Just wanted to pass along a link to Melissa Urban Excellent blog. She is pretty damn funny and SMOKING HOT! What can I say, I have a thing for feisty brunettes. She interviewed Chemistry-ubber-stud Matt Lalonde on the varied topics of Paleo/Zone nutrition. It has some great information and Matt is very generous in his mentioning of my mad ramblings.
I am having another dorky celebrity moment right now. Just virtually.
I am super excited and honored to be included here. And since I have a thing for ridiculously smart scientists, the feeling is mutual.
Ha! Thank YOU hottness! Your writing kicks ass…keep it up! If Nicki ever leaves me for “Raul The Pool-Boy” you and I are running away together!
Melissa is ALWAYS a great read! BTW, if you ever need a Demo guy at a nutrition cert to demo eating paleo; scope out a grass-fed bovine, cut and eat steak, suck on some marrow, chew kale, slug down a gallon of milk, whatever, I do it all! 🙂 I can also demo intermittent fasting, but it is kinda boring. We love you, Robb!
LOL!! Bill, you are awesome! I’d hoped for some kind of stripper/pole-dancing component of my talk at some point but using you as a living, breathing experiment sounds like a great idea! Bio-ethics committees be damned!
I’m just asking, aint starting nothing, his take and disagreement on the Paleo walnut-macadamia nut-flaxseed-canola oil thing, what’s your view? Just because I’ve gotten people away from peanuts, and some from cashews (based off your talk on crossfit radio) and I’m finding fewer and fewer nuts to forage for. So, moderation or go nuts?
As a level of refinement one needs to consider n-3/n-6 ratio AND the type of N-3’s (flax for example). In an ideal world we get plenty of EPA/DHA and not much ALA. It does raise some questions…olive oil for example is very rich in n-6…so we really need to work to balance that via fish oil. If the bulk of our fat was from wild game, no problems. Matt’s assessment is spot on, but it’s something you almost need to introduce to folks in a stepwise fashion…it can be overwhelming otherwise. Said another way, let’s get most folks eating in a way that looks pretty close to paleo…then add in some refinements as they may be integrated and tolerated.
Rob, towards the end of the interview Matt talks about PWO glycogen repletion and concludes that eating a starchy carb PWO meal for it’s glycogen repletion benefits ruins the insulin sensitivity gained by working out. He suggests that it should only be used if you’re doing multiple WODs in a day and require fast glycogen repletion. So, should somebody who only does 1 WOD per day be using the carb heavy PWO strategy on nearly daily basis?
It’s not that simple! One can use a relatively small PWO meal and it will not completely bugger the PWO insulin sensitivity…but if your primary concern is fat loss then this is going in the wrong direction. If you are trying to increase fat as a primary fuel source in an endurance athlete it might be good to forgo the PWO carbs occasionaly to further encourage fat as a fuel source…but this can and will impact recovery for the next training session. You have to look at it more as economic trade-offs than a direct “yes, no” proposition.
Make sense?
Hi Robb,
I’m also confused about the PWO meal issue Ryan mentioned above. I’m a fairly strict Paleo follower, no Zone measuring, though. If I’m aiming for fat loss, hit 1 WOD per day in the AM and work out fasted, what’s my ideal PWO morning meal?
If you want to lean out, protein & fat…but it will impact your recovery and performance…re-read my previous post on this, it’s not a simple yes/no proposition.
Robb, great clarification on that issue, I was wondering the same thing myself. Prior to Matt’s post I was eating something like this post WOD:
4 oz Lean Meat – 4 blocks Protein
3 oz Sweet Potato – 2 blocks Carbs
30 Almonds – 10 blocks Fat
I usually had this within 45 minutes of working out. I was definitely able to come back at it hard the next day and was/am continuing a 3 on/1 off schedule, which I was never able to do when I was Paleo. I would only be able to pull off a 3/1/2/1 and be pretty beat down regularly.
My point is I appreciate the clarification, because I definitely read Matt’s post as saying
Max Performance = Quick Post-WOD Carbs
Max Fat Loss = Hold off on Post-WOD Carbs at least an hour
Also, great meeting you at the FilFest. I PR’d Fran yesterday and my favorite comment from one of the guys that consistently woops me in the WOD was “I’m scared of skinny Brian now”. Thanks a ton dude!!
I just watch the video of her doing a snatch. I didn’t think I’d be turned on by such a thing.
She is a hot little biscuit!!
Not to be bursting any bubbles here, but I think she says in her profile that she’s really a natural blond (unless I read her self-edited profile incorrectly?).
Robb its really a great information. I think a workout needs a proper diet with essential nutrients. As workout is to burn calories, one should not take more calories food. It is the only way to stay physically fit and lean.
Collin paul
Dr. Sears diet is a great start, but, I like the Paleo diet better as that is what humans have been eating before modern times.