I think I speak for both Bobbi and myself when I say we were truly pleased with the turnout at the Albany nutrition cert. The welcoming and organized crew at Albany CrossFit made this a memorable weekend. We had a great crowd with excellent energy and some thought provoking questions. As Bobbi would say “Can’t wait to come back and see y’all again soon”.
What an eye opener! If you haven’t been to this cert, you need to go!
Cheryl and I’ve read the Zone and Paleo books and done some online reading, but nothing compared to a day spent with Mat and Bobbi. Between Mat giving a chemical breakdown of what food does for (to) your body (and making it easy to undestand), and Bobbi giving us a better insight into how CrossFitters need to adjust the Zone (and making it easy to understand), we’ve gutted the house and started the kids on straight Paleo and the two of us are Paleo/Zone. Additionally, we’re including the IF with our Zone, and will only eat between 0900 and 1700. We’ll let you know how that goes, especially with mass gain strategies in the near future.
I can’t recommend this seminar enough, except to say this should be made Day 3 of all Level I certs. Thank you very much to the two of you and to Jason at CrossFit Albany for hosting.
John, I am so glad that you enjoyed the cert! Keep us posted on how the kids are adjusting. I would guess that there will be some push back in the beginning, but you guys have taken a huge step in the right direction!
Best of luck!
Already mentioned to Robb via email, fantastic job Mat and Bobbi. It’s put me on the war path with my family members to get them to go Paleo and I’ve reorganized my zone blocks and today was the first day implementing it. I feel awesome. I’m going to give a 16p8c40f zone shot for 2 weeks then maybe hit an even lower carb/ketogenic cycle as Mat recommended. We’ll see how that goes. Great experience, lots of fun and lots of great information.
I cannot find the words to say how glad I am that I took this certification. What I learned on Saturday will allow me to help others change the courses of their lives, to prevent or reverse chronic disease in myself and others, and thoroughly annoy my family. Honestly, when I think of the implications suggested by what I learned, I sit here stunned.
Having read Good Calories, Bad Calories, and being an occasional reader of this blog, much of the information presented was not new to me. But some was, and the new filled in the gaps in the known, like puzzle pieces fitting together, to form a coherent picture of the whole. I had already been eating low-carb Paleo, and seen good results in the short term, and this cert reinforced my belief that it was also a good decision for the long term. I more fully understand why this approach works for me, how best to implement it, and how to adapt it to the needs and goals and limitations of others.
Mat and Bobbi were passionate and knowledgeable and, most importantly, generously shared their knowledge in a no-bullshit manner. Nothing was sugar-coated, they definitely were not trying to make their opinions palatable to the widest possible audience. Not that they were at all rude or offensive. They were honest, and blunt, and for such an important topic (and such a limited time to cover it all), that is of great importance.
I have to admit that I was hesitant to take this particular cert, because it was NOT being run by Robb himself, but having done it I would not hesitate for a second to recommend Mat and Bobbi’s cert to anyone. So, thank you Mat and Bobbi, and thank you Robb for choosing these two to help you spread the good word.
I really appreciate the comment and this sis something I’d like to make clear to everyone: If Mat and Bobbi were not as good or better at presenting the material and helping folks, I would not have an East Coast cert team. I picked them carefully and we did a ton of practice and training to make sure the quality was there. Mat and Bobbi kick ass.
John and I wanted to share that we are already experiencing great results with our children on the Paleo diet. It’s hardest for our two teenagers who get a blank look on their face when they realize there is NO bread to make a sandwich. So, the biggest challenge right now is having to give some thought to what they are going to eat. Over all no one is missing grains at all. On a personal note, our youngest (9yrs old) has been having difficulty in school, and we and her teacher have become concerned that she may have ADD. The information we received on Saturday convinced us that changing her diet was the best thing we could do for her. We are happy to report that after only two days on the Paleo diet we are seeing mild improvements in her behavior. John and I have both had great results following a Paleo/Zone diet over the past few months, and now to see our children benefiting as well, it’s just overwhelming. As parents, chaging their diet, and getting rid of those evil grains is by far one of the best thing we could have done for them. Thank you Robb, Mat and Bobbi for you passion and drive to truly help people become healthier.
Good On ya for just jumping in and giving it a shot. If folsk will just give it a shot, they tend to find the effort worth it.
Just wanted to send a big thanks to Mat and Bobbi! Great Cert. Super informative, and the passion they share on the subject is admirable.
I jumped on the paleo wagon back in July and I am convinced it works. I am applying much of the ‘new’ info I learned at the cert and have noticeable improvement in just a few days (yes, I’m a recovering fructose freak).
My toughest obstacle is attempting to work a low carb paleo diet into a workable mold for my very non-athletic family members. Most every site or piece of literature I have found always references the benefit of the paleo diet for athletes. What I am looking for is something that speaks in the most layman of terms to the average Joe, to help them comprehend why they should change their diet, rather than argue “it isn’t for them cuz they aren’t CrossFitters.” The closest I have come to finding this golden nugget is Urban’s “Change Your Life in Thirty Days”.
What I would really like to see/read is first hand experience from someone who is athletic and has made a paleo diet work for his/her entire family (who likely don’t ‘drink the KoolAid). For reference, my family consists of myself (35M/athletic), wife (35F/casual athletic), daughter (15F/non-athletic), son (9M/very athletic).
Cheryl, I am so happy for you and your family! Please continue to update me on the behavior of your daughter and the ADD dilemma. It is one very close to my heart and any ammo you can give me to throw at others will be much appreciated!
Rich, thanks for the support! I am so glad I got to meet you! Hope you can use some of our arguments, more specifically Mat’s to sway your daughter to eat some real protein.
Goat, thanks for showing up even though Robb wasn’t there. I’m glad we didn’t disappoint!
Hey Robb-
went to the cert with Goat this weekend and was very impressed with the focus and intensity of the lecture and the presenters. While there were a few moments that prompted me to write a note to him in the margins “I want to cry” nothing was a truly a revelation, thanks to your blog (and Goat translating Good Calories Bad Calories into English for me.)
Even though I had heard, read, and researched for myself most of the topics discussed, I helped immensely to HEAR the concept of Paleo, low carb and IF being repeated. Having an eating disorder left me with more than a few false beliefs that still crop up and were complicating my Paleo eating, such that I was not eating enough protein or fat. When one has an ED, the ability to trust one’s self is thrown right out the door and reassurance is needed “this is the right thing to do, right? I’m doing, eating, the right things, right?” because the body’s intuition/ signal system has been drowned out to suppress hunger and distort body image. I have come a long way in my recovery- eating Paleo feels innately RIGHT for me, in fact I was eating Paleo for years in recovery, not knowing thats what it was called. I figured I was on a whole unprocessed foods diet.
Very Low carb doesn’t feel natural however, but as I’m still not quite right in the kidneys from my bout with rhabdo (GFREST is still low, 51-56 and creatinin is high) I am trying to keep as low as possible to get ketogenic and HEAL. OR should I be trying to add in more veg/fruit to stay alkaline- what will help the kidneys more- ketosis or alkalinity? It’s been 3 weeks. My liver enzymes and CK are normal now.
Thanks for the service you provide, I really appreciate it. I know it takes a toll on you.
Hey Pony!
I’d always go on the side of more veggies. Soups, stews, curries, great ways to pack that in. You can eat a staggering amount of veggies and still remain low carb, reaping the benefits of a circa-ketogenic diet and acid base buffering. If you notice from Mat’s dietary experiment that essentially what he did.
Keep us posted.
Cheryl M,
Give the little one some fish oil. An omega 3 formula with more DHA than EPA would be ideal. Should help with the ADD. This stuff looks good.
Thanks for the link Mat, we’ll be ordering some for her. It’s been less than a week and the transformation is unbelievable. She got her homework done in record time tonight. There are no words to express how it feels to see her so relaxed and focused.