We are excited to announce that Mat Lalonde will be joining us in an upcoming episode to discuss all things nutrition and training related. Please leave your questions in the comments. We will be closing the comments after 1 week to allow Mat to review them prior to the episode.
I’ve been looking forward to seeing you on the show for some time now! A few questions from a fellow Canadian:
1. Could you please explain the difference between physiological insulin resistance and pathological insulin resistance. I think this is something that gets very mixed up not only in the mainstream, but in the low-carb/paleo community.
2. Cod Liver Oil- WAPF says yes, Cordain says no, who do the lay people believe? Both have very good researcher on both sides. Could it be the problem lies with Cod Liver Oils that have been striped of natural A & D and replaces with the synthetic variety?
3. PWO carbohydrate- I know you wrote a stellar piece sometime ago on Low-carb and CrossFit.How has your view point evolved from that experiment, and over time?
Thanks, looking forward to hitting one of the OPT Nutrition Seminars.PLEASE right some more quest posts on Robb’s blog!
+1 on CLO / liver info
I like the n-3 EPA/DHA profile of CLO, but the info I get on CLO is very conflicting. Some claim that A/D/K are synergistic, and others say Vit A is antagonistic, even toxic. I’ve been taking 10ml [2 tsp] of CLO every day. 10ml has 1920mg n-3 [1180mg EPA, 740mg DHA, 9230 IU Vit A, 925 IU Vit D] which is about 1/2 of my daily n-3 supplementation of 4g [.25g / 10lbs, per RW Fish Oil Calculator]. Also, how important is it to get higher-end CLO [unrefined, or high vitamin, or fermented]? The brand I’ve been using is Twin Labs which says it is “molecularly distilled”.
I bought a side of grass fed including 10#s of liver. I’ve been eating about 1# per month, usually over a 3 or 4 day stretch [I don’t take CLO on these days]. Is this too much liver to eat over 3 consecutive days? I guess I could spread out the liver to one 1/4# serving per week, but it’s more convenient to defrost the whole 1# cryovac pak the liver was packed in and finish it off over a few days.
+1 on the synergy of vitamin A/D in CLO
WAPF has presented very thorough analysis in many articles on the importance of A/D, yet I haven’t seen any info from the paleo camp that represents a convincing argument against CLO and vit A. Wolf and Cordain seem to have reduced it down to “Vit A is antagonistic to D, and that’s that,” but this seems far too one-dimensional. Like Kevin, I also take 1 to 2 tsp per day of CLO, but in a fermented unrefined form that has the full compliment of A/D. At any rate, I would be thrilled to hear Matt’s take on this from a more scientific perspective.
Hey fellas,
As a trainer, I do quite a bit of nutrition coaching and thanks to Robb, I have been very successful at it! Intermittently, I will have a client that is Paleo compliant for 30-60 days or longer and is just not getting the results they’re looking for (weight loss, performance, etc.). In looking into this further, my google-foo brought me to information about The Metabolic Typing Diet. I’m halfway through this book (The Paleo Solution was a much better read, by the way) and I would really like to hear Robb’s and Mat’s scientific analysis of The Metabolic Typing Diet. Thanks!
As an aside, Robb talked about the Metabolic Typing Diet back in episode 11. If you haven’t heard it check it out 🙂
Hey Mat/Robb,
Question regarding training: I’m joining the military next year and the goal is to be in Special Forces. I’m curious as to what you guys think is an optimal training/set-up that would get me the most prepared for this endeavor. My initial plan was to keep two pure strength days per week, composed of heavy compounds (i.e. Mon: Bench or OH Press & Squat, Thurs: Deadlift & Weighted Pull-ups) and the rest of the days doing sprint work, long distance, and some form of GPP training. I have had some friends who are special operators do SealFit or some hybrid form of CrossFit in order to prepare, however, I am trying to minimize potential injury before my draft date and I was never too crazy about CrossFit as my strength never really improved while doing it. Currently I’m doing pure strength work 3x a week focusing on the basics (Bench press, OH press, Back squat, Deadlift, Power Cleans, Weighted Pull-ups/Chins) and doing sprints 1-2 times/week while doing a longer run (5 miles +) every other week. I’m 5’9, 145lbs and currently working out at a Globo Gym and my squat (3RM) is pretty darn close to 1.5x body weight, deadlift almost 2x bodyweight and Bench is at 170lb. What do you guys think? I should note that I don’t have access to some equipment usually available at most CrossFit gyms (i.e. rings/ropes).
Thank you,
I know you didn’t ask me, but my name is Matt (two t’s thankyouverymuch) and I have some military experience.
First off, I am shocked, just shocked, that you didn’t get stronger doing Crossfit.
OK, seriously, you need to put on some weight – like 30 – 40 pounds. Your program sounds good. I don’t know about the rep scheme, but you are at least doing real exercises. Stop running long distances for now. Start eating big – like 3000 – 4000 calories a day.
If you want to be an infantry guy (that’s what operators are basically) then you are going to be carrying shit – heavy shit. All day. They don’t make junior size machineguns, ammo cans, radios, etc. There’s a certain amount of absolute strength you need. Just having a 2x deadlift is not good enough if you only weigh 150.
That mass is going to protect you as well – keep you from getting injured.
Getting to a useful size should be your priority right now. You don’t need anything fancy. Big squats (at least 3 heavy sets of 5 across three times a week) and big eating should be the focus.
Matt L. hit the nail on the head. As a Marine myself, I agree that you need to get stronger and gain some weight. If you’re not joining until next year, take a few months and do the program Mark Rippetoe outlines here http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/most_recent/who_wants_to_be_a_novice_you_do (It’s essentially the workout from “Starting Strength” for those that don’t want to go to T-Nation).
Along with that, as Matt L said, eat big. Go back through some of the early podcasts and you’ll find “How do I gain mass?” addressed numerous times. Basically, lift heavy, eat big, and rest.
Once you gain some weight, get to a good absolute, not relative, level of strength, and get closer to joining, you can add in some conditioning work.
Huzzah! I really enjoyed his appearance on Jimmy Moore’s podcast. Color me excited — Lalonde is a brain.
I have really been working at being a Paleo health person. My only problem is I have Hashimoto disease. I work out five days a week. I watch what I eat. Perhaps more of a 85% paleo. What can I do to speed things along. I have been doing Paleo since May 2010 I have lost about 15 pounds, very, very slowing. Lots of tweaking with my thyroid meds and I continually tweak my food. Can you give me any suggestions? Thanks in advance – Debbie M.
I’m going to throw my .02 in here before Matt (or Robb) gets to this one… if you’re not 100% gluten free, you need to be- as of yesterday. Seriously. So that 85% paleo… it needs to be 100% gluten free at a minimum! Datis Kharrazian talks a lot about this topic (the gluten-autoimmune thyroid connection) and I’ll be hearing him speak more about it next month here in the Bay Area. I’ll report back if there’s more.
Totally agree with Diane – I have Hashimotos. Get Dr K’s book and read it – it is useful, be super strict gluten free. Go 100% paleo. My anti-bodies are dropping since gluten free. Don’t go too low carb though, I’ve found so keep in a little good fruit like berries and good starches like sweet potato. Do the anti-autoimmune protocol in Robbs book, see if that helps. (Dairy and nightshade free). Make sure your vit D is around 45 – 50. Take omega 3. Be careful with iodine. It can cause a flare up.
Short and sweet: what type of eating would he recommend to a lean 31 year old, strict paleo for 1.5 years, 164 lbs at 5 ft 11 inches who is looking to get body weight up to aprox 180-190 pounds on Ripp’s Starting Strength program. I am only 1.5 months in and slowly gaining weight, and progressing on Ripp’s linear path, while maintain strict paleo; i only ask if Lalonde thinks there is another way of eating that would be more beneficial given my goals. If not, cool ill keep up strict paleo – it is after all very tasty and effective. I just want to know if he thinks this is the best path. Thanks.
Deas: update yer blg dood.
He mentioned in an interview that he only eats two meals a day. I am interested in how he get’s enough calories to support his performance efforts. When does he eat and what does it consist of – both workout days and rest days? Also, if this is an individual thing or if it is something he recommends for everyone?
I would love to hear you and Mat discuss some of the disagreements in the paleo community. For instance, I recently heard that, in Art Devany’s new book, Devany claims that people should limit their consumption of red meat and opt for white meat instead; also, they should avoid lard and butter altogether. I know Cordain has similar recommendations regarding avoiding saturated fats. This obviously disagrees with what people like Kurt Harris and Mark Sisson recommend. There seem to be similar disagreements about the importance of avoiding nightshades.
What’s your take on these disagreements? In your opinion, which of these are reasonable disagreements, and which are unjustified opinions? Why would people who otherwise reasonable and unorthodox hold on to these unjustified opinions? (Granted, that last question is probably a little broad).
Yup. spot on! Me too.
Great question Travis.
I would also like to see this question answered, even if it means that my question gets skipped.
What do you think about food separating? Basically separating carb meals (sweet potatoes) and fat/protein meals (grassfed meat, fat, and veggies). The thought is if not separated the carbs are used as fuel and the fats go to storage (body fat)
First, I wanted to thank you for all the great information. I’ve eliminated my fruit and nut consumption, only to find improvements in body comp. and daily performance.
My current diet primarily consists of-
Protein: bison, lamb, beef, boar, salmon and tuna. All meats ordered from uswellnessmeats, except boar(homegrown meats in La Jolla, Ca.) and fish is wild caught, provided by fisherman friends of mine.
Carbs: cabbage, spinach, asparagus, brussel sprouts, broccoli, onions, lettuce(all from local farmers market), 1-2 times a week I’ll have 1-2oz. of cocoa nibs and every two weeks I’ll have 1-2 medium sized sweet potatoes.
Fats; Cooking with coconut oil, occasionally eating coconut flakes. I eat 75% lean beef patties and sugar-free beef bacon for extra fat(uswellnessmeats).
I average 8 hours of sleep each night and live with minimal stress. I follow a low-volume exercise program at the moment– mobility, basic gymnastics, with occasional weightlifting and track work. I’m a student living on campus so I walk a fair amount each week, but also sit at desks for long periods of time.
With all this in mind, I’ve been fasting like a mother fucker. Daily, I’ll go at least 12 hours between bedtime and my first meal, but never really exceed 16 hours unless in extreme situations.
My meals have become larger and less frequent. I eat 2-3 meals per day, usually consisting of anywhere from .5-1.5 lbs. of meat and a plate full of veggies.
-Where can I go from here in terms of improving my regimen? Any holes to fill?
-Should I dabble more in liver and organ meats? And if so, what’s the best way to prepare such food?
-Is eating large meals, especially large quantities of meat, a waste? Obviously this provides more time in the day with less emphasis on having to eat every 3-4 hours, but can my body process such large amounts or am I simply wasting money?
-If I ever decided to eat out, what’s the best route to avoid getting dosed with random additive bullshit the food service industry always seems to provide?
-Any tips on dating while never eating out? Suggestions or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated.
-What vitamin D supplement do you guys recommend and how do know which supplements provide the greatest absorption?
-Is a book such as The Comparative Guide To Supplements worthwhile?
Thanks again to both you and Robb!
Take care,
Are you still doing the VLC diet? If so is it still working well? Is there anything you would add to your previous blog post?
Do you and Robb have a general consensus on the minimum amount of carbohydrate (grams/day) needed to thrive on the crossfit program?
Which would you recommend, assuming the athlete is already fat adapted, VLC or a targeted ketogenic diet (TKD)?
Fructose? (competing for shortest question)
Thoughts on the leangains approach, fasted training and IF
Sorry for the flurry of questions, looking forward to the podcast!
I just wanted to reiterate the carb question. I often hear pretty vague recommendations: don’t eat too many carbs, just try to fuel your workout needs. I’m not exactly sure how to translate this into actual grams of carbohydrate, though.
I know different circumstances call for different recommendations, so let’s suppose a pretty common situation. Say you have guy who is looking to lose 10 – 20 pounds of fat and get fit. If he’s doing a basic paleo style workout (lifting heavy a couple times a week, sprinting once or twice a week, and walking a bunch), what is the ball park carbohydrate recommendation? Are we talking 50 – 100, depending on the intensity of the workout? Thanks!
This is actually covered in the FAQ…
Perhaps you and Mat could discuss why people will spend time and energy to post questions, but they won’t bother to look for answers in the FAQ section you’ve kindly provided… 🙂
My bad. Thanks for the heads up.
HA! I keep trying to make myself unnecessary, but it does not seem to happen!
Hi Matt,
meat in slow cooker or pressure cooker? What’s the difference, in moleculare processes of course?
Healing the Gut-Active protocol-Flushes/Juicing
Hey Mat,
I have been waiting for you to be a guest of the PS for months! Thanks for coming!
My question is about Natasha Campbell Mc Bride’s GAPS Diet.
I find her book really compelling. She basically suggests a gluten-free dairy-free diet and ends up almost Paleo.
But she focuses on the gut healing process for people who suffer from gut disbiosis and consequently mental health issues. In particular she says that just removing gluten and casein (and of course lactose) from the diet may NOT BE ENOUGH to heal the gut: she says that these people need an active protocol made of
a) supplementing with heavy doses of probiotics and sacharomyces boulardii,
b) eating plenty of food that will help the beneficial flora “beat” the bad one (like bone marrow and bone stock in general) AND
c) detoxifying.
She advises against chelation therapies, but recommends JUICING as a way to dissolve possible gall-bladder stones and to “flush-out” toxins. In serious constipation or intoxification cases she recommends vitamin c-flushes.
I have always thought that these detox practices are quackery, and I agree with you that the right amount of fruit is no fruit at all…but her book is so good that I would like to have your opinion on whether after all this may not be “pseudo-science” (i’ve come to love pseudo-science lately!).
Could it be that juicing and/or c-flushes are in some cases beneficial to the gut and to the digestive system as a whole if the person is suffers from serious disbiosis and/or serious intoxication?
Ciao ciao from Italy
Ok…I have another question. Just in case…
it’s my usual question: Mat, do you think that a paleo diet can help alopecia androgenetica in the same way it can help acne? I think they have the same pathogenesis and etiology…
Can you please explain the mechanism? Is it the gluten free? is it the lactose and casein free?
to echo the question from Ben Wheeler, I would like to hear more from you about PWO nutrition. Specifically, I’ve heard from several sources about the 30 minute insulin window post workout for carb consumption (even if it’s just berries or melons). But why 30 minutes after? Specifically, does the PWO nutrition formula change if you’re on a long workout (say a 10K race or long conditioning metcon) versus a shorter, more intense workout (such as max deadlifts or, from my daily schedule, a Starting Strength workout). Where I’m going with this – shouldn’t the clock start from the beginning of the workout vice the end? Any other thoughts you have on PWO are welcome and appreciated…thank you! Happy Holidays!
Hello Mat/Robb,
I have 2 questions. First, could you explain more in depth about why dairy is suboptimal and the mechanisms involved. I’ve tried several times to quit dairy but have been unsuccessful, and I’m hoping that greater understanding might help me the next time around. More specifically, I’ve heard (anecdotally) that dairy protein causes congestion, and also that it can be very addictive for certain people. Are either of these claims true, and if so, what are the mechanisms involved? I had absolutely no problem quiting gluten/grains and I never slip, but for some reason I just cannot seem to kick dairy.
The second question concerns dark chocolate. I keep hearing that there is a substance in dark chocolate (other than caffeine) that is addictive and can be very problematic. Is this accurate? Also, what is the fat profile of cocoa butter? I find myself eating a fair amount of 90% dark chocolate because it is so low in sugar, but I want to avoid inflammatory and other suboptimal fats.
+ 1 on Cocao discussion
I have tons of AI-related issues and I eat A LOT of Cocao, mostly 100% powder, but I’ve been told that it contains lectins and should be avoided by anyone with leaky gut.
I would be interested in a discussion of the best protocols for stimulating natural HGH production; I’m 48 so my interest is especially for the grey haired set. Specifically foods and activities that would increase HGH or decrease it. I’m also interested in Mat’s take on Tim Ferris’s BAT hypothesis: e.g. the Ice pack on the shoulder blades protocol. I’m a huge Lalonde fan since watching the Toronto session on paleoschool. Thank you for getting him on the show! – Jim
hey i just wanted to second this question! GH is mentioned sporadically throughout the paleo community (and i know you guys touch on it in more than one podcast) but a further, perhaps technical discussion would be rad. Thanks a ton.
PS: specifically how important is not eating within one hour of bed? I usually am eyes shut about 45 minutes to one hour after our big night meal. Am i really losing a lot of GH that would otherwise aid in my bulking on starting strength? Thanks again.
Is the Mat Lalonde Seminar Audio available for purchase?
I realize that exercising in a fasted state burns more fat than exercising in a non-fasted state. However, does the type of workout matter? In other words, is it better to lift heavy things or do cardio?
I blew out the L4-L5 disk in my back and had to have surgery to get the pressure off my nerve. I was off work for 6 stress free weeks eating strict paleo and walking at least 5 miles a day out in the sun for recovery. I lost a bunch of fat fast. I’m still not doing any sprinting or exercise that loads the spine because I’m afraid to mess up the disk again but I do some pullups and dips a couple times a week. I’ve been eating crappy food again and stressing at work and I’ve gained a bunch of fat back. I realize a strict grain free, dairy free, paleo diet is the prescription to lean out. But what would be your approach to leaning out quickly but comfortably (without cravings) in terms of foods, recipes, and activity that is easy on the spine. And how would you transition out of the lean-out phase to maintenance? Any thoughts on training with a hole in ones disc?
I remember Mat saying that he liked the “Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar and Survival” book, but there were some things in it that were incorrect or outdated. I was wondering if he could delve into what some of those were.
Maximizing testosterone and Hgh hormones?
OK so I follow a strict paleo/no nightshade protocol. I have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in the fast which is mostly controlled when I dont slip up food wise and exercise remains consistent. I eat only grassfed meats, wild fish, a vast array of veggies, minimal fruit (maybe 3/week) and some nuts (trying to cut back here more).
I am consistent now with food for several months running, workout 5x/week, sleep 8-9hrs a night, am perimenopausal (so some sleep issues) and am dealing with a chronic l/t infection from a prior surgery. I may need surgery to correct this but am trying to avoid it with acupuncture, herbs and diet/lifestyle.
I am dropping inches, getting stronger and fitter, and have a higher performance level at the gym.However, I cannot get on a scale b/c I am not losing weight. My coach keeps yelling at me to get rid of it but I cant bear to do that. Any thoughts on the weight loss? I see everyone posting about weight loss and I want to see that change take effect as well but it isnt.
Damn scale!!! I can’t quit you….
We KNOW that we’re losing fat and gaining muscle, so the number on the scale may not change too much. BUT we’re dropping inches.
Repeat it over and over and over. Your clothing is getting looser. You see muscles that you didn’t see before.
F@CK THE SCALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Said for you as much as for me, Sarena! 🙂
Maybe this is what we do after gluten free January!
Robb/Mat: I’d like your take on two items I just read in Protein Power Life Plan. The first; the Eades just scared me about my and, more importantly, my wife’s scrambled egg intake due to the cholesterol becoming a lipid peroxide during the cooking process. I am over-reacting or her dozen-a-week, omega-3 free range eggs addiction still an okay breakfast?
Second, The Eades seem to paint fish oil as a volatile substance that one should test regularly to ensure it has not gone rancid. I always store the liquid and the capsules in the fridge and are unopened until use. Again, over-reaction?
Hey Matt, I was curious what your thoughts are on a raw paleo diet. I had a paleo/primal meetup party recently and I had a guest who had done raw paleo in Hawaii on a commune where they followed an Aajonus Vonderplanitz like diet. My guest mentioned that the people there were extremely healthy and strong. I was wondering what your thoughts are on raw paleo and raw meat and “high meat”. Thanks a lot!
What is the relationship between autoimmune (AI) disease and CRP? Rob once said if your CRP is < 1, you probably don't have AI. I was diagnosed with Hashimotos by historical symptoms only (no antibody test done)and my CRP is 0.4. I am grain, legume, nightshade,and dairy free. I also removed eggs and nuts for 30 days and felt fine when reintroduced. How do you decide when to take the next step and remove the foods that aggravate AI diseases if you feel really great? Thanks!
Interesting – I’d be interested in an answer here too. I have a very low CRP less than 1. But have Hashimotos (with high antibodies) and raynauds. Or does this just mean even though I have an auto-immune condition I am keeping my inflammation under control?
That’s my thought, but there are many other markers of inflammation.
re: CRP & AI
I have a lot of AI and get my CRP tested every month – you definitely can have active AI and a normal CRP below 1. My CRP fluctuates wildly – often below 1, and as high as 45. CRP doesn’t seem to correlate very closely to how I feel, or obvious signs of inflammation, except during a massive flare, when it can be in 25-50 range.
Do you think we should drop the term “paleo” for something more accurate and less equivocal, something like “avoiding poisons”.
Fish oil: Robb says it is clean (no metals) but Mat had said in his course in Bloomington, IL that this was incorrect. Who is right or did I misunderstand one of you?
I too want to try organ meat. Any favorite organs and ways to cook them. Is there one organ most people should eat but do not?
Just wanted to thank Mat also for the great info in his courses. I still look through the notes as an excellent reference.
Could overtraining result in liver enzymes being raised? My husband’s AST was 186 (should be under 37), and his ALT was 111 (should be under 46) last time he trained for a marathon. This is a consistent pattern – the levels are fine when he stops training. Trains again – elevated again.
Does this mean he should a) not run anymore at all or b)eat more protein? He eats what I consider to be very little: 3 eggs a day, a homemade yogurt and whole berry smoothies with protein powder, and a regular dinner (meat, veg).
He now does circuit/interval training 5 days a week. He has not had his liver enzymes checked since he started doing this. Is it safe for him?
Thanks! Matt, are you putting a book out anytime soon?
Finally I am compelled to send in a couple of questions, specifically aimed at Mat.
1. Here in Scotland I have real difficulty positioning the deleterious effects of fructose. I know Robb doesn’t want to scare anyone off by suggesting that fruit is not ideal for you, but I’m interested in your fructose-based-hate-take. The way I put it is that “in the absence of fiber, fructose is as harmful to the liver as whiskey” but that doesn’t get me very far in convincing people to consume less fruit and totally avoid fruit juices / other ridiculous “sports” beverages containing fructose. How would you best describe the reason(s) not to consume fructose?
2. I’ve been Paleo long enough to eradicate all the cravings for neolithic foods, including Mr Wolf’s final vice caffeine. I do however, occasionally partake in a bar of 85% or higher dark chocolate. The thing that intrigues me about that is, looking at the ingredients, these bars contain soya lecithin. I don’t like the sound of that. How bad is that stuff, and in what quantities would it cause negative effects?
Keep up the good work fellas. Talk soon.
Hi guys,
I wanted to touch on acid/base loads and calcium. I would say, with all the meat I now eat, my net pH load would be leaning towards acidity and my calcium consumption low(er). I understand the theory that overall calcium needs are lower on paleo, particularly due to higher magnesium consumption, but can you expand on that and the other theory that the diet is net base yielding. My thought is you have to each a high amount of base yielding veggies (kale, spinach) to counteract the high meat consumption. Some veggies aren’t as valuable for raising pH loads. On a per calorie basis, I don’t eat anywhere near the amount of base yielding veggies to negate the theoretical acid yielding meat effects.
Anyway, if you can expand on these topics and go into detail I’d appreciate it. Also, would a calcium supplement be ill-advised, in spite of better gut health equaling in more dietary calcium absorption given the dietary amount is still so low with dairy-free paleo? I currently take a dizzy magnesium drink and fish oil on some days. That’s all.
Thanks a bunch,
I’ve been looking into this recently and found a website selling strips you pee on to determine the net renal load. Basically its litmus paper that tells you the pH of your urine. Haven’t tried it yet, though I would think you could get pretty good feedback from this if it works as advertised. On the other hand I can see people becoming obsessed with their urine. Perhaps I’ll track a few days worth of data points to see how it correlates to what I eat.
Hi Matt,
I am hoping that you could touch on the subject of training and eating while pregnant. Some info about me: I have been strict Paleo for a year as any cheats fire up my MS. I still eat nightshades and eggs with no issues. All my protien is wild caught, pastured, etc.
First the training: I have been Crossfitting for 2+ years along with regular pre-schooler chasing. I am only 8 weeks pregnant but can no longer handle a WOD that nomally would have been ‘easy’ Example – row 500m, 40 squats, 30 sit-ups (ending soon), 20 push ups and 10 pull-ups. This is a benchmark WOD for me but my time was +3:00…..Is it time to just forget the clock and focus on skills – with a weight I can easily handle and perform the WOD for completion rather than time? Or?
Second: Nutition. I know what I am supposed to eat I just have a hard time with eating – anything, especially veggies. I do force down fish oil 1000 mg, magnesium, vitamin D (5000 iu) and a prenatal vitamin daily. Since my palette has become small what should I make a real effort to eat for optimal results? Results now mean healthy mom and baby.
I appreciate any direction you may provide.
PS – Robb, I will be refusing the regular glucose test and opting for A1C. I already know my baseline. Thanks for that!
Dear Mat(/Robb/Andy),
I’ve heard it mentioned several times from different sources that toxins can be stored in fat. Could you expand on the science and mechanisms behind this as it relates to:
1. Consumption of grain-fed meat
2. Fat loss from folks switching from SAD to paleo
I know that PCBs can be an issue with fish oil. What are some other examples of toxins that can be stored and released, and what are some of the side effects? The more technical the better!
Many thanks for the awesome podcast, your tireless work putting this life-saving info out for free is deeply appreciated. Keep up the great work!
Fruit and fructose, especially before/during exercise? I know that starchy sources of carbohydrates are the best option for repleting muscle glycogen, but what about pre-workout nutrition? I currently follow the Paleo Diet for Athletes and Cordain/Friel recommend easy to digest carbohydrates (often fruit) before endurance workouts using examples of applesauce, bananas, etc. They also recommend fruit juice after workouts to replenish electrolytes, hydrate, and restore acid/base balance. Your take on this?
Hi, I also have similar question.
During multi-hour endurance events, such as bicycle racing, soy protein (not whey) is often recommended as a secondary source of fuel during exercise (with the primary source still being carbohydrate)? What is your take on this?
Last spring I tried to ride my bicycle from Bellingham, WA to Winthrop, WA eating only fruit, meat, nuts and avocado. Nearly all my carbs came from fruit. I did not make it over the Cascade range and I felt like complete crap. My joints hurt until last month when I nearly eliminated fructose and did a week long fast. My 2 friends got all their carbs from starch. They finished and felt awesome. I think I will try again this spring with less fat and only starchy carbs. I will also try a camelbak with diluted cytomax 1:1 with water.
WARNING – – – Newbie question – –
I apologize if this has been addressed in a previous episode I am slowly working my way through them.
I recently watched Mat’s seminar in TO, absolutely fascinating but I have to admit some content was definitely over my head.
Throughout the podcast Mat makes reference to being fat adapted and those parts of your body become insulin resistant as any glucose that enters your body is treated as gold and is shuttled off to the few areas of your body that cannot run on fat. My question(s)
1.How does one become fat adapted as it seems like it is a good thing for your overall health?
2.What are the mechanisms that result in your body preferentially using glucose for specific functions and fat for others?
Thanks – You guys are so awesome!!
Thanks, you guys, for all you do. I have two questions:
1. I suffer from depression and adult adhd. It is controlled very well by a combo of therapy, Wellbutrin 200 mg/day and exercise. I know that fish oil is also supposed to help but how much should I take? And what effects should I notice after what time span? I am a 41 yr old male/198 lbs/24% body fat if the Tanita scale is to be believed. Any other suggestions aside from fish oil to help with mental health support?
2. I have heard you mention “systemic inflamation” periodically. I know that the blood marker for this is C-reactive protein, however, I don’t see myself getting a blood test in the near future. Are there other (qualitative/observational) indicators that I could use to ballpark where I am without a blood test?
Mat or Robb,
A friend of mine’s kid (around 7 years old) was recently diagnosed with IgA Nephropathy. I haven’t seen much blog literature devoted to this disease. What’s your take on this disease? I know my question is general, but I’d like to know if a paleo approach to dieting will reverse the disease or at least improve the symptoms.
Thanks again,
2 questions:
1) Nerdrage on fructose….go!
2) For non strength athletes when does linear strength progression become counterproductive? I roll BJJ and my DL just got over 400, BS 365, W Pull UP is 105…at a 190 BW. When should someone start working say power, or balance, gymnastics, etc…
Thanks guys, looking forward to the podcast with or without my questions!
Answered in Podcast! You guys are awesome!
Robb/Matt: in several of Robb’s podcasts, he mentioned the importance of keeping A1C levels low. I have seen A1C monitoring devices, similar to glucose monitors, available for at home use to monitor A1C levels. Have either of you had any experience with these at home devices, and if so, are they accurate. Thanks a bunch.
I have no goals besides general heath and I have acces to all the wild Fish, Birds, Deer, Moose, Elk, and Antelope I want. I try to gather all the wild veggies I can but ediable plant life in the areas I stomp around is hard to find and even harder to get variety of. I end up at the store for most off my veggies and I can eat a different veggie every meal for about half a week and then the cycle starts over again. Can you (Robb or Matt) talk about staple foods, foods you can eat almost everyday, and if you will please focus on the veggie part of the spectrum. I ask because my way of paleo eating looks like the same veggies over and over. What I would like you to tell me is that something like say a big mixed lettuce salad almost every meal with my wild meats would never be a problem. My second ? is in reguardes to acid base ballance If a guy swore off veggies like the Inuit are forced to do, what negitave effects would a life time off eating this way cause? And could you talk about the pros and or cons of not eating veggies as opposed to not haveing a variety of veggies. I also use a lot of Coconut oil, Olive oil and pastured butter. Thanks, also if anyone else wants to chime in on this please do, I respect all opinions.
From what I have read it seems like not eating veggies is OK if you eat as much of the animal as you can. All or most of the organs and boil the bones for broth. I’ve been testing this recently. A few years ago I had to take a lot of vitamins to feel good. The closer I get to 100% paleo the less vitamins make a difference in how I feel. (I realize a multi-vitamin is not completely analogous to eating veggies.) Currently I make a weekly batch of beef marrow bone/chicken liver stew to replace my multi, calcium and magnesium vitamins. I also have cod liver oil with some extra vit D since I get very little sun year round. I have also noticed that the tan on my back from last summer is fading VERY slowly since I ramped up my vit D to 8000IU’s per day. Anyone else have a longer lasting tan with increased vit D intake?
I love my veggies, I only ask because I feel like I am eating the same things over and over (I dont mind this), I am just concerened that I might be building up some type of toxins in the liver of something by eating like this. Mabey there is a way to clear that kinda stuff out with some type of veggie fasting? how much time would it take? If it would even work. I also wonder if meat and fat have the same problem,I assume not. But I do wonder what the long term problems would be with eating only one or two animal protein sorces, like mabey Deer and fish, over and over again, (if any). I think my questions boil all down to one question. What kinds of Paleo foods could cause problems with out rotation and variety (Veggies,fats,fruits,and meats), and as a follow up, What types of Paleo foods could you eat day in and day out with out ANY problem sort or long term.
Hey Mat,
I have a question about lethal dose. My goal is to cut my body fat in half by April (~15% currently at 195) and therefore I’m counting calories to give me more accuracy. I usually come in around 1,500 calories a day so I guess I’m like one of those guys that Andy talks about who eats less than a 115 lb girl. Anyways, I make sure to lift something heavy with low volume almost everyday to preserve muscle mass and my only other training involves my aspiration to move like Ido (seriously, who doesn’t have that goal). Energy is good and strength has actually been getting better since I started, not newbie gains either. With that lengthy background, what do you see as the biggest things that will derail fat loss and how dose dependent are they? For example, I don’t eat any gluten or artificial sweeteners because I know they bring horrible headaches at the very least, but I do have some dairy and chocolate daily. Just looking to see what are the areas that offer the biggest ROI when it comes to fat loss in a calorie controlled environment. Here is some of the stuff that I’m thinking of: gluten, processed sugar, caffeine, legumes, dairy, sleep, smart training, fruit, etc. Love your approach, really the only way to look at things in my opinion. Thanks for anything you have to add.
Thought of another question.
People have already been asking about fructose, but what is your opinion on bound vs unbound fructose? Is the difference in weight gain in rats in the Princeton study of HFCS vs Sucrose because of the fructose in HFCS being unbound?
Could you recommend a training protocol to prepare for a full marathon without cannibalizing too much muscle? Tentative plan is to do 2 days heavy o-lifts, 2 days crossfit metcon, 1 day long run
Matt, how is it possible that someone who is as pretty as you are can actually have a clue about nutrition and exercise?
Robb or Matt,
Currently reading Swiss Secret to Optimal Health, by Dr. Rau. The information/program is based on Swiss Biological Medicine. There are 2 statements he makes of particular interest.
1) Vegetarians have higher oxygenation of red blood cells and that their bones are measurably stronger than meat-eaters (no reference).
2) Excessive protein consumption is a cause of most contemporary diseases (no reference). He does not elaborate on what exactly these diseases are but I assume he is alluding to the usual suspects (cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease, etc.).
Hi there: for the podcast. Can you cover something very basic? I’ve been following the Robb wolf lean out protocol for 8 months and it really works. However I want to gently add more carbs so I ask. The debate between sucrose and fructose rages on here. Explain. Fruit is lowest preferred food source but cherries and apples beat banana. Sweet potatoes beat fruit and meat always wins. Just a 2 minute answer on the podcast for the lean out folks please. Gut issues and crossfit performance aside. I’m just talking food intake. give examples of actual food if you can.
My google Fu works and I’m not lazy so
Please indulge me. Many thanks.
I should add that Dr. Rau’s tenante is that protein will over acidify the blood, lymph, and negatively effect the gut flora. The basis of his diet is vegetarian, 40-60 grams of protein, mostly from plants.
I know Robb spoke just a couple podcasts ago about the Twinkie diet but didn’t get too much into the specifics as to why the blood lipids and other health markers improved. Obviously losing fat, regardless of protocol, can have positive effects but once the fat loss stalls and weight normalizes, what would be the consequences of such a diet? Would health markers remain good as long as calories remained in the maintenance levels while still consuming the Twinkie diet?
This may be a very detailed question. I am just getting started with a Paleo diet & am trying to learn what I can about the mechanisms behind everything. I am a toxicologist, so I generally understand everything that you presented in your presentation. However, there is one thing that I am familiar with that I have not been able to find any information on.
It is known that cholesterol is transported into the mitochondria via StAR protein and diazepam binding inhibitor (DBI). There, cholesterol is then converted into prenenolone, which is then transported out of the mitochondria and results in a cascade that ultimately ends up producing testosterone and estradiol. Have you seen any research that states whether or not the increased consumption of cholesterol in the diet has any modulation on steroid hormone production (assuming that increased production in the gonads results in a negative feedback from the hypothalamus)? Thanks.
I just read a paper from the FAQ (Fatty acid analysis of wild ruminant tissues). I see that marrow and brain tissue have FA profiles much different that the meat. So as a modern day Paleo eater who does not eat marrow or brain what types of additional fats(like say olive oil or coconut oil)or suppliments (fish oil mabey). Are recomended to mimic that FA profiles of these types tissues. Or is it not an issue.
Mat –
Don’t know if you’re still taking questions, but I’ll throw a few more on the pile:
I eat about 1# of bacon per month, and would like to eat more, but I’m not sure if it’s a quality food, nor how much is too much. [its not from a pastured source, but pkg claims “uncured, no added nitrates or nitrites, no preservatives”. Ingredients include: sodium lactate from corn source, maple sugar, celery juice].
I’ve been trying to get my wife on the paleo bandwagon for some time and I thought I was making progress, but after I casually mentioned to her that my friend Mat Lanlonde will sometimes consume 8 to 16oz of bacon (plus 1/2 doz eggs) at a single meal, she pretty much stopped listening. In her defense, her father did drop dead at 43 (in a waffle house parking lot), apparently (according to family legend) of some kind of bacon-induced heart attack.
Please discuss your position on pork bellies. Can we safely put bacon into the rotation and feel virtuous & righteous about it, or am I deluding myself? Is it just a least bad compromise food when road foraging? How important is the processing? what to avoid? How important is getting it from pastured pork?
I have a lot of AI issues [incl UC & celiac] so I assume I have a very leaky gut [although whenever I mention it to one of my doctors they treat me like I’m wearing a tin foil hat]. I abstain 100% [zero cheats] from all the stuff in the Robb Wolf Gut Irritant Paleo Protocol™ [No grains, gluten, sugars, legumes, dairy, eggs, nuts, seeds, nightshades, NSAIDS, alcohol, caffeine], but I’ve recently learned that some foods I thought were “safe” are, or may be, problematic for people with leaky gut / inflammation / AI issues. These include bananas, skins of sweet potatoes, skins of winter squash, cocao. Are there any other foods out there that leakers should avoid? Cucumbers? mushrooms? zucchini? asparagus? radish? cherries? berries? citrus? spices like garlic, marjoram, allspice, nutmeg and peppermint? Also, I currently take L-Glut [powdered, 5-20mg/day], a variety of pro-biotics, Super Now Enzymes. Anything else you could recommend for gut health? GLA? Zinc? NAC? NAG?
+1 on the bacon question!
I too would be interested to hear Matt’s comment on routine weekly consumption of my lovely slices of heaven. I eat around 1/2lb per week, baked in the oven @ 300 F.