This is part of an ongoing series of real life success stories from people all over the world who have been impacted by the Paleo lifestyle and The Paleo Solution. Read Sgt. Burchfield’s story below.
Semper Fi Robb,
Hello, I am currently deployed to Afghanistan and ordered your book because I had nothing better to do than try something new. For the last 2 1/2 months I have been on as strict a Paleo diet as possible while dealing with a Marine Corps chow hall. I do strength training and CrossFit three days on, one off. I just wanted to say that it is amazing, I no longer get tired during the day and I sleep and feel better than I think I ever have. I recover quickly from my morning workout and am fully energized for my evening CrossFit. My body fat has dropped to under 9% and my muscle mass continues to go up along with my strenth and endurance.
With some help from my girlfriend in the department of sardines, homemade beef jerky and nuts through the mail, I plan to continue the lifestyle while I’m here and see if I can hook her into it with me when I get home. If not, atleast only one of us will have exstensive medical bills when we’re old.
Thanks again,
– Sgt Burchfield USMC
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Wow!!! I’m VERY impressed!!! THANK you Sgt Burchfield for your service and I’m SO very happy with your progress!
pullup bar? check. 6.2l diesel hummer? check. basketball hoop? check. looks like the perfect living room to me!
Inspiring Sgt. Burchfield! Another HUGE thank you for your service & stay safe!
Indeed, a huge thank you to all our folks in the Military.
Sounds like a good healthy challenge!
It’s always good to see someone who has sacrificed a certain portion of their personal freedoms — to ensure the rest of ours — buck the system of conventional wisdom that has been adopted by our nation. I can imagine Paleo getting a lot more “official” attention if an effective underground movement in the military starts taking hold…
(Side Note: I was reading this with a “military” mindset and had a brief moment where I thought your girlfriend was in the Department of Sardines, which is probably down the hall from the Ministry of Silly Walks)
Haha! Neil, your side note made me laugh and I had to go back and reread it 😀
Isn’t that just around the corner from the Department of Redundancy Department? Or is it next to the Complaints Department?
I love a good MP reference 🙂
That pull-up bar is bad-ass.
If the paleo diet is possible in Afghanistan, then it’s possible anywhere!
i forgot to mention my mom, she’s a huge factor in my success, she is a care packageaholic. you gotta love motivated parents
That’s legit.
THANK YOU to you and all of your fellow Marines for serving! Steve’s Original PaleoKits now offer “MRE” Paleo packages off of their website if you want to ask your lady to fuel you up with some of those. Anything you and your battalion need, that we civilians can provide, just let me know!
emily, our family would help proved some MRE packages if you get a lot of offers. let me know.
First off, I’d like to thank everyone for their support, my fellow Marines and I realy appreciate it. I just wanted to let eveyone know that i just finished reading “The Paleo Diet for Athletes” and would highly recomend it for anyone who has read “The Paleo Solution” and especialy if you are extremely active in the gym or like me, success at your job depends on physical fitness.
Sgt. Burchfield. Thanks for all you do. My nephew will be joining you soon out there and we couldn’t be more proud. Stay safe and god bless.
I was about to ask a question about eating Paleo on the road while I travel. This post made me realize that it can be done and I may have been looking for an excuse. Thanks for sharing and definitely thank you for your service and sacrifice. Good luck and Godspeed back to the great U.S. so you can be an inspiration to everyone!!
SGT Burchfield, I was just tasked with creating a fitness and nutrition program for my battalion with a strong emphasis on rehabing our soldiers that are on “fat-boy” status. I want to base the nutrition on Paleo and I’ve heard scattered rumors that there are units that have already started giving blocks of instruction on it. With the new PT standards, instituting crossfit-type training is easy. My dillema is backing up the nutrition portion with Army standards. Do you have any insight on this?? AND any helpful tips I can include in the instruction? Thanks
back in afghan and still on the paleo diet, i love it(diet not afghan) still seeing noticable results after over a year, couldnt be happier