personality too.)
My dilemma: I’ve become underweight,I lost my boobs and some muscles,but I’m constantly calculating my fat intake (lean meat/fish with an avocado or oil dressing/nuts or coconutmilk,no additional fat with fattier meat like lamb/pork/duck.I hate this constant worrying and calculating!),bc I’m still scared in my emotional mind that I’ll become fat again without the vigorous exercise.I’m still caught in the food/fatmeasurement intake vs.the level of being on the move/exercise.Especially bc I sometimes can keep eating/have insatiable days.
I can’t do Crossfit,bc it’s not being taught over here,even though it seems like fun to me and my knees are very sore. What recovery exercise did you do? and could you maybe ease my mind a little by talking more indepth about your Paleo journey?The types of food you ate etc.?(What do you mean by low-carb Paleo..almost no veggies either?)
Thanks so much for you reply – I know you know this, but your priority right now MUST be your health; not calories, crossfit nor carbohydrates – just health. I know this is easier said than done, trust me, being “SideLymed” for so long left me with more than my share of neurosis (daily schedule to laundry detergent). Lyme disease in addition to all else that is going on with you is multi-systemic and very complex (one problem triggers a cascade of others), BUT, fortunately many of these problems will correct themselves once you just allow your body to get what it needs in order to thrive (ei: rest, good quality food, etc) And in order kick start this upward-spiral you have got to quiet your mind. This could mean some meditation, light reading, or melting crayons – whatever gets you to shut your mind down for a bit and allow your autonomic nervous system to do its job.
As for your direct Qs – My adaptation of “low carb paleo” looks like this: Lots of leaves (spinach/kale 2~3x/day), some harder veg (broccoli,brussles x1/day), about 18oz animal source protein (grassfed beef, chicken, fish, eggs)/day + lots of fat (coconut oil, olive oil, avocato)
As for exercise, the biggest challenge for me as a former trainer/athlete has always been to do less! but that is so important. Rob has it right with recommending non-exhaustive exercise. But more then anything, focus on rest – even think of it as training rest. You seem eager to make progress and counter-intuitive as i know it feels doing LESS is your best bet. and I’d say really try not to worry about appearance at this point, all that will follow. Aim to get healthy, and let the aesthetics occur as a “pleasant side effect” – Here’s a favorite quote of mine that my help (i forget who said it): “Slow down and everything you’re chasing will catch up with you” Best of luck,
– Ben
Thanx 4 the advice Ben!
Shutting my mind is the hardest part…something I’ve been struggling with my entire live,accepting oneself no matter what the appearance is!
What type of exercise do I need to think of,when Rob mentions gentle exercise? The only pain/unease I suffer from for a couple of years now are me knees. The Lyme is mostly affecting my internal organs and my mind (the yeast syndrom) that makes it even harder to battle it.
I also use a lot of green leafy vegetables,though I can’t always get them organic:( Although one meal I incorporate some beets or carrot,pumpkin,apart from all the green vegetables
Grassfed/organic meat/poultry/fish&vegetables are expensive:(
Also I’m kind of bored when it comes to eating.I’ve never been a good cook and neither am I from a family who cooks with real ingredients. I sometimes search on the internet,but a lot of the marinating is done through olive oil,which isn’t that healthy heated. I only use cocnut oil for cooking.
I also lightly steam all my veggies,’cause eating them raw is too hard on my stomach. The intestines need time to heal.
I’m looking for someone in my neighborhood who can maybe built me a cold smoker so I can smoke chickenbreasts on my balcony. I’ve always enjoyed smoked chicken but haven’t had it for some while,bc of the conservatives and MSG in it at the supermarket.
Yeah, guys, the sleep thing is big. I am definitely NOT a morning person and so going to bed at what most consider a decent hour is really hard for me since the night is my personal time (HE falls asleep in the chair by eight!). That’s the next step I need to work on most.
Thanks for the encouragement.
Hi Ben,
I am also dealing with late-stage lyme disease and am trying the Paleo lifestyle to see if it can help boost my immune system and decrease the inflammation in my body.
I was on a course of rotating oral antibiotics for the past 1 1/2 years. I stopped the antibiotic treatment 3 months ago because I felt my body needed a rest. With that said, I would love to hear about your current treatment plan and any other suggestions you might have. I am doing extremely well managing the lyme symptoms but am still dealing with fatigue and joint pain. I’m hoping I will be able to eliminate those symptoms soon.
I do give permission for my email address to be made available to Ben if he is open to correspond with me.
Hi Ben! I stumbled upon this testimonial by searching for “Lyme” and “Paleo” in Google.
I too have tested positive for Lyme (never knew I was bitten) and have had some residual issues like cracking joints, back and neck pain, and fatigue on occasion.
I feel very fortunate that I’ve been raised on a very nutritious diet (Weston Price) and that I was pretty health conscious in college, otherwise I probably would have been in your condition of poor health… I’m so grateful that I was so easily able to start following the Paleo diet this fall. I’ve been Paleo for several months now, and my energy has greatly improved, plus the joint issues are not as problematic. However, I do still have a lot of joint cracking, and my energy is not as great as it used to be before I had the Lyme issue.
I would absolutely love to hear what homeopathic remedies you used to help with your Lyme! I’m going to try dropping into a lower carb version of the Paleo diet and see if that makes any difference in the symptoms.
For a while I was really upset that I had to deal with this… after all, I pay so much more attention to my health than all my friends, so I didn’t feel like I ‘deserved’ to have these symptoms. But as I said before, I’ve realized how lucky I am that my body has been able to deal with late-stage Lyme as effectively as it has so far.
Please email me at [email protected] if you have any advice for me on other steps to take in my Lyme treatment! Thank you so much Ben!
Oh and Robb, if you have any suggestions for me, I’d really appreciate your advice as well!
Rob could you please help me with some advice?What would you recommend as good non-exhaustive exercises (since I have Lyme,but am able to move as long as it’s not too intense) and how many times a week and for how long(a day) to gain my strenght/muscles back and also my boobies,since I’m underweight.My immune system has created a lot of food intolerances,mostly for gluten(what a shock!) and the nightshades.
The thing is for the last couple of years I’ve been a cardio-slave 6days a week and never enjoyed it,but I wanted to lose my bellyfat which I never seemed to be able to,while I lived off lowfat products. (I know the typical Paleo stigma!) So I’ve became fatphobic during the years and created an unhealthy thinking pattern regarding foodintake vs. exercise/movement.I’m constantly measuring fat,bc I’m still afraid to become fat again and still not feel fit.
Hi there Joelle,
Don’t know ifi you’ve found an exercise regimen yet, but go to and search for “Peak 8 exercises”. 16 min a day and elevated human growth hormone + endorphins. I have Lyme and LOVE doing this.
Also, gentle nourishing forms of yoga are great.
And I could not more highly recommend as a priority activity: qi-gong, and earthing (as in being either barefoot, or grounded via grounding shoes (, use the leather laced ones only), or grounding devices (–about half as effective i would say as barefooting or grounded shoes, but I use all 3). Re: qi gong, I am training in the practices of Max Christensen (, and have recently heard great things about Mington Gu (
I know a lymie who used only 1 hour a day of lying full body on the ground + her qi gong practice as her only Lyme treatment. She achieved about 70% recovery through doing these things alone. Her diet, however, was all organic and relatively sugar free, verging on paleo-ish.
Very best healing wishes to you,
Thank you for the tips Elizabeth! I surely need those endorphins,to shut my horrible mind down and keep my mood up!
I surely don’t need to explain to you how horribly messed up your hormones&metabolism can become,the gut flora issues,so they all add up to causing these anxious thoughts.Though I have to be realistic and acknowledge that part of those thoughts are from me personally.
It’s just that I’ve been so messed up emotionally the last couple of years by food vs. exercising enough(which I never enjoyed,it was out of sheer anxiety to become ‘fat’ again…and maybe also as a permission to myself to indulge in certain things in the weekend.I’d love to be able to just let myself sit down and draw,paint,animate or do whatever and not be scared anymore of sitting down most part of the day.)
Having good moral support and a loving environment is a huge factor too. Unfortunately,my family for the biggest thinks it’s all in my head and find the intricate stuff like detoxing etc. too much.As in,I regularly,get comments like:” You’re playing your own doctor here. Just go to the hospital etc.” (‘Yeah,if they would know how to treat patients instead of loading them up on AB for 2weeks and saying you’re cured…)
These shoes…are they like the Vibram’s? (Read something about it on Mark’s Daily Apple)
My very best healing wishes to you too,
ps. for info on why being electrically grounded is important in the first place. so obvious it’s stupid. and sad. because hardly anyone realizes the detriment of wearing the ubiquitous rubber soled shoe.
Could you maybe post the link to the Mercola exercises? ’cause I can’t find them on there. (Page keeps loading but nothing appears)
Nevermind,I found it.
Do you do this every day? as Mercola said it should only be done 2 or 3times a week? Also I’m kind of afraid it stresses my nervous system too much,which leads to high cortisol…and my metabolism&hormones are totally off-balance already.
I guess I must find a way to learn to accept the fact that I’ll need to gain a little (hopefully it’ll go to the right places) and not have an athletic body/flat stomach and keep stress down,especially my own mental stressing about it all
Dear Robb, I don’t know where else to ask this question. Maybe I’d like to submit it for your next podcast cause I think it’s worthy of a longer discussion.
Okay, so I found out about IF today. And about leangains. First off, regarding leangains, it’s probably the single most impressive fitness site/system I’ve seen in terms of fat loss and body transformations.
Their method of IF basically goes something like fast for 16 hours (8 hours of sleep included), and eat 3 meals within an 8 hour period in which you’re allowed to eat. So say you break your fast at 1pm, you would have two more meals after that. The first meal consists of 20% of your entire caloric intake of the entire day, the second meal which comes POST work out will be your heaviest meal. It will make up 50-60% of your daily intake. Your last meal before you go to bed will make up 20-30%. There’s a lot of reasoning behind this design which I won’t go into now. Being in a fasted state also apparently turns on some pretty interesting genes.
The only problem with this diet is that it’s encouraged that you take high starchy foods for your post work out meal. A lot of people even claim that they can eat whatever they want… Pizza, ice cream, whatever, as long as the caloric intake is reasonable and the macronutrients aren’t too skewed. I think on work out days they eat a low fat diet too.
So I’m just wondering if you can do this paleo style. Would there be a reason for it NOT to work? Has anyone done this for a long time? I’m still kinda scared about skipping breakfast and not getting my first meal till lunch.
Check out to see some incredible testamonials. (The program can be designed for fat loss, or strength gain). Your thoughts?
FYI – Richard Nikoley at Free the Animal is a big fan of Martin and has written about his paleo version of Leangains a couple of times. You might want to head over there and check it out.
I’m currently doing leangains paleo style. Martin recommends high carb & protein on workout days and high fat & protein on non-workout days.
My post workout meals consist of sweet potatoes, chicken, and fresh salsa. Some days I mix in black and blueberrys. Once in while I’ll eat rice because I miss it. I only eat my carbs at the post workout meal.
I started leangains jan 1st and I’m down 7 1bs and my strength has gone up. So far so good. I’m going for those abs that Martin has. Skipping breakfast is easy. I did a 20hr fast today….yesterday same. Once you get used to it – its not that bad.
Thanks for sharing your story. When I was 10 I was diagnosed with Chronic Lyme along with my mother. I watched my mom literally loose her mind and I feared the same for myself. Back then the disease, let alone treatment, was painfully new. We were lucky enough to find a doctor who put us both on a low carb paleo-ish diet and turned our lives around.
Last spring I was bit again, (16 years later). I was in shock when my current doctor denied the disease existing and put me through a flurry of tests. Thanks to my mom, my friends and reconnecting with the paleo lifestyle via Robb Wolf and other blogs, I’m happy to say I’ve been able to manage the joint pain and halted the memory loss and confusion that had begun. This is the first place I suggest people go when they find out one of their loved ones has contracted the disease.
Thanks again for all that you do Robb!
Hi My name is ROSI. Can you please tell me the name and location of that Doctor please. Having Lyme is exhausting. Please
Great story, Paleo is the answer. It is amazing what your body can heal when it’s running on the right fuel.
I know a young man whose life has been tormented with extreme illness and debilitating fatigue. He’s recently been diagnosed with lyme’s disease and is suffering with Candida like problems. He has lived a semi-vegetarian lifestyle supplemented with eggs some fish and chicken. When he tried a restricted carb diet to help with the yeast problem he started losing weight, and losing fast; he’s already dangerously thin. Any advice would be appreciated.
Ben – thank you so much for sharing your story. I also have chronic Lyme disease that was initially mis-diagnosed and that I’ve been trying different treatments with varying success for about 6 years. I’m currently doing a combination of the Paleo type diet, supplements, with a pulsed antibiotic treatment but am really curious to hear more about the “gentle homeopathic methods” that you mention because I am interested in finding out more about this as I’m not convinced after many years on different anitbiotic treatments that it’s the right way to go. Where did you learn about homeopathic treatments for Lyme? Any advice you could provide from your experience would be great – perhaps Robb could share my email address with you so that I can learn more from your story as sometimes it can be quite a maze trying to find information on different treatments and I find it’s so helpful to hear from people in similar situations. Thanks so much – Kristina
I just thought I would reply to this message because I was also interested in the “gentle homeopathic methods” that you said worked for you. If you could let us know what thoes include that would be great. Thanks Jenncie
Hi Ben, WOW! I’m thankful you’ve recovered. I’ve been suffering undiagnosed Lyme Disease for over 45 years. There are a gigantic number of doctors who are totally ignorant about Lyme Disease and will not treat a patient in spite of 99% of painful symptoms. Do you think taking the antibotics for three years in conjunction with the Paleo Diet played a role in your ridding Lyme Disease?
Was diagnosed about 40 days ago with Lymes and I was hit severely hard with all kinds of effects… palsy amongst other things. Went paleo immediately after diagnoses and reading this. I ha been considering for a while but this was what threw me over the strict paleo edge. I feel great. My face is slowly but surely regaining feeling, I’ve lost 25 pounds and feel great. I’m now off Doxy and think I kicked it. I’m very lucky to have read this when I did as I believe my recovery was in part due to my diet. Also I had less severe stomach issues than I expected from the antibiotics.
Thanks Ben for putting this up and thanks Robb!
That’s great Dan! Are you totally Lymefree now?cause that’s really quick.
Did/do you eat as lowcarb as Ben? acuse i keep hearing more&more people abot staying around/below 20grams….
I am a surfer as well I was living on the gold coast working in a rain forest retreat by day and surfing the best waves by day when one tick bit me 13 years of my life gone 2 years in a bed the rest a massive battle of doctors and tests I was in my 20s as well in Australia no one believes in lyme here it took me years to even know what lyme was I’m still trying to get treated I have seen so many neurological doctors and blood tests xrays in the end I was told it’s in my head it all started with meningitis then brain fog memory loss head shakes head pains heel pain gut problems panic attacks can’t even think normal not even 5 minutes of peace I live in pain every day I can’t even find any more doctors to treat me I may have to treat myself how can my life be so good then the worst so you get told when you have all the tests you have chronic fatigue when they run out of ideas if only they gave me antibiotics early
I was a rain forest worker bitten by ticks leeches mosquitos all the time my igenex lab works are positive igg I hope no one here in Australia will ever have to suffer the pain I have stuck down in my prime this is one nasty bugs that never gives up ever I have found that zinc makes me worse anyone else…… what rob has gone through reminds me of my self-hell on earth I believed over the years I would get better no chance that’s with no treatment god bless all you suffers give it to your doctor for one day and see how their minds would change then we need more lyme doctors in australia 3 is not enough …………………my dream is to wake up pain free one morning ………………….
You’re right Rodney…..Lyme’s a B#tch and so unrecognized!
Are you eating Paleo too (well I suppose you do,since you posted here…Duh!), but are you eating according to a certain protocol? Auto-immune,GAPS,certain amount of carbs/proteine/fat, including/leaving out certain veggies ?
Rodney, I’m about to start my Paleo diet for 20 years of Lyme. Ironically the fibromyalgia dr I’ve been with 4! years never suggested the diet. prior to the diet I am getting food sensitivities tested.I have begun to use a portable hyperbaric chamber- Lyme spirochetes hate oxygen. There is a lot of data on the net about hyperbaric treatment for Lyme. Those 2 things together seem pivotal.
Rodney, Dr. Nicola Mc Fadzean of San Diego comes to Australia to treat lyme patients. Google her name online, she’s from Sydney.
Hi, thanks for posting, Is she good at treating this disease ?
This doctor diagnosed my lyme disease last summer.
I believe I had the disease for over 25 years. Symptoms included poor balance, shaky hands, and trouble walking/lifting up my legs. Dr. Soliman treated it with homeopathic medicine for about 5 months. Unfortunately, the symptoms remain. However, he is treating these with ear-acupuncture every 2 – 3 months. The acupuncture brings about just subtle, but definate improvement. After the first treatment last April, instead of feeling like there were 5 lbs weights on each foot, now it’s like just 4 lbs weights. Maybe after a few more treatments, I’ll be able to jog again.
PS. I forgot to mention sleep disorder. Up until the treatment started, I used to wake up in the middle of the night tossing and turning for at least an hour. My sleeping has since improved by about 80%.
Hi Ben,
Thanks for sharing your story. I would really appreciate hearing more about what helped you heal from Lyme symptoms. Hopefully, you can get my unpublished email I submitted with this reply 🙂
Thanks for your time,
:: Cynthia
Hi Ben,
I too would really like to know what homeopathic treatments you used to help cure your Lyme? Is there a way of contacting you?
Thanks for sharing your story, after many years of strange ill health, I’ve learned that I have lyme, picked up from a bed bug bite in NYC 11 years ago. I was itchy for a year after that bite and then continued into pain and neurological symptoms and finally to mold exposure – I’ve got a good team now who are prescribing homeopathics, etc and reading your post helps me to stay positive and know I, too, can recover from this. I could always tell that paleo was better for me than vegan, but didn’t know why! I’m sure it’s something similar with the candida, etc. Best to all and keep sharing. Love and blessings, Tracie
Hi Ben,
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I have recently been diagnosed with late stage lyme after 8 years of being chronically ill. I am definitely very interested in what kind of homeopathic treatment you used. If you still keep up with the comments on this page, please email me with any info/advice you have regarding natural treatment! [email protected] Thanks so much.
Hi Ben,
Today I will start a paleo diet. I have been dairy and gluten free. I was diagnosed 6 years ago with MS. I got a tick bite last summer and had a positive western blot IgG. One test said I had old Lyme, another said new lyme. Went on powerful antibiotics for 3 and one half months. Herxed like crazy. Now off antibiotics for 3 and 1/2 months. Improved but only 70 per cent of what I was before last summers tick bite.
Would you be able to share info. about your homeopathic approach to Lyme. Did you herx on these homeopathic rememdies?
Thank you and I wish you all the best in your future.
Kind regards,
Shannon W
Vancouver BC
Dear Robb and Ben,
I am hoping that this e-mail will still reach you, even though this info was written a year ago. I have been bed ridden for 3 years with what I now think and know is Lyme. No one believes me and I am all alone in this. Your story is exactly like mine. The Lyme is full on inside my central nervous system and I am in horrific pain, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I pray to God all day long for help. It is everywhere in my body, in my brain, etc. and it actually moves up and down my spine. You can see it moving non-stop up and down my central nervous system. Everybody thinks that I am making my body move myself and keep telling me to stop twitching. It is a crazy nightmare. My question to Robb is do you have any contact info for Ben? Does Ben ever help people such as myself? I need someone who can help me over the phone with a step by step plan. Someone who has gone through this. Robb, I am not sure if you help people either like this? I pray that one of you does, because I have such brain fog that I cannot focus on much. I really, really need one of your help. I pray this e-mail gets to you. Please let me know if either of your help would be possible. I try not to give up, I pray for hours on end for help. I used to be a beautiful woman who worked out regularly and was very active. Now I am bed ridden and in horrific pain. I know I am not alone and there are many of use going through this. I just need some help. Please let me know your thoughts and I eagerly await a response.
God Bless you for all your do to help us!
Hugs & Blessings,
Samantha- you might contact dr Amy Meyers out of Austin. She will have some ideas on this.
I am writing to you on April 26th, 2013 and the story you ran on Ben was about a year ago……………….I hope this still gets to you………….
I am very happy to share MY HEALING TESTIMONY WITH any one visiting this site. Because the sickness that I think is impossible to cure was possible when I encountered a great spell caster by an email link I got from my friend in Africa who told me of a great magic and spell caster called DR. FUGAR. I got heal from my diseases within 3 day of contacting him and following his instructions strictly as he said them. I have been to so many hospitals without getting any medical solution to my sickness. , I know so many people have same problem which they are finding difficult to solve. That is why I am referring any one reading this testimony to quickly contact this man great spiritual Doctor. His email is [email protected], he is indeed a great spiritual Doctor.
Hi Ben,
I had lyme for over 20years before I was diagnosed. It’s been an uphill battle as you know. So happy you’re healed and doing well! Do you have a blog or facebook page I can follow? It would be nice to hear any ideas, comments, suggestions, inspirations from someone who has been there.
Thank you for anything you are able to share with me.
Sylvia Salinas
Robb thank you for posting Ben’s story, it is truly inspiring! I suffer from Late Stage Lyme Disease and co-infections.
My son just cooked me some grass fed beef and I had veggies. Today is day one and will be my lifestyle.
Thank you for posting Ben’s story. I too have been very sick for so many years, and have at last found out it is due to Lyme disease.
I would be humbly grateful if you would email me the info re the homeopathic medicines that helped you Ben. Antibiotics make me deathly ill, so that is not an option for me.
Thank you so very much for your kindness, and sharing your story!
Best wishes to you,
I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease in December 2013. My health had declined over a 5 yr period to the point that I was in constant pain and fighting fatigue daily. I went to several doctors…endocrinologist, rheumatologist, neurologist, and finally a friend told me to see her doctor who is a kinesiologist/naturopath/chiropractor. He saved my life! He put me on the Paleo diet and supplements. I also did a liver detox. Within a month, the pain was quite a bit more tolerable. In 6 months, I’d have to say it’s down about 70%. I’m looking forward to getting back to doing the things that I love…pole and aerial classes, riding my motorcycle, working in the garden. My daughter and I are having some fun experimenting in the kitchen. We are working on a Paleo cookbook 🙂
Hi Ben & others,
My sister has been suffering from lyme disease for about 3-4 years that we know of, and probably many more when she wasn’t getting diagnosed for it. As her physical heath is getting slowly better, our entire family has noticed a significant downhill spiral on her cognitive behavior. She just doesn’t see things the way everyone else does. She believes she is accomplishing so much ( and for her she is ) but in relation to everyday tasks such as paying bills etc she lets them go for several months and is control of a lot of money that is not hers, making us all worry that her negligence will end up spending other peoples money.
We are not sure if she is in denial or what is going on but she doesn’t seem to recognize how much her lyme affects her ability to function normally, and continues to tell us we don’t understand.
Any help or suggestions for A) communicating effectively to her B) doctors or medications or homeopathic ways to help the cognitive issues that are related to lyme.
Check-out VitalPlan dot com and look for the “Restore” program. Good luck.
It’s nice to see so many Lymies taking this advice and seeing benefit. I’ve seen some but am just starting treatment for chronic Lyme, so my success will be a while.
My question pertains to exercise. It’s important to me that I be physically active, though, right now, even beginners yoga is causing great negative consequences/symptoms. What did your exercise look like as you regained your health? Would you suggest any progressive regiment?