Just received a super cool email about CrossFit 305’s Paleo Challenge.
It’s almost like CrossFit + Paleo works!
by Robb Wolf | 8 comments
Just received a super cool email about CrossFit 305’s Paleo Challenge.
It’s almost like CrossFit + Paleo works!
Robb Wolf, author of The Paleo Solution and Wired to Eat, is a former research biochemist and one of the world’s leading experts in Paleolithic nutrition. Wolf has transformed the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world via his top ranked iTunes podcast and wildly popular seminar series.
Robb Wolf is a former research biochemist and 2X New York Times/Wall Street Journal Best-selling author of The Paleo Solution and Wired To Eat. Along with Diana Rodgers, he co-authored the book, Sacred Cow, which explains why well-raised meat is good for us and good for the planet. Robb has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world via his top-ranked iTunes podcast, books, and seminars. He also co-founded the 1st and 4th CrossFit affiliate gyms in the world, The Healthy Rebellion community platform, and is the co-founder of DrinkLMNT Electrolytes.
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Norm says
hey robb! I need some quick advice from you about reading material. I understand that your a biochemist. I want to be able to understand the portion of the book you are releasing, but the nitty gritty stuff…cellular functions etc. I have a _basic_ understanding of how cells themselves work but would love if you could recommend some books that would help me get to that level.
robbwolf says
Im writing the book the same way I do the blog, making the complex stuff simple. If you really want to geek-out however then grab a basic biochem/cell biology book and just dig-in!
Lisa says
Hey Robb
I am 9 WOD’s in to Crossfit (spread over 2.5 weeks at Crossfit Cowtown) and also 9 days into Paleo eating. I jumped in head first and am loving it so far. This week I am having wicked cravings but both my boyfriend and I are loving the results so far with the crossfit/paleo combination. Cravings be gone (fingers crossed!)
Besides the noticable inches lost (we will have before and after photos) The energy we have is unreal. Great since we have a very busy 1 yr old at home. I’ve also noticed even though the WOD’s feel like death there has been a significant decrease in Recovery time. It feels strange to look forward to tomorrow when I am lying in a puddle on the ground post workout!
I should mention that Jeremy is Italian so giving up Pasta and grains was a tough one for him. Still have a ways to go on our 30 days Paleo challenge but I couldn’t be more proud of him. He’s learning to embrace vegtables!
Thanks for the great info on Paleo and making easy for a beginner to understand. I hope to meet you someday at a Nutrition Seminar!
Eric says
I don’t know, I still want to see some peer reviewed studies. Several thousand pieces of anecdotal evidence don’t have me convinced. What about the negative effects on his long term health?
*sarcasm, obviously*
Steve says
Thanks again for the effort and info Robb. Like our friends at CF 305, we start a Paleo challenge tomorrow. I have no doubt we will extend and repeat it in the near future. I’m betting we’ll have some great results by the time you show for the Nutrition cert in November.
chris says
Coach Wolf!
How goes it amigo?
A little help if you could sir. I’ve got a client that may be allergic to paleo…sounds weird I know but basically she has a sever food allergy. Fruits, veggies, nuts, most meats, cant do them or she swells up and the like. Surprisingly though cereal and sweats are no problem =( I’ve been snooping online but all I can come up with is a diagnosis for hay fever and no real result/conclusion from there on out. She has been told it might have something to do with the chemicals sprayed onto the fruits/veggies. She is really interested in going paleo but afraid of the list. I tried looking through paleo newletters and all I could figure was that it might be a strange autoimmune response she was having maybe do to a minor leaky gut issue and once that was cleared she would be ok. Definitely has inflammation issues (shoulder, partial impingement) but giving her direction is kind of touchy. Any smart words?
Thank you for your time.
robbwolf says
Once leaky gut is under way this is how folks ge tthese multiple allergies/chemical sensitivities. To what degree she can move this way it will help. Fish oil may need to be a doctor line/super purified.
AmyP says
Just another testament to the righteousness of Paleo, which I have been eating for the past 3 months or so. Yesterday I decided to eat cookies (made with sugar and regular flour)…this morning I feel like death. I am having hot flashes, I have no energy, and I’ve gained at least 5 pounds since yesterday….which is probably water, but still.
It is SO not worth it.