Hey folks! We are off to San Diego for the next CrossFit Nutrition cert. We tend to fly out of Sacramento so we grab meals in the food court pretty frequently. In the picture I have a BLT (bacon, lettuce, tomato) salad with extra chicken. I went for the blue cheese dressing as it looked the least like some kind of motorl oil or plastic.
As a little background, I’ve decided my busy life needs a little more stress and misery, so I’m doing a weighed, measured zone. The only real difference I have noticed on the zone (vs. Paleo) is that I’m leaner, bodyweight activities seem easier, weightlifting seems harder. There are a few interesting examples of people like Jeff T. and Patt Sherwood who seem to turn some amazing numbers while eating very little food. So…I want to give this a shot for that reason and i’m still chubby from my mass gain exploits.
I’m tackling this by modifying the zone, putting 50% of my days carbs post WO. Read 42 ways to skin the zone for exact details…the FAQ also discusses this. So I’m shooting for 16-17 blocks about 8 blocks of carbs total. The meat above was 4P, 1C, and about 10 fat. I added 3F from pecans and was set. If you are trying to figure out the math, I deleted 3C and added 9F.
I’ll keep y’all updated on how this goes and on my Road Foraging!
Don’t know how long you’ve been doing the weighed/measured zone, but just curious if you have been able to maintain the mass you put on. From experience I know it sucks to be a skinny guy that works super hard to put on some solid mass, only to see it shrink away. Just curious if you’ve been able to maintain weight? If so, what are your secrets?
So far so good! No real screts other than I am still pushing the simple linear progression in several movements. I do think this helps.
Can you have too much fruit on the Paleo / zone diet? I am on 25 blocks with 5 meals. I find it difficult to get the correct number of Carb’s using vegetables. For my Carb’s at breakfast, i use a banana and berries then my other meals consist of apples and oranges with veggies and for dinner, i use a Yam. I get most of my cabs POW. Any ideas.
yea, fruit etc can certainly be overdone. If you do not have solid glycemic control for several hours this is a sign of too many carbs.
Hi Robb,
This will be fun to follow. Are you using a fat multiple and are sticking to strict Paleo? (I think I see cheese in the picture) Just to make sure I understand, are you doing 8 carb blocks total on non-workout days and 16 blocks on workout days?
Thank You,
I do the best I can but staying relatively gluten free is enough to keep me busy on the road. A little dairy is not that big a deal for me. That is 8 blocks carbs all days.
You know,
It’s easier for me to weigh and measure than not. Perhaps I have OCD, but since about April I have used digital scales – shipping ones – which means you can sit plates and chopping boards on them. It makes it so easy just to chuck out the right amount of scran all the time.
That and my equation: X ÷ Y × 100 – where X is the amount in grams of protein, carbs or fat you require and Y is the value per 100g of that macronutrient on the label. Makes eating perfectly super easy.
Zone works awesome. For little girls.
you’re just jealous,fatty
Just got home from my ‘foraging’ at Trader Joes after a day with Robb at the CF Nutrition cert here in San Diego…suddenly, besides the essentials in my basket (eggs, bacon, spinach, guacamole, apples, macadamia nuts) I have a bottle of tequila, bag of limes, some carbonated water, and a quart of whipping cream. Is this progress? I think so.
Great class today. Thanks.
time to partay!!!
Hi Robb,
I found this post (see below) that you should cook grass-fed meat differently than grain-fed meat. Does this jibe with what you know? Seems to me that the only real difference is the cooking temperature because of the leaner grass-fed meat.
– Mike
P.S. – Awesome nutrition certification. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to look better, feel better, and perform better.grassfed meat does cook a bit faster. Great find!
The nutrition cert was excellent today. I’ve been doing the Zone for a little over two years. A few weeks ago I switched to a more paleo diet but kept the dairy. So far I love it and feel great! I’d like to try cutting some dairy so I checked out the coconut milk at Trader Joe’s tonight. I should be over worrying about this by now but the coconut milk has substantially more saturated fat than the 1% dairy milk that I normally drink and use in my smoothies. What are your thoughts on that? Also, what is your take on cashews? I’ve read that you should avoid cashews on a paleo diet and would love your opinion.I like both! Can not thank you enough for attending the cert!
I am looking forward to hearing you lecture in Chicago and here is one the questions I have about “zoning” paleo. It just seems to fit with this comment.
Is there too little protein on the zone? You are at 17blocks (the same Rx as me), but after “skinning” it to your “zone”, it is now about 8 CHO, 17 PRO, 40+ Fat. Is that enough PRO (119gms/day)? I asked because you comment that your strength has gone down on zone portions (versus unlimited PRO and Fat on paleo) Is that a factor of loss of overall bodyweight? leaning up? not enough PRO? or other things?
Greg Everett commented that there is not enough PRO on zone for weightlifting athletes (I assume power athletes too), is he correct (if I miss quoted, please correct me)? Would most of us going for that balance between being as strong as we can be, but as lean as we can be, do better with the old 1gm PRO/lbs BW? Then adjusting CHO based on trial and error where there is CHO enough to fuel training, but insulin control is still maintained?
Thanks, looking forward to seeing you and your new book.
Robb, great new format on the blog. Your fat nums for the meal seem different than standard zone preaching. Looks like you’re counting fat in lean meat towards total blocks of fat, not assuming 1.5g of F per block of lean meat (that did look like lean meat to me). Am I off here?
Yep, Read 42 Ways to Skin the Zone, or check the FAQ on how to modify the Zone to a lower carb level!
Sorry Robb, I wans’t specific enough. I’ve read 42 ways and FAQ (I’m your number one fan…(think “Misery”)). I was saying that it looks like you don’t have enough fat for that meal. I wouldn’t count the meat for any fat (assuming lean meat)…more pecans! Can’t wait for the book….which will get done quicker if jackasses like me stop asking questions.
Ah!! I’m guessing about 1.5 pecans/block and I’m at base fat (Talking about Misery…). Keep in mind I’m assuming some fat blocks from the dressing as well. Let me know if that squares the numbers.
Crystal clear. Baseline Fat? Suck! I’m at 3x plus the extra fat from subbing carb blocks..rounds about 70 blocks/day (love those cashews!)
Can’t wait to get to a CFNC. Thanks Robb!